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Created February 26, 2011 02:54
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Refactored to working example
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ServiceStack;
using ServiceStack.Common;
using ServiceStack.Common.Extensions;
using ServiceStack.Common.Utils;
using ServiceStack.Redis;
using ServiceStack.Redis.Generic;
using ServiceStack.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//string redisConnectIp = "";
string redisConnectIp = "";
IList<ProductCatalog> products1;
Shop shop1;
IList<ProductCatalog> products2;
Shop shop2;
var productsToGet = new List<string> { "Product 1", "Product 2" };
int shopId = 1;
var products = productsToGet.ConvertAll(x => new ProductCatalog { Name = x });
var shop = new Shop { Id = shopId, Name = "Shop 1" };
using (var redisClient = new RedisClient(redisConnectIp))
//SERIAL CALLS TO REDIS:: Notice the shorter alias of '.As<T>' == '.GetTypedClient<T>'
IRedisTypedClient<ProductCatalog> catalogdata1 = redisClient.As<ProductCatalog>();
IRedisTypedClient<Shop> shops1 = redisClient.As<Shop>();
//serial, works OK ==> Well no, actually it wont.
//Whenever you call GetById, you either need to have an 'Id' property or specify what the Id property is with:
ModelConfig<ProductCatalog>.Id(x => x.Name); //Setting Name as the Id property. Only need to do so once, statically i.e. on app load.
//Add some data, you can use these generic methods off redisClient instead of 'redisClient.As<T>'
products1 = catalogdata1.GetByIds(productsToGet);
shop1 = shops1.GetById(shopId); //No Id configuration for <Shop> since it has Id property
Console.WriteLine("products1: " + products1.Dump());
Console.WriteLine("shop1: " + shop1.Dump());
//now rewrite serial to parallel
IEnumerable<string> jsonProducts = null;
string jsonShop = null;
using (IRedisTransaction trans = redisClient.CreateTransaction())
IRedisTypedClient<ProductCatalog> catalogdata2 = redisClient.As<ProductCatalog>();
IRedisTypedClient<Shop> shops2 = redisClient.As<Shop>();
//Note: as you've quite rightly noticed there is a lack of a generic overload
//On redisClient.CreateTransaction() so you need to access it as a raw json string
var productKeys = productsToGet.ConvertAll(IdUtils.CreateUrn<ProductCatalog>);
var shopKey = IdUtils.CreateUrn<Shop>(shopId);
trans.QueueCommand(r => r.GetValues(productKeys), x => jsonProducts = x);
trans.QueueCommand(r => r.GetValue(shopKey), x => jsonShop = x);
products2 = jsonProducts.ConvertAll(x => JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<ProductCatalog>(x));
shop2 = JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString<Shop>(jsonShop);
Console.WriteLine("products2: " + products2.Dump());
Console.WriteLine("shop2: " + shop2.Dump());
public class Shop
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class ProductCatalog
public string Name { get; set; }
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