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Created April 21, 2020 04:19
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Dataclasses 的一个轮子 / Homemade Dataclasses
class DataclassesBase:
def __init__(self, **data):
self._annotations = self.__annotations__ if hasattr(self, "__annotations__") else {}
annotations = self._annotations.copy()
for key, value in data.items():
if key in annotations:
if isinstance(value, annotations[key]):
self.__dict__[key] = value
raise TypeError(
"The type of value of %s should be %s, but got %s" % (key, annotations[key], type(value))
warnings.warn("Got an unexpected key %s" % key)
for annotation in annotations:
error_msg = []
if not hasattr(self, annotation):
error_msg.append("\tname: %s, type: %s" % (annotation, annotations[annotation]))
if error_msg:
raise NameError("There are some missing values\n" + "\n\b".join(error_msg))
def __setattr__(self, key: Text, value: Any):
if not key.startswith("_"):
if key not in self._annotations:
warnings.warn("Got an unexpected key %s" % key)
elif not isinstance(value, self._annotations[key]):
raise TypeError(
"The type of value of %s should be %s, but got %s" % (key, self._annotations[key], type(value))
self.__dict__[key] = value
def dict(self) -> dict:
ret = {}
for annotation in self._annotations:
ret[annotation] = getattr(self, annotation)
return ret
import unittest
import warnings
import string
import random
from dataclasses import DataclassesBase
def random_string(length=16):
rule = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
rand_list = random.sample(rule, length)
return "".join(rand_list)
class DataclassesBaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
class A(DataclassesBase):
a: int
b: str
c: dict
d: str = "2"
def test_dataclasses_init(self):
a = 1
b = random_string()
c = {random_string(): random_string()}
a1 = self.A(a=a, b=b, c=c)
assert a1.a == a
assert a1.b == b
assert a1.c == c
assert a1.d == self.A.d
def test_dataclasses_todict(self):
a = 1
b = random_string()
c = {random_string(): random_string()}
a1 = self.A(a=a, b=b, c=c)
assert a1.dict() == {"a": a, "b": b, "c": c, "d": self.A.d}
def test_unexpected_key(self):
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
random_key = random_string()
self.A(a=2, b="asd", c={}, **{random_key: random_string()})
assert "Got an unexpected key %s" % random_key == str(w[-1].message)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
random_key = random_string()
a1 = self.A(a=2, b="asd", c={})
setattr(a1, random_key, random_string())
assert "Got an unexpected key %s" % random_key == str(w[-1].message)
def test_type_error(self):
self.A(a=2, b="asd", c={}, d=2)
except Exception as e:
assert "The type of value of d should be <class 'str'>, but got <class 'int'>" in str(e)
assert "Here shoule be an TypeError, but failed to trigger it" and False
def test_set_type_error(self):
a1 = self.A(a=2, b="asd", c={})
a1.d = 2
except Exception as e:
assert "The type of value of d should be <class 'str'>, but got <class 'int'>" in str(e)
assert "Here shoule be an TypeError, but failed to trigger it" and False
def test_missing_values(self):
self.A(a=2, c={})
except Exception as e:
assert "There are some missing values" in str(e)
assert "Here shoule be an NameError, but failed to trigger it" and False
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