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Last active December 21, 2015 18:39
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State
-- 基本となるオブジェクト
data Obj = Obj {
_pos :: Int
} deriving (Show)
-- Obj型のオブジェクトをもつ抽象的なクラスHasObjを作る
makeClassy ''Obj
data Ball = Ball {
_objBall :: Obj,
_r :: Int
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Ball
-- BallはObj型のobjBallをもつのでHasObjのインスタンスになる
instance HasObj Ball where
obj = objBall
data Bar = Bar {
_objBar :: Obj,
_width :: Int
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Bar
instance HasObj Bar where
obj = objBar
-- HasObjのインスタンスになったオブジェクトならなんでもこの函数で操作できる
updatePos :: (HasObj c) => c -> c
updatePos = (obj . pos) %~ (+2)
-- 各オブジェクトごとのメソッドを用意
class Display c where
draw :: c -> IO ()
update :: State c ()
-- メソッドの実装(HasObj型で全て共通化されている)
instance (HasObj c) => Display c where
draw c = putStrLn $ "drawing an object:" ++ (show $ c ^. obj ^. pos)
update = do
(obj . pos) %= (+3)
instance Display Ball where
draw c = putStrLn $ "drawing a ball:" ++ (show $ c ^. pos) ++ " r:" ++ (show $ c ^. r)
update = do
(obj . pos) %= (+3)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let a = Obj 10
print $ updatePos a
-- output: Obj {_pos = 12}
let b = Ball (Obj 10) 5
print $ updatePos b
-- output: Ball {_objBall = Obj {_pos = 12}, _r = 5}
let c = Bar (Obj 10) 100
print $ updatePos c
-- output: Bar {_objBar = Obj {_pos = 12}, _width = 100}
let d = Bar (Obj 10) 70
draw $ execState update d
-- output: drawing an object:13
let e = Ball (Obj 10) 7
draw $ execState update e
-- output: drawing a ball:13 r:7
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