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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, FlexibleContexts, TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Comonad.Env
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Monad.Operational.Mini
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
data Field = Field String (M.IntMap Chara) deriving (Show)
data Chara = Chara String deriving (Show)
updateField f (Field s m) = Field (f s) m
updateChara f (Chara s) = Chara (f s)
sync :: (Env Field Chara -> Env Field Chara) -> Field -> Field
sync f e@(Field _ c) = let (Field s k,c') = runEnv $ f $ env e (c M.! 0) in Field s $ M.insert 0 c' $ k
data Pattern p q x where
Hook :: Either (p -> p) (q -> q) -> Pattern p q ()
Parent :: Pattern p q p
Self :: Pattern p q q
makeSingletons ''Pattern
type LA p q = ReifiedProgram (Pattern p q)
runLA :: LA p q () -> Env p q -> Env p q
runLA (Hook (Left f) :>>= next) env = runLA (next ()) $ local f env
runLA (Hook (Right f) :>>= next) env = runLA (next ()) $ fmap f env
runLA (Parent :>>= next) env = runLA (next $ ask env) env
runLA (Self :>>= next) env = runLA (next $ extract env) env
runLA (Return ()) env = env
prog :: LA Field Chara ()
prog = do
hook $ Right $ updateChara ("1/"++)
c <- self
hook $ Left $ (\(Field s m) -> Field s (M.insert 1 c m))
hook $ Right $ updateChara ("2/"++)
Chara s <- self
hook $ Left $ updateField (take 2 s++)
Field s _ <- parent
c <- self
hook $ Left $ (\(Field s m) -> Field s (M.insert 2 c m))
hook $ Right $ updateChara (++("//field:" ++ s))
main = do
let e = Field "field" $ M.singleton 0 $ Chara "charaA"
print $ e
print $ sync (runLA prog) e
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import Control.Monad.Coroutine
import Control.Monad.State
data Yield x = Yield x deriving (Functor)
yield :: (Monad m) => Coroutine Yield m ()
yield = suspend (Yield $ return ())
-- No instance for (MonadTrans (Coroutine Yield))
instance Functor s => MonadTrans (Coroutine s) where
lift = Coroutine . liftM Right
producer :: Coroutine (Yield) (State String) ()
producer = do
lift $ modify (++ "!!")
lift $ modify (++ "abc")
lift $ modify (++ "??")
lift $ modify (++ "def")
main = do
let (Left (Yield r),s) = runState (resume producer) ""
print s
-- "!!abc"
let (Right _,s') = runState (resume r) s
print $ s'
-- "!!abc??def"
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