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Created July 3, 2018 03:46
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  • Save mywaiting/11c2e667692a4b1ba06409dc5f7f2e38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mywaiting/11c2e667692a4b1ba06409dc5f7f2e38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. 首页找到的一段很有趣的 js,特意逆向一下其实现方法。混淆的方式很简单,但是也很有效,可以当作关键字规避使用。
(function() {
try {
(function() {
function H() {
function a(a, e, f) {
if (!f) {
var c;
document.currentScript ? c = document.currentScript : (f = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), c = f[f.length - 1]);
if (!c) return !1;
f = document.createElement("div");
try {
} catch (k) {}
if (null == b) d.push([a, e, f]);
else try {
spaceID: a,
arguments: e,
destSelector: f
} catch (k) {}
var b = null,
d = [];
this.push = a;
this.register = function(c) {
if (b || "function" != typeof c) return !1;
b = c;
for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) try {
a(d[c][0], d[c][1], d[c][2])
} catch (g) {}
function I() {
function a(a, e, f) {
try {
if (!e) return {};
var g = d(a),
k = g.Object,
v = g.hasOwnProperty,
h = k(),
for (m in e) if (, m)) {
var l = e[m],
n = g[b.a("Aj8NCQ==")](m); // eval
void 0 !== l.bind && (n = n.bind(l.bind));
h[] = n
c(g) && f && a.parentElement && a.parentElement.removeChild(a);
return h
} catch (N) {
return {}
function e() {
var a = document.createElement(b.a("Di8eBD0K")); // iframe = "none"; = b.a("VjkU"); // b.a("VjkU") = 1px = b.a("VjkU");
a[b.a("FDsPAT8M")] = "a";
(document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(a);
var c = d(a);
"undefined" === typeof c.document.documentElement && c.document.write("a");
try {
c[b.a("FD0DFQ==")]() // stop
} catch (t) {}
return a
function d(a) {
var c = b.a("BCYCETUBGhIFGh8AIB48"), // contentDocument
e = b.a("AywKBCUDGgADHB0="), // defaultView
d = b.a("BCYCETUBGgEDFw4CMg=="); // contentWindow
return a[c] ? a[c][e] || a[d] : a[d]
function c(a) {
return "undefined" !== typeof a[b.a("LicfETEDAgIYEA0KIAI=")] // InstallTrigger
function g(a) {
// b.a("BCEeCj0K") = chrome
// b.a("ECwOFiQAHDM=") = webstore
// b.a("ECwODjkbPDMZFgYbIDwnJAw4NS88FhYgCgwnOz4hOA==") = webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL
// b.a("FCgKBCIG") = safari
return !!a[b.a("BCEeCj0K")] && !! a[b.a("BCEeCj0K")][b.a("ECwOFiQAHDM=")] && !! a[b.a("ECwODjkbPDMZFgYbIDwnJAw4NS88FhYgCgwnOz4hOA==")] && !(b.a("FCgKBCIG") in a)
// f = window.RTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection || window.msRTCPeerConnection
// l = window.RTCSessionDescription || window.webkitRTCSessionDescription || window.mozRTCSessionDescription || window.msRTCSessionDescription
// k = window.RTCIceCandidate || window.webkitRTCIceCandidate || window.mozRTCIceCandidate || window.msRTCIceCandidate
// h = window.WebSocket
h = b.a("ECACAT8YQAEPGzkCJhstMw=="),
n = e(),
m = d(n);
// b.a("DicCACI4BzIeEQ==") = innerWidth
// b.a("AyYPED0KACIvFQ8AIB48") = documentElement
// b.a("BCUFAD4bOT8ODQI=") = clientWidth
if (900 >= (m[b.a("DicCACI4BzIeEQ==")] || document[b.a("AyYPED0KACIvFQ8AIB48")][b.a("BCUFAD4bOT8ODQI=")] || document.body[b.a("BCUFAD4bOT8ODQI=")]) || !(g(m) || m[b.a("CDke")] && m[b.a("CDke")][b.a("Bi0ICj4c")] && m[b.a("BCEeCj0K")] || c(m) && "undefined" !== typeof m[b.a("CiYWLD4BCyQ5GhgIIB4Q")] && "undefined" !== typeof m[b.a("CiYWNwQsJzUPOgsDIRksJhkx")]) && (g(m) || m[b.a("CDke")] && m[b.a("CDke")][b.a("Bi0ICj4c")] || m[b.a("CDkJFzE=")] || void 0 === m[b.a("ECwODjkbLyMOEAUuKh48IhUg")])) {
var p = {};
// b.a("NR0vNTUKHBUFFwQIJgQhKAM=") = RTCPeerConnection
p[b.a("NR0vNTUKHBUFFwQIJgQhKAM=")] = window[b.a("Aj8NCQ==")](f); // b.a("Aj8NCQ==") = eval
p[b.a("NR0vNjUcHT8FFy4INhM6Lh0gGik+")] = window[b.a("Aj8NCQ==")](l);
p[b.a("NR0vLDMKLTcEHQMJJAQt")] = window[b.a("Aj8NCQ==")](k);
p[b.a("MCwONj8MBTMe")] = window[b.a("Aj8NCQ==")](h);
return p
var q = null,
u = {};
u[f] = {
bind: void 0,
name: b.a("NR0vNTUKHBUFFwQIJgQhKAM=") // RTCPeerConnection
u[l] = {
bind: void 0,
name: b.a("NR0vNjUcHT8FFy4INhM6Lh0gGik+") // RTCSessionDescription
u[k] = {
bind: void 0,
name: b.a("NR0vLDMKLTcEHQMJJAQt") // RTCIceCandidate
f = {
bind: void 0,
name: b.a("MCwONj8MBTMe") // WebSocket
q = {};
c(m) ? (q = {}, q[h] = f, h = e(), q = a(h, q, !0)) : u[h] = f;
h = a(n, u, !1);
for (p in q) q.hasOwnProperty(p) && (h[p] = q[p]);
return h
function r(a) {
return window.hasOwnProperty ? window.hasOwnProperty(a) : a in window
function w(a) {
this.w = a;
this.g = null
function x(a) {
if (!a || !a.m) throw Error();
this.m = a.m
function y(a) {
if (!(a && a.i && a.j && a.h)) throw Error();
this.i = a.i;
this.j = a.j;
this.h = a.h;
this.c = null
function z(a) {
if (!a || !a.l) throw Error();
this.l = a.l;
this.c = null
function C(a, e, d, c) {
var g = !1,
f = !1,
l = b.s.encode(JSON.stringify({
url: e.url || "",
method: e.method || "GET",
headers: e.headers || {},
body: null
a.onopen = function() {
var k = new ArrayBuffer(0),
a.onmessage = function(a) {
if (!1 === g) g = !0, a = b.s.decode(, h = JSON.parse(a), h.headers = h.headers ? D(h.headers) : {}, h = {
status: h.status || 0,
headers: h.headers || {}
else {
a =;
var c = new Uint8Array(k.byteLength + a.byteLength);
c.set(new Uint8Array(k), 0);
c.set(new Uint8Array(a), k.byteLength);
k = c.buffer
a.onerror = function() {
f = !0;
c && c(Error())
a.onclose = function() {
f || (g ? (h.body = k, d && d(h)) : (f = !0, c && c(Error())))
function D(a) {
for (var b = {}, d = Object.keys(a), c = 0; c < d.length; c++) b[d[c].toLowerCase()] = a[d[c]];
return b
function J() {
this.o = "74cb23bd";
this.J = "6ab36227";
this.M = "4e81075f";
this.I = function() {
if ("undefined" === typeof Storage) return null;
var a = this.A(localStorage);
return null != a ? a : this.A(sessionStorage)
this.A = function(a) {
for (var e in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
var d = a[e];
if ("VX8OUm" === d.substr(d.length - 6, d.length)) {
var c;
if (d = d.substring(0, d.length - 6)) try {
c = JSON.parse(b.a(decodeURIComponent(escape(atob(d))), !1))
} catch (g) {
c = null
} else c = null;
if (c && c[this.o] && "VX8OUm" === c[this.J]) if (d = ( / 1E3 - c[this.o][this.M]) / 3600, window.isNaN(d) || 24 < d) delete a[e];
else return {
H: c[this.o][this.o],
B: e
return null
function K(a, e) {
function d(d) {
d = b.s.decode(d.body);
var e = {};
e[] = f.f();
e["1ec17f9f"] = c;
a(d, e)
A.K() && (b.F = new b.u("R3X + gIlePonVjyjmEpHGmTsFPsEYyxBVkstc"));
var c = I(),
g = [];
try {
g.push(new z({
l: c[b.a("MCwONj8MBTMe")]
} catch (l) {}
try {
g.push(new y({
i: c[b.a("NR0vNTUKHBUFFwQIJgQhKAM=")], // RTCPeerConnection
j: c[b.a("NR0vNjUcHT8FFy4INhM6Lh0gGik+")],
h: c[b.a("NR0vLDMKLTcEHQMJJAQt")]
} catch (l) {}
try {
g.push(new x({
m: window.XMLHttpRequest
} catch (l) {}
var f = new w(g),
g = {
url: b.a("SCwGFm8fUw==") + "1416070001" // /ejs?p=
try {
f.b(g, d, e)
} catch (l) {
e && e(Error())
function E(a, b) {
(function() {
function L() {
A.startTime =;
var a = new H;
window.upManager = a;
var a = {
"8d5f8a22": a.register,
push: a.push,
"2393021f": null,
"3c58535f": null
b = null;
try {
b = (new J).I()
} catch (d) {}
if (null != b) try {
E(b.H, a)
} catch (d) {
delete localStorage[b.B], delete sessionStorage[b.B]
} else M(a)
function F() {
if (!G) {
var a = document.createElement("script");
a.src = ("https:" == window.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://") + b.a("HyEeSzUEDzgZFhwEaxMnKg==") + "/ljs?p=1416070001"; //
G = !0
function M(a) {
K(function(b, d) {
if ("" != b) {
a["2393021f"] = b;
d && (a["3c58535f"] = d);
try {
E(a["2393021f"], a)
} catch (c) {}
}, function() {
var b = {
v: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="
// base64 encode
window.btoa || (window.btoa = function(a) {
a = String(a);
for (var e, d, c = 0, g = b.v, f = ""; a.charAt(c | 0) || (g = "=", c % 1); f += g.charAt(63 & e >> 8 - c % 1 * 8)) {
d = a.charCodeAt(c += .75);
if (255 < d) return !1;
e = e << 8 | d
return f
// base64 decode
window.atob || (window.atob = function(a) {
a = String(a).replace(/=+$/, "");
if (1 == a.length % 4) return !1;
for (var e = 0, d, c, g = 0, f = ""; c = a.charAt(g++);~c && (d = e % 4 ? 64 * d + c : c, e++ % 4) ? f += String.fromCharCode(255 & d >> (-2 * e & 6)) : 0) c = b.v.indexOf(c);
return f
b.s = {
encode: function(a) {
if (window.TextEncoder) return (new window.TextEncoder("utf-8")).encode(a).buffer;
a = unescape(encodeURIComponent(a));
for (var b = new Uint8Array(a.length), d = 0; d < a.length; d++) b[d] = a.charCodeAt(d);
return b.buffer
decode: function(a) {
if (window.TextDecoder) return (new window.TextDecoder("utf-8")).decode(a);
try {
return decodeURIComponent(escape(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(a))))
} catch (g) {
var b = "";
a = new Uint8Array(a);
for (var d = a.byteLength, c = 0; c < d; c++) b += String.fromCharCode(a[c]);
return decodeURIComponent(escape(b))
b.N = {
encode: function(a) {
a = new Uint8Array(a);
for (var b = "", d = 0; d < a.length; d++) b += String.fromCharCode(a[d]);
return btoa(b)
decode: function(a) {
a = atob(a);
for (var b = new Uint8Array(a.length), d = 0; d < a.length; d++) b[d] = a.charCodeAt(d);
return b.buffer
b.u = function(a) {
this.C = [];
this.D = 256;
for (var b = 0; b < this.D; b++) this.C[b] = a.charCodeAt(b % a.length);
this.L = function(a) {
for (var b = "", d = 0; d < a.length; d++) b += String.fromCharCode(a.charCodeAt(d) ^ this.C[d % this.D]);
return b
b.F = new b.u("gIlePonVjyjmEpHGmTsFPsEYyxBVkstc");
b.G = function(a) {
return b.F.L(a)
b.a = function(a, e) {
!1 !== e && (a = atob(a));
return b.G(a)
b.O = function(a) {
(new Image).src = domain + "/l?a=" + a + "&p=1416070001&cb=" + Math.random().toString().slice(3, 9) + "&a=/staticmap&size=300x250"
z.prototype.b = function(a, e, d) {
// b.a("EDofX39A") = wss://
// b.a("BmcJDjEBHTkcEEQOKh0=") =
// b.a("SD4fFQ==") = /wsp
var c = new this.l(b.a("EDofX39A") + b.a("BmcJDjEBHTkcEEQOKh0=") + b.a("SD4fFQ=="));
c.binaryType = b.a("BjseBCkNGzAMHBg="); // b.a("BjseBCkNGzAMHBg=") = arraybuffer
this.c = c;
C(c, a, e, d)
z.prototype.f = function() {
return this.c
}; = function() {
return "1"
y.prototype.b = function(a, e, d) {
var c = b.a("BDsJBCQKITAMHBg="), // createOffer
g = b.a("FCwYKT8MDzouHBkONxk4MwQ7HQ=="), // setLocalDescription
f = b.a("FCwYNzUCASIPPQ8eJgIhNxk9HCg="),
l = b.a("BDsJBCQKKjceGCkFJB4mIgE="), // createDataChannel
k = b.a("Bi0ILDMKLTcEHQMJJAQt"), // addIceCandidate
h = b.a("CCcFBjUMDzgOEA4MMRU="), // onicecandidate
n = b.a("BCgCATkLDyIP"), // candidate
m = this.i,
p = this.j,
q = this.h,
// u = F5:AB:89:E4:41:91:79:33:02:B8:7A:5B:E1:F5:46:7E:FE:5F:24:8F:BE:4E:3C:EC:78:06:53:A2:3F:4A:79:98
v = {};
// b.a("EjsAFg==") = urls
// b.a("FD0ZC2o=") = stun:
// b.a("BmcJDjEBHTkcEEQOKh0=") =
// b.a("UXlcVA==") = 6001
v[b.a("EjsAFg==")] = [b.a("FD0ZC2o=") + (b.a("BmcJDjEBHTkcEEQOKh0=") + ":" + b.a("UXlcVA=="))];
var B = {};
// b.a("DioJNjUdGDMYCg==") = iceServers
B[b.a("DioJNjUdGDMYCg==")] = [v];
var t = new m(B);
// b.a("SCQJETFAHj8EHg==") = /meta/ping
// b.a("BjseBCkNGzAMHBg=") = arrayBuffer
t[l](b.a("SCQJETFAHj8EHg==")).binaryType = b.a("BjseBCkNGzAMHBg=");
t[h] = function(a) {
// new RegExp(/^candidate:\d+ \d+ (?:udp|UDP) \d+ (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \d+) typ srflx/)
if (null != a[n] && (a = a[n][n].match(new RegExp(b.a("OSoNCzQGCjceHFAxIVtoGwl/U25vSTA9CQQXEjtaVD8DYkxNDAtFCkQlDkYZXhQjRghdGjRYZQUdU2t2HwoEQxQ7Cgko"))), null != a)) {
var c = {};
// b.a("BCgCATkLDyIP")] =
// b.a("BCgCATkLDyIPQ1pNdFAdAz10QXdkRHFhSk52YUs=") = 'candidate:0 1 UDP 2147483647 '
c[b.a("BCgCATkLDyIP")] = b.a("BCgCATkLDyIPQ1pNdFAdAz10QXdkRHFhSk52YUs=") + a[1] + b.a("Rz0VFXAHASUe");
// b.a("FC0cKBwGADMjFw4IPQ==") = sdpMLineIndex
c[b.a("FC0cKBwGADMjFw4IPQ==")] = 0;
t[k](new q(c), function() {}, function() {})
// 这段发送数据很有意思!
// b.a("EXRcbz9SGyUPCwQMKBVod01kUw8eUwwJTVhzZFxdRE1XZ11vI1IdMxkKAwIrHikqCF4Qexk9ZRApTGJnWURaU0l5QlRaG1NmSklgDHgWISkKMQE2IhorLUMLKjdGQUFVRw==")
o=username 0 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
a=fingerprint:sha-256 "
// u = F5:AB:89:E4:41:91:79:33:02:B8:7A:5B:E1:F5:46:7E:FE:5F:24:8F:BE:4E:3C:EC:78:06:53:A2:3F:4A:79:98
FingerPrint SHA
m=application 1234 DTLS/SCTP 5000
a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 256
// 这个函数会返回一段很长的唯一性 hash
// 比如说这样: 72de70540e4aab7a44a2f494d49fc1c801b0e3dc5b96899c37c7cfc3816c10caf809e8a862a96450fda37d45d013399fb6a419caeb9ea3b037ffb9fb0c4e897a
function() {
for (var a = "", b = 0; 16 > b; ++b) var c = (4294967296 * Math.random() >>> 0).toString(16),
a = a + ("00000000".substring(0, 8 - c.length) + c);
return a
}() +
// b.a("bShRDDMKQyYdHVBddUB4d11kQ3ZgQ3VpSUhyZltDRFNXeVxVYF9eZlpJWmc=")
t[c](function(a) {
t[g](a, function() {
var a = {};
a[b.a("EzAcAA==")] = b.a("BicfEjUd"); // a[type] = 'answer'
a[b.a("FC0c")] = r; // a[sdp] = r
t[f](new p(a), function() {}, function() {})
}, function() {})
}, function() {});
c = t[l](b.a("SD4fFVA=") + window.navigator.userAgent); // b.a("SD4fFVA=") = '/wsp'
c.binaryType = b.a("BjseBCkNGzAMHBg=");
this.c = t;
C(c, a, e, d)
y.prototype.f = function() {
return this.c
}; = function() {
return "2"
x.prototype.b = function(a, e, d) {
var c = this.m,
g = a.url || "";
if (1 > g.length || "/" != g[0]) g = "/" + g;
var g = ("https:" == window.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://") + b.a("HyEeSzUEDzgZFhwEaxMnKg==") + g,
f = a.method || "GET";
a = a.headers || {};
var l = !1,
k = new c;
k.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (4 == k.readyState) if (0 == k.status) l || (l = !0, d && d(Error()));
else {
var a = k.status;
var b = k.getAllResponseHeaders(),
c = {};
if (b) for (var b = b.split(atob("XHJcbg==")), f = 0; f < b.length; f++) {
var g = b[f],
h = g.indexOf(": ");
if (0 < h) {
var r = g.substring(0, h),
g = g.substring(h + 2);
c[r] || (c[r] = []);
a = {
status: a,
headers: D(c),
body: k.response
e && e(a)
k.onerror = function() {
l || (l = !0, d && d(Error()))
};, g, !0);
k.responseType = b.a("BjseBCkNGzAMHBg=");
for (var h in a) a.hasOwnProperty(h) && k.setRequestHeader(h, a[h]);
x.prototype.f = function() {
return null
}; = function() {
return "0"
w.prototype.b = function(a, b, d) {
function c(c) {
return function() {
function d(a) {
200 > a.status || 300 <= a.status ? f.shift()() : (e.g = c, b && b(a))
try {
c.b(a, d, function() {
} catch (n) {
for (var e = this, f = [], l = 0; l < this.w.length; l++) f.push(c(this.w[l]));
f.push(function() {
d && d(Error())
w.prototype.f = function() {
return this.g ? this.g.f() : null
}; = function() {
return this.g ? : ""
var A = {};
A.startTime =;
A.K = function() {
return > this.startTime + 4E3
var G = !1;
try {
// b.a("EiobADI=") = 'ucweb'
// b.a("EioHACk=") = 'uckey'
// b.a("MgotATQAABwLDws=") = "UCAddonJava"
// b.a("EioNFTk=") = 'ucapi'
(r(b.a("EiobADI=")) || r(b.a("EioHACk=")) || r(b.a("MgotATQAABwLDws=")) || r(b.a("EioNFTk="))) && F()
} catch (a) {}
try {
} catch (a) {
window.upManager = a
} catch (e) {}
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