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Last active December 26, 2015 00:39
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Quora Require for Browser in 2013-10-20
this.require || function(global, undefined) {
var module = require("ModuleName");
function require(a) {
if (!exported[a]) {
rec("loader.require", "Required", a);
var b, c = installed[a];
c && ( = a, c.exports = b = {}, c(function(b) {
return demand(b, a)
}, exported[a] = b, c), c.exports && c.exports !== b && (exported[a] = c.exports), rec("loader.require.export" + (c.lazy ? ".lazy" : ""), "Exported", a))
return exported[a]
function demand(a, b) {
return require(a = absolutize(a, b)) || raise(a)
function raise(a) {
throw a
function absolutize(a, b) {
if (b && /^\./.test(a)) {
a = "/" + b + "/../" + a;
while (a != (b = a.replace(rel_path_exp, "/"))) a = b
return a.replace(/^\//, "")
function deps(a) {
if (!a.unmet) {
var b = a + "",
c, d = a.unmet = {};
require_exp.lastIndex = 0;
while (c = require_exp.exec(b)) d[c[1]] = 1
return a.unmet
function ready(a) {
if (typeof a == "object") return !0;
var b, c = {},
d = deps(a),
for (e in d) exported[e] || installed[e] ? c[e] = 1 : b = 1;
for (e in c) delete d[e];
if (b) {
log("missing modules:");
for (e in d) log(e)
return !b
function log() {
try {
var a = global.console;
a && a.log.apply(a, arguments)
} catch (b) {}
function flushQueue() {
if (!flushing) try {
while (qhead !== qtail && ready( flushing = qhead, qhead =, delete, rec("loader.flushQueue", "Start"), qhead(demand), rec("loader.flushQueue", "Finish")
} finally {
flushing = 0
function rec() {
var a = global;
return a.log && a.log.enabled && a.log.apply(a.log, arguments), history[history.length] = {
time: +(new Date),
var history = [],
installed = {},
exported = {},
qhead = {},
qtail = qhead,
require_exp = /require\(['"]([^'"]+)['"]\)/g,
rel_path_exp = /\/(\.?|[^\/]+\/\.\.)\//;
require.install("ModuleName", function(require,exports,module) {
// do something here.
require.install = function(a, b) {
rec("loader.install" + (b.lazy ? ".lazy" : ""), "Installing", a);
var c = typeof b == "object" ? exported : installed;
c[a] || (c[a] = b, flushQueue())
require.installLazy = function(id, code) {
var module = function(require, exports, module) {
window._evalCallArgs = arguments, eval("(function(require,exports,module){" + code + "//*/\n}).apply(window, window._evalCallArgs)")
module.lazy = !0, require.install(id, module)
require.enqueue = function(a) {
qtail = = a, === qtail && ready(a) && flushQueue()
rec.dump = function() {
return history.slice()
global.rec = rec,
global.require = require,
rec("loader", "Ready")
require.install("settings", {
revision: "99be23d8daabf3043010c932ca4869ab2f7f77e5",
installTime: rec("settings", "install").time,
instance: "main",
formkey: "78c9577db4c08a4fd6c9864ed77ffd9a",
uid: null,
controller: "index",
action: "index",
codebaseType: "production",
cookiePrefix: "m",
trail: null,
actionTrail: null,
mobile: false,
serverCallUrl: "/webnode2/server_call_POST?__instart__",
paraServerCallUrl: "/webnode2/server_call_parallel_POST?__instart__",
scribeSampleRate: 0.500000,
pageMode: "live" || "live",
feedAnchoring: false,
requireBase: "",
debug: false,
componentDebug: false,
appURL: null,
fbAppId: "136609459636",
mobileRedirect: false,
enableFrameBusting: true,
keyboardShortcuts: false,
isParallel: true,
client_side_js_load_delays_enabled: true,
client_side_logging: false,
client_side_server_call_error_notifications: false,
client_side_server_call_error_logging_percentage: 0,
subdomain_name: null,
subdomain_suffix: "",
default_uri_subdomain_name: null,
force_use_absolute_links: false
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