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Last active June 11, 2020 11:11
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Visual Studio Code Extensions


  2. List item
  3. change-case
  4. Code Runner
  5. Code Spell Checker
  6. DotENV
  7. EditorConfig for VS Code
  8. Encode Decode
  9. Git History
  10. GitLens - Git supercharged
  11. hexdump for VSCode
  12. Path Intellisense
  13. TODO Highlight
  14. vscode-icons
  15. XML Tools
  16. YAML


  1. Better Haml(Templating Engine)
  2. Slim(Templating Engine)
  3. Ruby(Language Server, Goto definition, Syntax highlighting, multiple ruby linters, Debugger etc)
  4. Solargraph(Ruby Intellisense, As well as documentation generation using yard)
  5. VSCode Ruby(Syntax Highlighting, Language configuration, and Snippets)
  6. endwise(Better handling of end for blocks)

Additional Config

gem install yard solargraph rubocop ruby-debug-ide byebug debase rcodetools
yard config --gem-install-yri
yard gems


  1. Stylelint
  2. Bootstrap 3 Snippits
  3. Bootstrap 4, Font awesome 4, Font Awesome 5 Free & Pro snippets Additional Config
    npm install stylelint


  1. Coffeelint
  2. ESLint(JS Linter. All formats)
  3. TSLint(Typescript)
  4. npm
  5. Bower
  6. Debugger for chrome
  7. Wallaby.js Quakka.js(JS Testing) Additional Config
    npm install eslint coffeelint typescript tslint bower


  1. Auto Close Tag
  2. Auto Rename Tag
  3. HTML CSS Support
  4. HTML Snippets
  5. HTMLHint Additional Config
    npm install htmlhint


  1. SQLTools
  2. SQL Server(mssql)
  3. Postgresql


  1. React Native Tools

Angular 2+

  1. Angular 7 Snippets - TypeScript, Html, Angular Material, ngRx, RxJS & Flex Layout
  2. Angular Language Service


  1. Cordova Tools


  1. Nativescript


  1. Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat
  2. Debugger for Java
  3. Java Dependency Viewer
  4. Maven for Java
  5. Java Extension Pack
  6. Java Test Runner
  7. Gradle


  1. Python Additional Config
    pip install pylint


  1. PHP Extension Pack
  2. PHP Debug
  3. PHP IntelliSense


  1. Rust


  1. C/C++
  2. CodeLLDB
  3. CMake
  4. CMake Tools Additional Config
    sudo apt install clang lldb


  1. C#(.NET Core/Standrad on windows)
  2. Mono Debug
  3. DocFX
  4. Debugger for Unity


  1. Lua
  2. Lua Debug
  3. vscode-lua

Less frequently used

  1. Android
  2. Arduino
  3. Azure Account
  4. Azure CLI Tools
  5. Azure Machine Learning
  6. Azure Repos
  7. Azure Resource Manager Tools
  8. Bash Debug
  9. ftp-simple
  10. Go
  11. Google Complete Me
  12. Latest TypeScript and Javascript Grammar
  13. LaTeX Workshop
  14. Live Server
  15. Markdown All in one
  16. markdownlint
  17. Matlab
  18. Powershell
  19. Pug beautify
  20. puglint
  21. Visual Studio Keymap
  22. VS Live Share
  23. vscode-elixir
  24. yo Additional Config
npm install yo
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