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// AVLTree.swift
// AVLTree
// Swift port of immutable AVLTree I implemented with Stephan Partzsch
// Original ObjC implementation:
// Copyright (c) 2014 Maxim Zaks. All rights reserved.
func ||<T>(optional : Optional<T>, defaultValue : T) -> T {
if let value = optional {
return value
return defaultValue
public func +<T>(node : AVLNode<T>, newValue : T) -> AVLNode<T> {
var newLeft : AVLNode<T>? = node.left
var newRight : AVLNode<T>? = node.right
if(newValue < node.value) {
if let left = node.left {
newLeft = left + newValue
} else {
newLeft = AVLNode(newValue)
} else if(newValue > node.value) {
if let right = node.right {
newRight = right + newValue
} else {
newRight = AVLNode(newValue)
} else {
return node
let newRoot = AVLNode(value: node.value, left: newLeft, right: newRight)
return newRoot.fixBalance()
public func-<T>(node: AVLNode<T>?, value : T) -> AVLNode<T>? {
return node?.remove(value).result
public final class AVLNode<T : Comparable> {
typealias Element = T
let left : AVLNode<Element>?
let right : AVLNode<Element>?
public let count : UInt
let depth : UInt
let balance : Int
let value : Element!
public convenience init(_ value : Element){
self.init(value: value, left: nil, right: nil)
public func contains(value : Element) -> Bool{
if self.value == value {
return true
if left?.contains(value) == true {
return true
if right?.contains(value) == true {
return true
return false
init(value : Element, left: AVLNode<Element>?, right: AVLNode<Element>?){
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right
self.count = 1 + (left?.count || 0) + (right?.count || 0)
self.depth = 1 + max((left?.depth || 0), (right?.depth || 0))
self.balance = (left?.depth || 0) - (right?.depth || 0)
func fixBalance() -> AVLNode<Element> {
if abs(balance) < 2 {
return self
if (balance == 2)
let leftBalance = self.left?.balance || 0
if (leftBalance == 1 || leftBalance == 0)
//Easy case:
return rotateToRight()
if (leftBalance == -1)
//Rotate Left to left
let newLeft = left!.rotateToLeft()
let newRoot = AVLNode(value: value, left: newLeft, right: right)
return newRoot.rotateToRight()
fatalError("LeftNode too unbalanced")
if (balance == -2)
let rightBalance = right?.balance || 0
if (rightBalance == -1 || rightBalance == 0)
//Easy case:
return rotateToLeft()
if (rightBalance == 1)
//Rotate right to right
let newRight = right!.rotateToRight()
let newRoot = AVLNode(value: value, left: left, right: newRight)
return newRoot.rotateToLeft()
fatalError("RightNode too unbalanced")
fatalError("Tree too unbalanced")
return self
func remove(value : Element) -> (result: AVLNode<Element>?, foundFlag :Bool){
if value < self.value {
let removeResult = left?.remove(value)
if removeResult == nil || removeResult!.foundFlag == false {
// Not found, so nothing changed
return (self, false)
let newRoot = AVLNode(value: self.value, left: removeResult!.result, right: right).fixBalance()
return (newRoot, true)
if value > self.value {
let removeResult = right?.remove(value)
if removeResult == nil || removeResult!.foundFlag == false {
// Not found, so nothing changed
return (self, false)
let newRoot = AVLNode(value: self.value, left: left, right: removeResult!.result)
return (newRoot, true)
//found it
return (removeRoot(), true)
func removeMin()-> (min : AVLNode<Element>, result : AVLNode<Element>?){
if left == nil {
//We are the minimum:
return (self, right)
} else {
//Go down:
let (min, newLeft) = left!.removeMin()
let newRoot = AVLNode(value: value, left: newLeft, right: right)
return (min, newRoot.fixBalance())
func removeMax()-> (max : AVLNode<Element>, result : AVLNode<Element>?){
if right == nil {
//We are the max:
return (self, left)
} else {
//Go down:
let (max, newRight) = right!.removeMax()
let newRoot = AVLNode(value: value, left: left, right: newRight)
return (max, newRoot.fixBalance())
func removeRoot() -> AVLNode<Element>? {
if left == nil {
return right
if right == nil {
return left
//Neither are empty:
if left!.count < right!.count {
// LeftNode has fewer, so promote from RightNode to minimize depth
let (min, newRight) = right!.removeMin()
let newRoot = AVLNode(value: min.value, left: left, right: newRight)
return newRoot.fixBalance()
let (max, newLeft) = left!.removeMax()
let newRoot = AVLNode(value: max.value, left: newLeft, right: right)
return newRoot.fixBalance()
func rotateToRight() -> AVLNode<Element> {
let newRight = AVLNode(value: value, left: left!.right, right: right)
return AVLNode(value: left!.value, left: left!.left, right: newRight)
func rotateToLeft() -> AVLNode<Element> {
let newLeft = AVLNode(value: value, left: left, right: right!.left)
return AVLNode(value: right!.value, left: newLeft, right: right!.right)
extension AVLNode : Printable, DebugPrintable {
public var description : String {
get {
let empty = "_"
return "(\(value) \(left?.description || empty) \(right?.description || empty))"
public var debugDescription : String {
get {
return self.description
// SequenceType implementation is based on following blog post:
extension AVLNode : SequenceType {
public func generate() -> GeneratorOf<Element> {
var stack : [AVLNode<Element>] = []
var current : AVLNode<Element>? = self
return GeneratorOf<Element> {
while(stack.count != 0 || current != nil){
if(current != nil) {
current = current!.left
} else {
let retval = stack.removeLast();
current = retval.right
return retval.value
return nil
struct ReversedSequenceOfAvlNode<T : Comparable> : SequenceType {
let node : AVLNode<T>
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<T> {
var stack : [AVLNode<T>] = []
var current : AVLNode<T>? = node
return GeneratorOf<T> {
while(stack.count != 0 || current != nil){
if(current != nil) {
current = current!.right
} else {
let retval = stack.removeLast();
current = retval.left
return retval.value
return nil
extension AVLNode {
public var reversed : SequenceOf<Element> {
get {
return SequenceOf(ReversedSequenceOfAvlNode(node: self))
// AVLTreeTests.swift
// AVLTreeTests
// Created by Maxim Zaks on 25.12.14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Maxim Zaks. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import XCTest
import AVLTree
class AVLTreeTests: XCTestCase {
func testTreeAdition() {
var tree = AVLNode("D") + "A"
println("1-------------- \(tree.description) -------------")
XCTAssertEqual(tree.description, "(D (A _ _) _)", "expected tree")
tree = tree + "H"
println("2-------------- \(tree.description) -------------")
XCTAssertEqual(tree.description, "(D (A _ _) (H _ _))", "expected tree")
tree = tree + "C"
println("3-------------- \(tree.description) -------------")
XCTAssertEqual(tree.description, "(D (A _ (C _ _)) (H _ _))", "expected tree")
tree = tree + "A"
println("4-------------- \(tree.description) -------------")
XCTAssertEqual(tree.description, "(D (A _ (C _ _)) (H _ _))", "expected tree")
tree = tree + "U"
println("5-------------- \(tree.description) -------------")
XCTAssertEqual(tree.description, "(D (A _ (C _ _)) (H _ (U _ _)))", "expected tree")
tree = tree + "E"
println("6-------------- \(tree.description) -------------")
XCTAssertEqual(tree.description, "(D (A _ (C _ _)) (H (E _ _) (U _ _)))", "expected tree")
func testBalance() {
var tree = AVLNode("A") + "B" + "C"
println("-------------- \(tree.description) -------------")
XCTAssertEqual(tree.description, "(B (A _ _) (C _ _))", "balance should be fixed")
func testRemove(){
var tree = AVLNode("A") + "B" + "C"
XCTAssertEqual(tree.description, "(B (A _ _) (C _ _))", "balance should be fixed")
let tree1 = tree - "A"
XCTAssertEqual(tree1!.description, "(B _ (C _ _))", "removed A from A B C")
let tree2 = tree - "C"
XCTAssertEqual(tree2!.description, "(B (A _ _) _)", "removed C from A B C")
let tree3 = tree - "B"
XCTAssertEqual(tree3!.description, "(A _ (C _ _))", "removed B from A B C")
let tree4 = tree - "F"
XCTAssertEqual(tree4!.description, "(B (A _ _) (C _ _))", "removed F from A B C")
let tree5 = tree - "A" - "B" - "C" - "F"
XCTAssertNil(tree5, "removed all values")
func testSequene(){
let tree = AVLNode(6) + 2 + 9 + 4 + 5
let array : [Int] = map(tree, {$0})
XCTAssertEqual(array, [2, 4, 5, 6, 9], "elements should be iterated through in the right order")
func testReverseSequene(){
let tree = AVLNode(6) + 2 + 9 + 4 + 5
let array : [Int] = map(tree.reversed, {$0})
XCTAssertEqual(array, [9, 6, 5, 4, 2], "elements should be iterated through in the right order")
func testContains(){
let tree = AVLNode(5) + 1 + 6
func testCount(){
let tree = AVLNode(5) + 1 + 6
XCTAssert(tree.count == 3)
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mzaks commented Jan 3, 2015

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