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Simple Petri net implementation in C with a couple examples
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libc.h>
typedef struct {
int *marking;
int *takes;
int *puts;
int transition_count;
int place_count;
} PetriNet;
typedef struct {
int *array;
size_t count;
size_t cap;
} vec;
void vec_init(vec *a, size_t initialSize) {
a->array = malloc(initialSize * sizeof(int));
a->count = 0;
a->cap = initialSize;
void vec_append(vec *a, int element) {
if (a->count == a->cap) {
a->cap *= 2;
a->array = realloc(a->array, a->cap * sizeof(int));
a->array[a->count++] = element;
void vec_drop_last(vec *a) {
void vec_free(vec *a) {
a->array = NULL;
a->count = a->cap = 0;
void vec_print(vec a) {
for (int i = 0; i < a.count; ++i) {
printf("%i", a.array[i]);
if (i < a.count - 1) {
printf(", ");
boolean_t marking_equals_goal(const PetriNet *net, const int *goal) {
for (int i = 0; i < net->place_count; ++i) {
if (goal[i] != 0 && net->marking[i] != goal[i]) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
boolean_t fire_transition(PetriNet *net, int t_id) {
if (net->transition_count <= t_id) {
return FALSE;
int *marking = net->marking;
for (int p = 0; p < net->place_count; ++p) {
if (marking[p] < net->takes[t_id *net-> place_count + p]) {
return FALSE;
for (int p = 0; p < net->place_count; ++p) {
marking[p] -= net->takes[t_id *net-> place_count + p];
for (int p = 0; p < net->place_count; ++p) {
marking[p] += net->puts[t_id *net-> place_count + p];
return TRUE;
void undo_transition(PetriNet *net, int t_id) {
int *marking = net->marking;
for (int p = 0; p < net->place_count; ++p) {
marking[p] += net->takes[t_id *net-> place_count + p];
for (int p = 0; p < net->place_count; ++p) {
marking[p] -= net->puts[t_id *net-> place_count + p];
boolean_t find_path(PetriNet *net, vec *result, int* goal, int max_depth) {
if (marking_equals_goal(net, goal)) {
return TRUE;
if (result->count == max_depth) {
return FALSE;
for (int t = 0; t < net->transition_count; ++t) {
if (!fire_transition(net, t)) {
vec_append(result, t);
if (find_path(net, result, goal, max_depth)) {
// rollback the net
undo_transition(net, t);
return TRUE;
undo_transition(net, t);
return FALSE;
void swap(int *xp, int *yp)
int temp = *xp;
*xp = *yp;
*yp = temp;
boolean_t find_path_with_distance_function(PetriNet *net, vec *result, int* goal, int max_depth, int (*distance_func)(int, int*, int*)) {
if (marking_equals_goal(net, goal)) {
return TRUE;
if (result->count == max_depth) {
return FALSE;
// Compute distances for all transitions
int distance[net->transition_count];
int transitions[net->transition_count];
for (int t = 0; t < net->transition_count; ++t) {
boolean_t alive = fire_transition(net, t);
distance[t] = distance_func(net->place_count, net->marking, goal);
transitions[t] = t;
if (alive) {
undo_transition(net, t);
{ // Selection sort
int n = net->transition_count;
int i, j, min_idx;
// One by one move boundary of unsorted subarray
for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
// Find the minimum element in unsorted array
min_idx = i;
for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)
if (distance[j] < distance[min_idx])
min_idx = j;
// Swap the found minimum element with the first element
swap(&distance[min_idx], &distance[i]);
swap(&transitions[min_idx], &transitions[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < net->transition_count; ++i) {
int t = transitions[i];
if (!fire_transition(net, t)) {
vec_append(result, t);
if (find_path_with_distance_function(net, result, goal, max_depth, distance_func)) {
// rollback the net
undo_transition(net, t);
return TRUE;
undo_transition(net, t);
return FALSE;
void print_marking(PetriNet net) {
for (int i = 0; i < net.place_count; ++i) {
printf("%i", net.marking[i]);
if (i < net.place_count - 1) {
printf(", ");
int manhattan_distance(int count, int* source, int* target) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (target[i] != 0) {
result += abs(source[i] - target[i]);
return result;
void light_test() {
enum Places {
on, off, places_count
enum Transitions {
_turn_on, _turn_off, transitions_count
int m[places_count] = {[off] = 1};
int take[transitions_count][places_count] = {
[_turn_on] = {
[off] = 1
[_turn_off] = {
[on] = 1
int put[transitions_count][places_count] = {
[_turn_on] = {
[on] = 1
[_turn_off] = {
[off] = 1
PetriNet net1 = {
.marking = m,
.puts = (int *) put,
.takes = (int *) take,
.place_count = places_count,
.transition_count = transitions_count
fire_transition(&net1, _turn_on);
fire_transition(&net1, _turn_on);
fire_transition(&net1, _turn_off);
vec path;
vec_init(&path, 10);
int goal[places_count] = {[on] = 1};
find_path(&net1, &path, goal, 3);
void count_test() {
enum Places {
count, places_count
enum Transitions {
increase, decrease, transition_count
int marking2[places_count] = {
[count] = 7
int takes[transition_count][places_count] = {
[increase] = {
[count] = 0
[decrease] = {
[count] = 1
int puts[transition_count][places_count] = {
[increase] = {
[count] = 1
[decrease] = {
[count] = 0
PetriNet n1 = {
.marking = marking2,
.takes = (int *) takes,
.puts = (int *) puts,
.place_count = places_count,
.transition_count = transition_count
int goal[places_count] = {[count] = 4};
vec res;
vec_init(&res, 10);
boolean_t found = find_path(&n1, &res, goal, 10);
printf("search with distance function:\n");
vec res2;
vec_init(&res2, 10);
find_path_with_distance_function(&n1, &res2, goal, 10, manhattan_distance);
void bar_bell_test() {
enum Places {
bar_bell_selected, bar_bell_not_selected,
bar_bell_10_kg, bar_bell_15_kg, bar_bell_20_kg,
plate_0_5_kg, plate_1_kg, plate_1_25_kg, plate_2_kg, plate_2_5_kg,
plate_3_kg, plate_5_kg, plate_10_kg, plate_15_kg, plate_20_kg, plate_25_kg,
enum Transitions {
pick_10_kg_bar_bell, pick_15_kg_bar_bell, pick_20_kg_bar_bell,
pick_0_5_kg_plates, pick_1_kg_plates, pick_1_25_kg_plates, pick_2_kg_plates, pick_2_5_kg_plates,
pick_3_kg_plates, pick_5_kg_plates, pick_10_kg_plates, pick_15_kg_plates, pick_20_kg_plates, pick_25_kg_plates,
int marking[places_count] = {
[bar_bell_not_selected] = 1,
[bar_bell_10_kg] = 1, [bar_bell_15_kg] = 1, [bar_bell_20_kg] = 1,
[plate_0_5_kg] = 4, [plate_1_kg] = 4, [plate_1_25_kg] = 4, [plate_2_kg] = 4, [plate_2_5_kg] = 4,
[plate_3_kg] = 4, [plate_5_kg] = 4, [plate_10_kg] = 4, [plate_15_kg] = 4, [plate_20_kg] = 4, [plate_25_kg] = 4
int takes[transition_count][places_count] = {
[pick_10_kg_bar_bell] = {[bar_bell_10_kg] = 1, [bar_bell_not_selected] = 1},
[pick_15_kg_bar_bell] = {[bar_bell_15_kg] = 1, [bar_bell_not_selected] = 1},
[pick_20_kg_bar_bell] = {[bar_bell_20_kg] = 1, [bar_bell_not_selected] = 1},
[pick_0_5_kg_plates] = {[bar_bell_selected] = 1, [plate_0_5_kg] = 2},
[pick_1_kg_plates] = {[bar_bell_selected] = 1, [plate_1_kg] = 2},
[pick_1_25_kg_plates] = {[bar_bell_selected] = 1, [plate_1_25_kg] = 2},
[pick_2_kg_plates] = {[bar_bell_selected] = 1, [plate_2_kg] = 2},
[pick_2_5_kg_plates] = {[bar_bell_selected] = 1, [plate_2_5_kg] = 2},
[pick_3_kg_plates] = {[bar_bell_selected] = 1, [plate_3_kg] = 2},
[pick_5_kg_plates] = {[bar_bell_selected] = 1, [plate_5_kg] = 2},
[pick_10_kg_plates] = {[bar_bell_selected] = 1, [plate_10_kg] = 2},
[pick_15_kg_plates] = {[bar_bell_selected] = 1, [plate_15_kg] = 2},
[pick_20_kg_plates] = {[bar_bell_selected] = 1, [plate_20_kg] = 2},
[pick_25_kg_plates] = {[bar_bell_selected] = 1, [plate_25_kg] = 2},
int puts[transition_count][places_count] = {
[pick_10_kg_bar_bell] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 10000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_15_kg_bar_bell] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 15000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_20_kg_bar_bell] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 20000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_0_5_kg_plates] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 1000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_1_kg_plates] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 2000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_1_25_kg_plates] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 2500, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_2_kg_plates] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 4000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_2_5_kg_plates] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 5000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_3_kg_plates] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 6000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_5_kg_plates] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 10000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_10_kg_plates] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 20000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_15_kg_plates] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 30000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_20_kg_plates] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 40000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
[pick_25_kg_plates] = {[total_weight_in_gram] = 50000, [bar_bell_selected] = 1},
PetriNet net = {
.place_count = places_count,
.transition_count = transition_count,
.marking = marking,
.takes = (int *) takes,
.puts = (int *) puts
int goal[places_count] = { [total_weight_in_gram] = 70500};
vec result;
vec_init(&result, 3);
printf("-----------Bar Bell----------- \n");
int success = find_path(&net, &result, goal, 5);
printf("Success: %i \n", success);
printf("----------- \n");
// find solution after 20 kg bar bell is picked
fire_transition(&net, pick_20_kg_bar_bell);
vec result2;
vec_init(&result2, 3);
int success2 = find_path(&net, &result2, goal, 4);
printf("Success: %i \n", success2);
printf("-----------With distance function----------- \n");
vec result3;
vec_init(&result2, 3);
int success3 = find_path_with_distance_function(&net, &result3, goal, 5, manhattan_distance);
printf("Success: %i \n", success3);
printf("----------- \n");
void test_towers_of_hanoi() {
enum Places {
a___, a__1, a__2, a__3, a_12, a_13, a_23, a123,
b___, b__1, b__2, b__3, b_12, b_13, b_23, b123,
c___, c__1, c__2, c__3, c_12, c_13, c_23, c123,
enum Transitions {
a123_to_b___, a123_to_c___,
a_23_to_b___, a_23_to_c___,
a_12_to_b___, a_12_to_c___, a_12_to_b__3, a_12_to_c__3,
a__3_to_b___, a__3_to_c___,
a__2_to_b___, a__2_to_c___, a__2_to_b__3, a__2_to_c__3,
a__1_to_b___, a__1_to_c___, a__1_to_b__2, a__1_to_c__2, a__1_to_b__3, a__1_to_c__3, a__1_to_b_23, a__1_to_c_23,
b123_to_a___, b123_to_c___,
b_23_to_a___, b_23_to_c___,
b_12_to_a___, b_12_to_c___, b_12_to_a__3, b_12_to_c__3,
b__3_to_a___, b__3_to_c___,
b__2_to_a___, b__2_to_c___, b__2_to_a__3, b__2_to_c__3,
b__1_to_a___, b__1_to_c___, b__1_to_a__2, b__1_to_c__2, b__1_to_a__3, b__1_to_c__3, b__1_to_a_23, b__1_to_c_23,
c123_to_b___, c123_to_a___,
c_23_to_b___, c_23_to_a___,
c_12_to_b___, c_12_to_a___, c_12_to_b__3, c_12_to_a__3,
c__3_to_b___, c__3_to_a___,
c__2_to_b___, c__2_to_a___, c__2_to_b__3, c__2_to_a__3,
c__1_to_b___, c__1_to_a___, c__1_to_b__2, c__1_to_a__2, c__1_to_b__3, c__1_to_a__3, c__1_to_b_23, c__1_to_a_23,
int marking[places_count] = {
[a123] = 1,
[b___] = 1,
[c___] = 1
int takes[transitions_count][places_count] = {
[a123_to_b___] = {[a123] = 1, [b___] = 1},
[a123_to_c___] = {[a123] = 1, [c___] = 1},
[a_23_to_b___] = {[a_23] = 1, [b___] = 1},
[a_23_to_c___] = {[a_23] = 1, [c___] = 1},
[a_12_to_b___] = {[a_12] = 1, [b___] = 1},
[a_12_to_c___] = {[a_12] = 1, [c___] = 1},
[a_12_to_b__3] = {[a_12] = 1, [b__3] = 1},
[a_12_to_c__3] = {[a_12] = 1, [c__3] = 1},
[a__3_to_b___] = {[a__3] = 1, [b___] = 1},
[a__3_to_c___] = {[a__3] = 1, [c___] = 1},
[a__2_to_b___] = {[a__2] = 1, [b___] = 1},
[a__2_to_c___] = {[a__2] = 1, [c___] = 1},
[a__2_to_b__3] = {[a__2] = 1, [b__3] = 1},
[a__2_to_c__3] = {[a__2] = 1, [c__3] = 1},
[a__1_to_b___] = {[a__1] = 1, [b___] = 1},
[a__1_to_c___] = {[a__1] = 1, [c___] = 1},
[a__1_to_b__2] = {[a__1] = 1, [b__2] = 1},
[a__1_to_c__2] = {[a__1] = 1, [c__2] = 1},
[a__1_to_b__3] = {[a__1] = 1, [b__3] = 1},
[a__1_to_c__3] = {[a__1] = 1, [c__3] = 1},
[a__1_to_b_23] = {[a__1] = 1, [b_23] = 1},
[a__1_to_c_23] = {[a__1] = 1, [c_23] = 1},
[b123_to_a___] = {[b123] = 1, [a___] = 1},
[b123_to_c___] = {[b123] = 1, [c___] = 1},
[b_23_to_a___] = {[b_23] = 1, [a___] = 1},
[b_23_to_c___] = {[b_23] = 1, [c___] = 1},
[b_12_to_a___] = {[b_12] = 1, [a___] = 1},
[b_12_to_c___] = {[b_12] = 1, [c___] = 1},
[b_12_to_a__3] = {[b_12] = 1, [a__3] = 1},
[b_12_to_c__3] = {[b_12] = 1, [c__3] = 1},
[b__3_to_a___] = {[b__3] = 1, [a___] = 1},
[b__3_to_c___] = {[b__3] = 1, [c___] = 1},
[b__2_to_a___] = {[b__2] = 1, [a___] = 1},
[b__2_to_c___] = {[b__2] = 1, [c___] = 1},
[b__2_to_a__3] = {[b__2] = 1, [a__3] = 1},
[b__2_to_c__3] = {[b__2] = 1, [c__3] = 1},
[b__1_to_a___] = {[b__1] = 1, [a___] = 1},
[b__1_to_c___] = {[b__1] = 1, [c___] = 1},
[b__1_to_a__2] = {[b__1] = 1, [a__2] = 1},
[b__1_to_c__2] = {[b__1] = 1, [c__2] = 1},
[b__1_to_a__3] = {[b__1] = 1, [a__3] = 1},
[b__1_to_c__3] = {[b__1] = 1, [c__3] = 1},
[b__1_to_a_23] = {[b__1] = 1, [a_23] = 1},
[b__1_to_c_23] = {[b__1] = 1, [c_23] = 1},
[c123_to_b___] = {[c123] = 1, [b___] = 1},
[c123_to_a___] = {[c123] = 1, [a___] = 1},
[c_23_to_b___] = {[c_23] = 1, [b___] = 1},
[c_23_to_a___] = {[c_23] = 1, [a___] = 1},
[c_12_to_b___] = {[c_12] = 1, [b___] = 1},
[c_12_to_a___] = {[c_12] = 1, [a___] = 1},
[c_12_to_b__3] = {[c_12] = 1, [b__3] = 1},
[c_12_to_a__3] = {[c_12] = 1, [a__3] = 1},
[c__3_to_b___] = {[c__3] = 1, [b___] = 1},
[c__3_to_a___] = {[c__3] = 1, [a___] = 1},
[c__2_to_b___] = {[c__2] = 1, [b___] = 1},
[c__2_to_a___] = {[c__2] = 1, [a___] = 1},
[c__2_to_b__3] = {[c__2] = 1, [b__3] = 1},
[c__2_to_a__3] = {[c__2] = 1, [a__3] = 1},
[c__1_to_b___] = {[c__1] = 1, [b___] = 1},
[c__1_to_a___] = {[c__1] = 1, [a___] = 1},
[c__1_to_b__2] = {[c__1] = 1, [b__2] = 1},
[c__1_to_a__2] = {[c__1] = 1, [a__2] = 1},
[c__1_to_b__3] = {[c__1] = 1, [b__3] = 1},
[c__1_to_a__3] = {[c__1] = 1, [a__3] = 1},
[c__1_to_b_23] = {[c__1] = 1, [b_23] = 1},
[c__1_to_a_23] = {[c__1] = 1, [a_23] = 1},
int puts[transitions_count][places_count] = {
[a123_to_b___] = {[a_23] = 1, [b__1] = 1},
[a123_to_c___] = {[a_23] = 1, [c__1] = 1},
[a_23_to_b___] = {[a__3] = 1, [b__2] = 1},
[a_23_to_c___] = {[a__3] = 1, [c__2] = 1},
[a_12_to_b___] = {[a__2] = 1, [b__1] = 1},
[a_12_to_c___] = {[a__2] = 1, [c__1] = 1},
[a_12_to_b__3] = {[a__2] = 1, [b_13] = 1},
[a_12_to_c__3] = {[a__2] = 1, [c_13] = 1},
[a__3_to_b___] = {[a___] = 1, [b__3] = 1},
[a__3_to_c___] = {[a___] = 1, [c__3] = 1},
[a__2_to_b___] = {[a___] = 1, [b__2] = 1},
[a__2_to_c___] = {[a___] = 1, [c__2] = 1},
[a__2_to_b__3] = {[a___] = 1, [b_23] = 1},
[a__2_to_c__3] = {[a___] = 1, [c_23] = 1},
[a__1_to_b___] = {[a___] = 1, [b__1] = 1},
[a__1_to_c___] = {[a___] = 1, [c__1] = 1},
[a__1_to_b__2] = {[a___] = 1, [b_12] = 1},
[a__1_to_c__2] = {[a___] = 1, [c_12] = 1},
[a__1_to_b__3] = {[a___] = 1, [b_13] = 1},
[a__1_to_c__3] = {[a___] = 1, [c_13] = 1},
[a__1_to_b_23] = {[a___] = 1, [b123] = 1},
[a__1_to_c_23] = {[a___] = 1, [c123] = 1},
[b123_to_a___] = {[b_23] = 1, [a__1] = 1},
[b123_to_c___] = {[b_23] = 1, [c__1] = 1},
[b_23_to_a___] = {[b__3] = 1, [a__2] = 1},
[b_23_to_c___] = {[b__3] = 1, [c__2] = 1},
[b_12_to_a___] = {[b__2] = 1, [a__1] = 1},
[b_12_to_c___] = {[b__2] = 1, [c__1] = 1},
[b_12_to_a__3] = {[b__2] = 1, [a_13] = 1},
[b_12_to_c__3] = {[b__2] = 1, [c_13] = 1},
[b__3_to_a___] = {[b___] = 1, [a__3] = 1},
[b__3_to_c___] = {[b___] = 1, [c__3] = 1},
[b__2_to_a___] = {[b___] = 1, [a__2] = 1},
[b__2_to_c___] = {[b___] = 1, [c__2] = 1},
[b__2_to_a__3] = {[b___] = 1, [a_23] = 1},
[b__2_to_c__3] = {[b___] = 1, [c_23] = 1},
[b__1_to_a___] = {[b___] = 1, [a__1] = 1},
[b__1_to_c___] = {[b___] = 1, [c__1] = 1},
[b__1_to_a__2] = {[b___] = 1, [a_12] = 1},
[b__1_to_c__2] = {[b___] = 1, [c_12] = 1},
[b__1_to_a__3] = {[b___] = 1, [a_13] = 1},
[b__1_to_c__3] = {[b___] = 1, [c_13] = 1},
[b__1_to_a_23] = {[b___] = 1, [a123] = 1},
[b__1_to_c_23] = {[b___] = 1, [c123] = 1},
[c123_to_b___] = {[c_23] = 1, [b__1] = 1},
[c123_to_a___] = {[c_23] = 1, [a__1] = 1},
[c_23_to_b___] = {[c__3] = 1, [b__2] = 1},
[c_23_to_a___] = {[c__3] = 1, [a__2] = 1},
[c_12_to_b___] = {[c__2] = 1, [b__1] = 1},
[c_12_to_a___] = {[c__2] = 1, [a__1] = 1},
[c_12_to_b__3] = {[c__2] = 1, [b_13] = 1},
[c_12_to_a__3] = {[c__2] = 1, [a_13] = 1},
[c__3_to_b___] = {[c___] = 1, [b__3] = 1},
[c__3_to_a___] = {[c___] = 1, [a__3] = 1},
[c__2_to_b___] = {[c___] = 1, [b__2] = 1},
[c__2_to_a___] = {[c___] = 1, [a__2] = 1},
[c__2_to_b__3] = {[c___] = 1, [b_23] = 1},
[c__2_to_a__3] = {[c___] = 1, [a_23] = 1},
[c__1_to_b___] = {[c___] = 1, [b__1] = 1},
[c__1_to_a___] = {[c___] = 1, [a__1] = 1},
[c__1_to_b__2] = {[c___] = 1, [b_12] = 1},
[c__1_to_a__2] = {[c___] = 1, [a_12] = 1},
[c__1_to_b__3] = {[c___] = 1, [b_13] = 1},
[c__1_to_a__3] = {[c___] = 1, [a_13] = 1},
[c__1_to_b_23] = {[c___] = 1, [b123] = 1},
[c__1_to_a_23] = {[c___] = 1, [a123] = 1},
PetriNet net = {
.marking = marking,
.place_count = places_count,
.transition_count = transitions_count,
.puts = (int *) puts,
.takes = (int *) takes
int goal[places_count] = { [c123] = 1};
vec result;
vec_init(&result, 3);
printf("-----------Towers of hanoi----------- \n");
int success = find_path(&net, &result, goal, 7);
printf("Success: %i \n", success);
printf("----------- \n");
int main() {
printf("Hello, World!\n");
return 0;
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