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Created April 18, 2018 11:06
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GeoIPV2 Sample
public class GeoIpApiV2
public static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(GeoIpApiV2.class.getName());
private DatabaseReader cityReader;
private DatabaseReader ispReader;
public static String lastGeoIPPath;
public static String lastGeoIPSubPath;
private static class InstanceHolder
public static final GeoIpApiV2 instance = new GeoIpApiV2();
public static GeoIpApiV2 getInstance()
return InstanceHolder.instance;
private GeoIpApiV2()
// A File object pointing to your GeoIP2 or GeoLite2 database
File databaseCity = new File ( ConfigGeoIP.MAXMIND_GEOIP_VER2_PATH + ConfigGeoIP.MAXMIND_GEOIP_VER2_DATE_SUBPATH + "GeoIP2-City.mmdb" );
File databaseISP = new File ( ConfigGeoIP.MAXMIND_GEOIP_VER2_PATH + ConfigGeoIP.MAXMIND_GEOIP_VER2_DATE_SUBPATH + "GeoIP2-ISP.mmdb" );
// This creates the DatabaseReader object, which should be reused across lookups.
this.cityReader = new DatabaseReader.Builder(databaseCity).fileMode(Reader.FileMode.MEMORY).build();
this.ispReader = new DatabaseReader.Builder(databaseISP).fileMode(Reader.FileMode.MEMORY).build();
// Change last values
GeoIpApiV2.lastGeoIPPath = ConfigGeoIP.MAXMIND_GEOIP_VER2_PATH;
catch (IOException e)
public void reloadGeoIPServices ()
// A File object pointing to your GeoIP2 or GeoLite2 database
File databaseCity = new File ( ConfigGeoIP.MAXMIND_GEOIP_VER2_PATH + ConfigGeoIP.MAXMIND_GEOIP_VER2_DATE_SUBPATH + "GeoIP2-City.mmdb" );
File databaseISP = new File ( ConfigGeoIP.MAXMIND_GEOIP_VER2_PATH + ConfigGeoIP.MAXMIND_GEOIP_VER2_DATE_SUBPATH + "GeoIP2-ISP.mmdb" );
// Local readers
DatabaseReader localCityReader;
DatabaseReader localIspReader;
// This creates the DatabaseReader object, which should be reused across lookups.
localCityReader = new DatabaseReader.Builder(databaseCity).fileMode(Reader.FileMode.MEMORY).build();
localIspReader = new DatabaseReader.Builder(databaseISP).fileMode(Reader.FileMode.MEMORY).build();
// Change last values
GeoIpApiV2.lastGeoIPPath = ConfigGeoIP.MAXMIND_GEOIP_VER2_PATH;
// Replace geoip libs
this.cityReader = localCityReader;
this.ispReader = localIspReader;
catch (IOException e)
public IspResponse getIspResponse ( String currentIp )
InetAddress ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName(currentIp);
IspResponse response = ispReader.isp(ipAddress);
return response;
catch ( Exception e ) {}
return null;
public IspResponse getIspResponse ( InetAddress ipAddress )
IspResponse response = ispReader.isp(ipAddress);
return response;
catch ( Exception e ) {}
return null;
public CityResponse getCityResponse ( String currentIp )
InetAddress ipAddress = InetAddress.getByName(currentIp);
CityResponse response =;
return response;
catch ( Exception e ) {}
return null;
public CityResponse getCityResponse ( InetAddress ipAddress )
CityResponse response =;
return response;
catch ( Exception e ) {}
return null;
public class Sample
public static void main ( String[] args )
String ip = "";
System.out.println("ASN Number: " + GeoIpApiV2.getInstance().getIspResponse(ip).getAutonomousSystemNumber());
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