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Forked from drorm/proxy.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Proxy for multiple subdomains
//This script proxies multiple subdomains for a Meteor Application. More to edit.
"use strict";
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy'),
http = require('http'),
accesslog = require('access-log'),
var LISTENPORT = 80; //port we're listening to the outside world
var METEORPORT = 3000; //port meteor is run on the guests
var MINIP = 10; //Minimum IP address we can use. Smaller numbers are for admin purposes
var MYDOMAIN = '';
var LOCAL_SUBNET = '10.0.3.';
var currentMaxNumber = MINIP;
var devwikCollection;
var proxyServer = null;
var devwikDb = null
// routing hash
addresses = {
'': {
host: '',
'': {
host: 'localhost',
port: 3000
//This is our testing server
'': {
host: 'localhost',
port: 4000
'default': {
host: 'localhost',//by default go the devwik's main page if we don't match something we know.
port: METEORPORT //TODO: do we want to send them to a 404 Not found.?
var mongo = require('mongodb'),
Server = mongo.Server,
Db = mongo.Db;
//var server = new Server('localhost', 27017, {safe:true});
var server = new Server('localhost', 27017);
//var db = new Db('devwik', server, {safe:true});
var db = new Db('devwik', server);
var devwikUsersHash;, db) {
if(err) {
} else {
devwikDb = db;
//load the devwik Users first.
function loadUsers(callBack) {
//load the Devwik Users first and insert them into a hash
devwikUsersHash = new Object();
devwikDb.collection('DevwikUsers', function(err, devwikUsers) {
if(err) {
} else {
devwikCollection = devwikUsers;
var stream = devwikUsers.find({}).stream();
stream.on("data", function(devwikUser) {
var userNumber = devwikUser.userNumber;
//console.log(" id:" + devwikUser.meteorId + " userNumber:" + userNumber + " port:" + devwikUser.port + " app:" + devwikUser.currentApp + " editor:" + devwikUser.editorType);
if(userNumber && (userNumber > currentMaxNumber)) { //find out what's the current highest number used
currentMaxNumber = userNumber;
devwikUsersHash[devwikUser.meteorId] = devwikUser; //set it up for each lookup by id
stream.on("end", function() {
if (callBack) {
//load the Meteor Users next.
function loadMeteorUsers() {
devwikDb.collection('users', function(err, users) {
if(err) {
} else {
var stream = users.find({},{sort: {createdAt: 1}}).stream();
stream.on("data", function(user) {
/*construct something like:
'': {
host: '',
var devwikUser = devwikUsersHash[user._id];
if (!devwikUser) {
console.log('###Error. User:' + user.username + ' does not exist in devwikUser');
var userNumber = devwikUser.userNumber;
if (!userNumber) { //user doesn't currently have a number assigned
userNumber = currentMaxNumber;//give them the next number
console.log('Setting:' + user.username + " to:" + userNumber);
//And update it in the db for future use an also to inform the app
//TODO: race condition. Need to make sure that this is single threaded
devwikCollection.update({meteorId:user._id},{$set: {userNumber: userNumber}});
var vhost = new Object();
var subDomain = user.username + '.' + MYDOMAIN; = LOCAL_SUBNET + (userNumber);
vhost.port = METEORPORT;
addresses[subDomain] = vhost;
//console.log(" name:" + user.username + " id" + user._id);
stream.on("end", function() {
if (!proxyServer) {
runProxy();//first time
console.log('Starting, pid:' +;
function runProxy() {
proxyServer = httpProxy.createServer(function (request, response, proxy) {
var target;
// accesslog(request, response);
var buffer = httpProxy.buffer(request);
// if we have a host in the routing hash we proxy to it
// otherwise we proxy to default host
target = (addresses[]) ? addresses[] : addresses.default;
target.buffer = buffer;
proxy.proxyRequest(request, response, target);
proxyServer.proxy.on('proxyError', function (err, req, res) {
res.writeHead(500, {
'Content-Type': 'text/html'
res.end("<h1> Not available </h1> Sorry, it looks like you've reached a site that is currently unavailable. <br/> Try later or check out <a href=''>our home page at'</a>.</body></html>");
res.end("</body> </html>");
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
request.on("end", function () {
//Called after the user is handled
var callBack = function() {
response.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
// Send data and end response.
* Contact the prox to let it know to check for a new user.
* 1. It will: find the user in the db
* 2. Assign them a unique ID TODO: you need to create a unique index
* 3. Update the db with the unique ID
* 4. Associate the IP address with the user name/sub domain such as
Devwik.notifyProxy = function notifyProxy(callback) {
var options = {
host: 'localhost',
port: 9999,
path: '/',
method: 'GET'
var req = http.request(options, function(res) {
console.log('STATUS: ' + res.statusCode);
console.log('HEADERS: ' + JSON.stringify(res.headers));
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
console.log('BODY: ' + chunk);
req.on('error', function(e) {
console.log('problem with request: ' + e.message);
// write data to request body
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