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Autoconfiguration of Nagios.
nmap 192.168.0-4.1-255 -sT -O -oG nmap.out nmap.out
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# License: GPL
### Nagios Bulk Import (
#This perl script will take a nmap generated "grepable" file and create a host file for nagios
# nmap <IP Range> -s[S|T|A|W] -O -oG <FILENAME>
# You need to add the service.cfg, command.cfg & the hostgroups.cfg below to your existing files
# Created on Jan 16, 2012 by ldecker (
# License: GPL
# No warranties in any way given.
# Revision 1.0 2012/01/16 14:46:05 ldecker
# initial version
use strict;
use warnings;
my(@dataseg, @tempseg, $recfile, $recline, $out1, $elem, $i, $portflg, $osflg);
my($hostname, $hostaddr, $hostos, $hostgrps, $openptrport, $tempfile, $outhost);
sub init
if( $#ARGV eq -1)
print " <(nmap <IP Range> -s[S|T|A] -O -oG) INPUT FILE>\n";
system("rm $outhost tempfile*");
# This grep statement removes all the single "Up" lines and replaces the () with ^ so the hostname will equal the hostIP - there was no DNS entry
system("grep -v Up $recfile | sed \"s/\(\)/^/g\" | sed \"s/\(//g\" | sed \"s/\)//g\" | sed \"s/\\//\|/g\" | sed \"s/\|\|\|/\|/g\" | sed \"s/\|\|/\|/g\" | sed \"s/\t/ /g\" | grep -i -v nmap > $tempfile");
sub read_nmap
open(OUTHOST,"> $outhost");
open(RECFILE,"< $tempfile");
next if $recline =~ /Status: Down/;
@dataseg = split(/ /,$recline);
$elem = @dataseg;
# Set the hostname equal to the hostIP - there was no DNS entry
$hostname=($dataseg[2] eq '^')?$dataseg[1]:$dataseg[2];
if($dataseg[$i] eq "Ports:") { $osflg=0;$portflg=1; }
elsif($dataseg[$i] eq "OS:") { $portflg=0;$osflg=1; }
if($dataseg[$i] =~ /open/)
@tempseg = split(/\|/,$dataseg[$i]);
# This switch block is used to setup the hostgroup membership based on the ports that were
# found open during the nmap run
if ($tempseg[0] eq 21) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."ftp, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 22) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."ssh, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 23) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."telnet, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 25) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."smtp, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 42) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."wins, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 53) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."dns, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 80) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."http, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 88) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."kerberos, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 110) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."pop3, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 143) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."imap2, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 389) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."ldap, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 443) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."https, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 515) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."lpd, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 631) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."ipp, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 636) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."ldaps, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 993) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."imaps, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 995) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."pop3s, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 1433) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."mssql, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 3306) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."mysql, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 3389) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."termsrv, "; last SWITCH; }
if ($tempseg[0] eq 8080) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."http-proxy, "; last SWITCH; }
warn "Unknown port number: $tempseg[0]\n";
# Remd this port out until I can test correctly VNC
# if ($tempseg[0] =~/5900/) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."vnc, "; last SWITCH; }
# Put a switch here because windows shows 9100 port open but I couldn't get an answer
if ($tempseg[0] =~/9100/) { $openptrport=1; last SWITCH; }
# Template
# if ($tempseg[0] =~/<port>/) { $hostgrps = $hostgrps."<hostgroupname "; last SWITCH; }
if($dataseg[$i] =~ /Linux|HP-UX|NetBSD|Solaris/i) { $hostos="linux-server"; $hostgrps = $hostgrps."linux "; $osflg=0; }
elsif($dataseg[$i] =~ /Microsoft/i) { $hostos="windows-server"; $hostgrps = $hostgrps."windows "; $osflg=0; }
elsif($dataseg[$i] =~ /Cisco/i) { $hostos="generic-switch"; $hostgrps = $hostgrps."switches "; }
elsif($dataseg[$i] =~ /Aironet/i) { $hostos="generic-switch"; $hostgrps = "aironet, switches "; $osflg=0; }
elsif($dataseg[$i] =~ /printer/i) { $hostos="generic-printer";$hostgrps = $openptrport ? $hostgrps."jdir, printers ": $hostgrps."printers "; $osflg=0; }
elsif($dataseg[$i] =~ /APC/i) { $hostos="generic-device"; $hostgrps = $hostgrps."ups "; $osflg=0; }
elsif($dataseg[$i] =~ /:/) { $osflg=0; }
# Default host OS if no host OS was found
if($hostos eq "") { $hostos="windows-server"; $hostgrps = $hostgrps."windows "; }
define host {
use %s
host_name %s
address %s
hostgroups %s
}\n", $hostos, $hostname, $hostaddr, $hostgrps);
print OUTHOST $out1;
### hostgroups.cfg ###
#define hostgroup{
# hostgroup_name linux
# alias Linux Servers
#define hostgroup{
# hostgroup_name windows
# alias Window Servers
#define hostgroup{
# hostgroup_name switches
# alias Network Switches
#define hostgroup{
# hostgroup_name printers
# alias Network Printers
#define hostgroup{
# hostgroup_name ups
# alias UPS
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name ftp
# alias FTP Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name ssh
# alias SSH Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name telnet
# alias Telnet Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name smtp
# alias Email Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name dns
# alias DNS Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name http
# alias Web Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name https
# alias Secure Web Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name lpd
# alias Unix Print Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name ipp
# alias Internet Printing
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name mssql
# alias MS-SQL Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name mysql
# alias mysql Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name termsrv
# alias Term Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name jdir
# alias JetDirect Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name vnc
# alias VNC Service
#define hostgroup {
# hostgroup_name aironet
# alias Cisco Aironet
### hostgroups.cfg ###
### service.cfg ###
#define service{
# use local-service
# host_name *
# service_description PING
# check_command check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%
# }
## Define a service to check SSH
#define service{
# use local-service
# hostgroup_name ssh
# service_description SSH
# servicegroups ssh
# check_command check_ssh
# }
## Define a service to check HTTP
#define service{
# use local-service
# hostgroup_name http
# service_description HTTP
# servicegroups http
# check_command check_http
# }
## Define a service to check HTTPS
#define service{
# use local-service
# hostgroup_name https
# service_description HTTPS
# servicegroups https
# check_command check_https
# }
## Define a service to check FTP
#define service{
# use local-service
# hostgroup_name ftp
# service_description FTP
# servicegroups ftp
# check_command check_ftp
# }
## Define a service to check Terminal Services
#define service{
# use local-service
# hostgroup_name termsrv
# service_description TermSrv
# servicegroups termsrv
# check_command check_x224
# }
## Define a service to check DNS
#define service{
# use local-service
# hostgroup_name dns
# service_description DNS
# servicegroups dns
# check_command check_dns
# }
## Define a service to check VNC
##define service{
## use local-service
## hostgroup_name vnc
## service_description VNC
## servicegroups vnc
## check_command check_http
## }
## Define a service for Jetdirect
#define service{
# use local-service
# hostgroup_name jdir
# service_description JetDirect
# servicegroups jdir
# check_command check_hpjd
# }
#define service{
# use local-service
# hostgroup_name aironet
# service_description Aironet
# servicegroups aironet
# check_command check_airo
# }
### service.cfg ###
### command.cfg ###
## 'check_ftp' command definition
#define command{
# command_name check_ftp
# command_line $USER1$/check_ftp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -r crit
# }
## 'check_hpjd' command definition
#define command{
# command_name check_hpjd
# command_line $USER1$/check_tcp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 9100
# }
## 'check_http' command definition
#define command{
# command_name check_http
# command_line $USER1$/check_http -I $HOSTADDRESS$ -p80 -e HTTP/,DOCTYPE
# }
# 'check_https' command definition
#define command{
# command_name check_https
# command_line $USER1$/check_tcp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 443
# }
## 'check_airo' command definition
#define command{
# command_name check_airo
# command_line $USER1$/check_tcp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 22
# }
## 'check_ssh' command definition
#define command{
# command_name check_ssh
# command_line $USER1$/check_ssh $ARG1$ $HOSTADDRESS$
# }
## 'check_dns' command definition
#define command{
# command_name check_dns
# command_line $USER1$/check_dns -s $HOSTADDRESS$
# }
## 'check_x224' command definition
#define command{
# command_name check_x224
# command_line $USER1$/check_x224 -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$
# }
### command.cfg
### servicegroups.cfg
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name ftp
# alias FTP Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name ssh
# alias SSH Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name telnet
# alias Telnet Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name smtp
# alias Email Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name dns
# alias DNS Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name http
# alias Web Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name https
# alias Secure Web Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name lpd
# alias Unix Print Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name ipp
# alias Internet Printing
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name mssql
# alias MS-SQL Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name mysql
# alias mysql Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name termsrv
# alias Term Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name jdir
# alias JetDirect Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name vnc
# alias VNC Service
#define servicegroup {
# servicegroup_name aironet
# alias Cisco Aironet
### servicegroups.cfg
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