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Created January 25, 2021 05:13
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public static ConsultationUserExtendInfo GetUserExtendInfo(ConsultationSessionStateDto consultation, List<ConsultationPreviousStatesDto> previousStates)
ConsultationUserExtendInfo userExtendInfo = new ConsultationUserExtendInfo()
IsAllowed = true,
//ExtendDuration = 5 // Minutes Duration By Default
// if the user has extended once before or the doctor has extended once before, then reject extend
var consultType = consultation.Type.ToEnumOrDefault<ConsultationType>(ConsultationType.Unknown);
var consultLastState = consultation.LastState.ToEnum<ConsultationState>();
if (consultType == ConsultationType.CuraAnyTimeConsult ||
consultType == ConsultationType.BundleConsult ||
consultType == ConsultationType.AdhocSupportConsult ||
consultType == ConsultationType.AdhocConsult ||
consultType == ConsultationType.SupportClinicConsult ||
consultType == ConsultationType.TelesalesConsult ||
consultType == ConsultationType.Unknown)
userExtendInfo.IsAllowed = false;
userExtendInfo.Reason = Resources.SessionExtensionErrorInvalidType;
return userExtendInfo;
// if in an invalid state, can't extend
if (consultLastState != ConsultationState.SessionEndedByUser &&
consultLastState != ConsultationState.SessionEndedByDoctor &&
consultLastState != ConsultationState.SessionTimerEnded)
// only allow followup if it hasn't been consumed before (no additional paid followups anymore)
userExtendInfo.IsAllowed = false;
userExtendInfo.Reason = Resources.SessionExtensionErrorInvalidState;
return userExtendInfo;
//if already extended by the user once before, then reject
if (previousStates?.Count(q => q.LastState == ConsultationState.SessionExtendedForTokenByUserRequest.ToFriendlyString()) > 0)
userExtendInfo.IsAllowed = false;
userExtendInfo.Reason = Resources.SessionExtensionErrorAlreadyExtended;
return userExtendInfo;
//if already extended by the doctor once before, then reject
if (previousStates?.Count(q => q.LastState == ConsultationState.SessionExtendedForFreeByDoctorRequest.ToFriendlyString())
// || q.LastState == ConsultationState.SessionExtendedForTokenByDoctorRequest.ToFriendlyString())
> 0)
userExtendInfo.IsAllowed = false;
userExtendInfo.Reason = Resources.SessionExtensionErrorAlreadyExtendedBydoctor;
return userExtendInfo;
// if already had a free followup, then reject extension
if (previousStates?.Count(q => q.LastState == ConsultationState.SessionExtendedByUserFollowUpRequest.ToFriendlyString())
> 0)
userExtendInfo.IsAllowed = false;
userExtendInfo.Reason = Resources.SessionExtensionErrorAlreadyExtended;
return userExtendInfo;
// Prevent session extend on the client unless the extension was requested within 3 days of starting the consultation
// Ensuring the entity is filled, fixing an issue where the timer ends before the doctor accepts the consultation
var consultAcceptedEntity = consultation.PreviousStates.SafeWhere(q => q.LastState == "SessionAccepted").FirstOrDefault();
if (consultAcceptedEntity == null)
consultAcceptedEntity = consultation.PreviousStates.LastOrDefault();
//var consultation = Repository.GetConsultationSessionState(new ConsultationSessionState() { Id = request.Id });
if (consultAcceptedEntity.Created <= DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-3))
// TODO :: must revamp status code .. this should be 500 server error since the client has no problem
// making the request.. its the server that couldn't fullfill the client request so it should be 5xx error not 4xx
// but if you return 500, then cura apps show generic 'service is down' error message so this needs fixing in clients
userExtendInfo.IsAllowed = false;
userExtendInfo.Reason = Resources.SessionExtensionErrorPastThreeDays;
return userExtendInfo;
// TODO :: must send typed custom exceptions instead. Clients still sees them as ServiceStack.WebServiceExceptions
// throw new CuraBusinessException((int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Resources.SessionExtensionNotAllowed);
catch (Exception Ex)
return userExtendInfo;
return userExtendInfo;
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