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Last active December 19, 2019 15:25
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public static void InsertUniquePromotionForNormalAndDiscountedConsults(int count)
List<Promotion> promotions = new List<Promotion>(count);
IAppSettings appSettings = new AppSettings();
string connectionString = appSettings.GetString("connectionString");
var dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, ServiceStack.OrmLite.MySqlDialect.Provider)
ConnectionFilter = x => new ProfiledDbConnection(x, Profiler.Current)
//using (var captured = new CaptureSqlFilter())
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
string code = GenerateRandomCode(5);
Promotion normalProdutPromo = new Promotion()
Title = "100% Off One Time Unique promo",
Description = "100% Off One Time Unique promo",
DiscountPercentage = 1,
Enabled = true,
StartDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
EndDate = new DateTime(2018, 6, 1),
MaxUsagePerCoupon = 1,
MaxUsagePerUser = 1,
RedeemCount = 0,
Code = code,
Created = DateTime.UtcNow,
Modified = DateTime.UtcNow
normalProdutPromo.ProductId = 1;
Promotion discountedProductPromo = normalProdutPromo.CreateCopy<Promotion>();
discountedProductPromo.ProductId = 7;
using (var Db = dbFactory.Open())
public static string GenerateRandomCode(int length)
//var chars = "135265093ABDRTZ0156789";
var result = new string(
Enumerable.Repeat(chars, length)
.Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)])
return result;
GenerateRandomConsultationVoucherPromoCodes(100, new PromotionVoucherCodeDto()
Title = "Al-Ridaa2 Al3arabi 2018 - 1 Consult Voucher",
Description = "Paid cash 63 SAR for 1 consultation",
ValidFrom = new DateTime(2018, 4, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
ValidTo = new DateTime(2018, 07, 31, 23, 59, 59, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
MaxUsagePerCoupoun = 1,
MaxUsagePerUser = 1,
DiscountPercentage = 1,
CodePrefix = "A6D3R"
public static void GenerateRandomConsultationVoucherPromoCodes(int quantiy, PromotionVoucherCodeDto promoCodeDetails)
List<Promotion> promotions = new List<Promotion>(quantiy);
IAppSettings appSettings = new AppSettings();
string connectionString = appSettings.GetString("connectionString");
var dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(connectionString, ServiceStack.OrmLite.MySqlDialect.Provider)
ConnectionFilter = x => new ProfiledDbConnection(x, Profiler.Current)
//using (var captured = new CaptureSqlFilter())
for (int i = 0; i < quantiy; i++)
string code = promoCodeDetails.CodePrefix + GenerateRandomCode(3);
Promotion normalProdutPromo = new Promotion()
Title = promoCodeDetails.Title,
Description = promoCodeDetails.Description,
DiscountPercentage = promoCodeDetails.DiscountPercentage,
Enabled = true,
Code = code,
StartDate = promoCodeDetails.ValidFrom,
EndDate = promoCodeDetails.ValidTo,
MaxUsagePerCoupon = promoCodeDetails.MaxUsagePerCoupoun,
MaxUsagePerUser = promoCodeDetails.MaxUsagePerUser,
RedeemCount = 0,
Created = DateTime.UtcNow,
Modified = DateTime.UtcNow
normalProdutPromo.ProductId = 1;
Promotion discountedProductPromo = normalProdutPromo.CreateCopy<Promotion>();
discountedProductPromo.ProductId = 7;
using (var Db = dbFactory.Open())
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