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Created November 21, 2011 02:04
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Mac OS X Haskell Uninstaller preview

The file below is a Mac OS X uninstaller for Haskell. It tries to ferret out the places on the file system where bits of Haskell related things have been stored. Then it can remove them by version number or entirely.

Safety First

The program will only print what it is going to do unless you add the --remove flag (equiv. -r or --rm). As long as you don't add that flag, it won't actually delete anything.


Run it with no arguments to find out what versions it finds on your system. Run it with --help for commands and options.

It can generate a shell script for what it would do by adding the --script flag (equiv. -s or --sh).

Future Versions

This file is now part of the Haskell Platfrom repository in the src/macos/ directory. Please track that, as this gist will no longer be updated.

  • Mark


  • v.1 - initial version

  • v.2 - bug fixes and improvements based on trial runs from users

    • Update of Current should only be to valid version file
    • 700 was once a file name
    • exclude .DS_Store from all calcs about "not empty"
    • better sym link follow and clean
    • treat /usr/local/lib/ghc-x.y.z as install of GHC, not a package
  • v.3 - released with Haskell Platfrom 2011.4.0.0 mac

    • support for archiving .cabal/config on remove all
    • install-test option (used during installation)
#!/usr/bin/env runghc
module Main where
Uninstall.hs - a Haskell uninstaller for Mac OS X
This program is really far too big to be in a single file. However, I
wanted it to be easily distributable and runnable, and so have kept it all
- Mark Lentczner
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad ((>=>), msum, when)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (foldl', intercalate, isInfixOf, isPrefixOf, nub, sort)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust, mapMaybe)
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist,
import System.Environment (getArgs, getEnvironment, getProgName)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath ((</>), joinPath, splitDirectories, takeDirectory,
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import System.Posix.Directory (removeDirectory)
import System.Posix.Files (createSymbolicLink, getSymbolicLinkStatus,
isSymbolicLink, isDirectory, readSymbolicLink, removeLink, rename)
import System.Process (readProcess)
-- Utilities
-- | Break a list apart into sections separated by a delimiter element
parts :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
parts d s = case break (== d) s of
([], []) -> []
(a, []) -> [a]
(a, (_:b)) -> a : parts d b
-- | Contents of a directory. Like getDirectoryContents, only a) safe, returning
-- [] if there is a problem, and b) excludes "." and ".."
contents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
contents fp =
filter notSpecial `fmap` (getDirectoryContents fp `catch` (\_ -> return []))
notSpecial :: String -> Bool
notSpecial n = not $ n `elem` [".", ".."]
-- | Entries under a directory. Like contents, but with the dir path prepended.
entries :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
entries fp = map (fp </>) `fmap` contents fp
-- | FilePath doesn't start with a dot
notDot :: FilePath -> Bool
notDot = not . ("." `isPrefixOf`) . takeFileName
-- | simplifyPath path, elminiating . and .. components (if possible)
simplifyPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
simplifyPath = joinPath . simp [] . splitDirectories
simp ys [] = reverse ys
simp ys ( ".":xs) = simp ys xs
simp (y:ys) ("..":xs)
| y /= ".." = simp ys xs
simp ys ( x:xs) = simp (x:ys) xs
-- Version Numbers
type Major = Int
type Minor = Int
data Rev = DevRev Int | NoRev | Patch Int
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Version = Version Major Minor Rev String
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Rev where
show NoRev = ""
show (DevRev p) = '.' : show p
show (Patch p) = '.' : show p
instance Show Version where
show (Version m n p x) = show m ++ '.' : show n ++ show p ++ x
version :: String -> Maybe Version
version s = case vparts s of
([m], x) | m >= 600 && m < 800 -> Just $ Version (m `div` 100)
(m `mod` 100) NoRev x
| otherwise -> Nothing
-- some old versions were installed in directories named "610" and "612"
([m, n], x) -> Just $ Version m n NoRev x
([m, n, p], x) | p > 19980000 -> Just $ Version m n (DevRev p) x
| otherwise -> Just $ Version m n (Patch p) x
_ -> Nothing
vparts s' = case span isDigit s' of
("", x) -> ([], x)
(n, ('.':r)) -> let (m, x) = vparts r in (read n:m, x)
(n, x) -> ([read n], x)
ghcVersion :: String -> Maybe Version
ghcVersion s = case parts '-' s of
("ghc":v:_) -> version v
_ -> Nothing
partVersion :: String -> Maybe Version
partVersion = msum . map version . parts '-'
data VersionTest = VersionAll | VersionOnly Version
| VersionUpto Version | VersionThru Version
deriving (Eq)
versionTest :: VersionTest -> Version -> Bool
versionTest rt = case rt of
VersionAll -> const True
(VersionOnly v) -> (v ==)
(VersionUpto v) -> (v >)
(VersionThru v) -> (v >=)
-- Find Arrow: Finding things in the file system
-- | A Find takes an annotated FilePath to a list of annotated FilePaths
-- The annotations in and out can differ.
data Find a b = Find { unFind :: (a, FilePath) -> IO [(b, FilePath)] }
instance Category Find where
id = Find $ return . return
fbc . fab = Find $ unFind fab >=> fmap concat . mapM (unFind fbc)
instance Arrow Find where
arr f = Find $ \(a, fp) -> return [(f a, fp)]
first fab = Find $ \((a, x), fp) ->
unFind fab (a, fp) >>= return . map (\(b, fp') -> ((b, x), fp'))
runFind :: Find () a -> IO [(a, FilePath)]
runFind fua = unFind fua ((), "/")
runFinds :: [Find () a] -> IO [(a, FilePath)]
runFinds = fmap concat . mapM runFind
path :: FilePath -> Find a a
path p = Find $ \(a, f) -> return [(a, f </> p)]
star :: Find a a
star = Find $ \(a, fp) -> entries fp >>= return . map (\gp -> (a, gp))
fileTest :: (FilePath -> IO Bool) -> Find a a
fileTest p =
Find $ \(a, fp) -> p fp >>= return . (\b -> if b then [(a, fp)] else [])
fileExtract :: (a -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe b)) -> Find a b
fileExtract p =
Find $ \(a, fp) -> p a fp >>= return . maybe [] (\b -> [(b, fp)])
exists :: Find a a
exists = fileTest $ \fp -> do
dde <- doesDirectoryExist fp
dfe <- doesFileExist fp
return $ dde || dfe
fileExists :: Find a a
fileExists = fileTest doesFileExist
dirExists :: Find a a
dirExists = fileTest doesDirectoryExist
findFilter :: (a -> FilePath -> Maybe b) -> Find a b
findFilter p = Find $ \(a, fp) -> return $ maybe [] (\b -> [(b, fp)]) $ p a fp
test :: (a -> Bool) -> Find a a
test p = findFilter $ \a _fp -> if p a then Just a else Nothing
match :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> Find a a
match p = findFilter $ \a fp -> if p fp then Just a else Nothing
extract :: (FilePath -> Maybe b) -> Find a b
extract p = findFilter $ const p
matches :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> Find a a
matches p = star >>> match (p . takeFileName)
extracts :: (FilePath -> Maybe b) -> Find a b
extracts p = star >>> extract (p . takeFileName)
-- Finds for various places where Haskell bits are stored
ghcName :: FilePath -> Bool
ghcName = isJust . ghcVersion
-- | Find all the per-version installation directories.
findVersions :: IO (Map.Map Version [FilePath])
findVersions = makeMap `fmap` runFinds
[ path "/Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Versions" >>> extracts partVersion
, path "/Library/Frameworks/HaskellPlatform.framework/lib" >>> star >>> extracts ghcVersion
, path "/Library/Haskell" >>> extracts ghcVersion
, path "/Users" >>> star >>> path ".cabal/lib" >>> star >>> extracts ghcVersion
, path "/Users" >>> star >>> path ".ghc" >>> extracts partVersion
, path "/Users" >>> star >>> path "Library/Haskell" >>> extracts ghcVersion
, path "/usr/local/lib" >>> extracts ghcVersion
, path "/usr/local/lib" >>> matches (not . ghcName) >>> extracts ghcVersion
makeMap :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> Map.Map a [b]
makeMap = Map.fromListWith (++) . map (\(a, b) -> (a, [b]))
-- | Find all the top level installation directories. Includes some per-version
-- directories where things were stored in common system lib directories.
findAll :: IO [FilePath]
findAll = map snd `fmap` runFinds
[ path "/Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework" >>> exists
, path "/Library/Frameworks/HaskellPlatform.framework" >>> exists
, path "/Library/Haskell" >>> exists
, path "/Users" >>> star >>> path ".cabal" >>> matches (excludePrefix "config")
, path "/Users" >>> star >>> path ".ghc" >>> matches (excludePrefix "ghci")
, path "/Users" >>> star >>> path "Library/Haskell" >>> exists
, path "/usr/local/lib" >>> matches ghcName
, path "/usr/local/lib" >>> matches (not . ghcName) >>> matches ghcName
excludePrefix :: String -> FilePath -> Bool
excludePrefix p fp = not $ p `isPrefixOf` fp
-- | Find symlinks on the PATH that point into directories that are going to be
-- removed.
findOrphanSymlinks :: [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
findOrphanSymlinks removed = do
pathDirs <- (maybe [] (parts ':') . lookup "PATH") `fmap` getEnvironment
let placesToLook =
map path (pathDirs ++ [ "/usr/bin", "/usr/local/bin" ])
++ [ path "/Users" >>> star >>> path "Library/Haskell/bin" ]
(nub . map snd) `fmap` runFinds
(map (\p -> p >>> star >>> sym >>> test orphan) placesToLook)
sym :: Find a FilePath
sym = fileExtract $ const $ \fp -> do
st <- getSymbolicLinkStatus fp
if isSymbolicLink st
then (Just . simplifyPath . (takeDirectory fp </>))
`fmap` readSymbolicLink fp
else return Nothing
orphan fp = any (`isPrefixOf` fp) removed
-- | Find all package directories where removing the per-version directory
-- might indicate that the whole package can be removed.
findEmptyPackages :: VersionTest -> IO [(Bool, FilePath)]
findEmptyPackages rt = libVersions >>= fmap catMaybes . mapM willEmpty
libVersions = map snd `fmap` runFinds packageFind
packageFind = case rt of
VersionAll -> packagesToAlwaysCheck
_ -> packagesToAlwaysCheck ++ packagesCoveredByAll
packagesToAlwaysCheck =
[ path "/usr/local/lib" >>> matches (not . ghcName) ]
packagesCoveredByAll =
[ path "/Library/Frameworks/HaskellPlatform.framework/lib" >>> star
, path "/Users" >>> star >>> path ".cabal/lib" >>> star
willEmpty :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Bool, FilePath))
willEmpty fp = do
names <- filter notDot `fmap` contents fp
let ghcVersions = catMaybes $ map ghcVersion names
let removingAll = all (versionTest rt) ghcVersions
let namesLeft = filter (not . willRemove) names
return $ if not (null ghcVersions) && removingAll
then Just (null namesLeft, fp)
else Nothing
willRemove = maybe False (versionTest rt) . ghcVersion
-- Program Options
data OptRemove = OptDryRun | OptScript | OptRemove
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Options = Options { optVerbose, optHelp :: Bool,
optRemove :: OptRemove }
optReportRemove :: Options -> Bool
optReportRemove opts = case optRemove opts of
OptDryRun -> True
OptScript -> False
OptRemove -> optVerbose opts
optionsDescr :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
optionsDescr =
[ Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg setVerbose) "report each path"
, Option ['n'] ["dry-run"] (NoArg setDryRun) "only report what would be removed"
, Option ['s'] ["sh", "script"] (NoArg setScript) "generate a shell script to remove files"
, Option ['r'] ["rm", "remove"] (NoArg setRemove) "actually remove files"
, Option ['?'] ["help"] (NoArg setHelp) "help (this message)"
setVerbose opts = opts { optVerbose = True }
setDryRun opts = opts { optRemove = OptDryRun }
setScript opts = opts { optRemove = OptScript }
setRemove opts = opts { optRemove = OptRemove }
setHelp opts = opts { optHelp = True }
parseOptions :: [String] -> IO (Options, [String])
parseOptions argv =
case getOpt Permute optionsDescr argv of
(o,n,[] ) -> return (foldl' (flip ($)) defaultOpts o,n)
(_,_,errs) -> usageFailure (concat errs)
defaultOpts =
Options { optVerbose = False, optHelp = False,
optRemove = OptDryRun }
progMessage :: String -> IO ()
progMessage msg = do
prog <- getProgName
putStr $ intercalate prog $ parts '$' msg
usage :: IO ()
usage = do
progMessage header
putStr $ usageInfo "Options (can appear anywhere):" optionsDescr
header =
"Usage: $ -- find versions on system\n\
\ $ thru VERSION -- remove VERSION and earlier\n\
\ $ only VERSION -- remove only VERSION\n\
\ $ all -- remove all\n\
\NOTE: Commands are 'dry run' by default and don't actually delete.\n"
usageFailure :: String -> IO a
usageFailure msg = do
mapM_ (putStrLn . ("*** " ++)) $ lines msg
message :: Options -> String -> IO ()
message opts str = putStrLn $ messagePrefix ++ str
messagePrefix = if (optRemove opts == OptScript) then "echo " else ""
-- Primitive File Operations
safely :: FilePath -> IO () -> IO ()
safely fp = (`catch` (hPutStrLn stderr . fmt . show))
fmt msg = "** ERROR "
++ (if fp `isInfixOf` msg then "" else fp ++ ": ") ++ msg
-- | Recursively remove a directory. Like shell command "rm -rf".
-- Unlike System.Directory.removeDirectoryRecursive, doesn't follow symlinks.
removeDirectoryRecursive :: Options -> FilePath -> IO ()
removeDirectoryRecursive opts fp = do
when (optReportRemove opts) $ putStrLn fp
case (optRemove opts) of
OptDryRun -> return ()
OptScript -> putStrLn ("rm -rf " ++ fp)
OptRemove -> rmrf fp
rmrf f = do
st <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
if isDirectory st
then do
entries f >>= mapM_ rmrf
safely f $ removeDirectory f
safely f $ removeLink f
-- | Remove a file. Like shell command "rm -f".
-- If file is a symlinks, removes the symlink, not what it points to.
removeFile :: Options -> FilePath -> IO ()
removeFile opts fp = do
when (optReportRemove opts) $ do
st <- getSymbolicLinkStatus fp
if isSymbolicLink st
then readSymbolicLink fp >>= putStrLn . ((fp ++ "@ -> ") ++)
else putStrLn fp
case (optRemove opts) of
OptDryRun -> return ()
OptScript -> putStrLn ("rm -f " ++ fp)
OptRemove -> safely fp $ removeLink fp
-- | Symlink a file. Like shell command "ln -sf".
-- If file is a symlinks, removes the symlink, not what it points to.
symlinkFile :: Options -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
symlinkFile opts dest fp = do
when (optReportRemove opts) $
putStrLn (fp ++ "@ update to -> " ++ dest)
case (optRemove opts) of
OptDryRun -> return ()
OptScript -> putStrLn ("ln -sf " ++ dest ++ " " ++ fp)
OptRemove -> safely fp $ removeLink fp >> createSymbolicLink dest fp
-- | Archive a file, by giving it a suffix with a unique integer attached
archiveFile :: Options -> String -> FilePath -> IO ()
archiveFile opts suffix fp = do
dest <- findFreeArchive 0
when (optReportRemove opts) $
putStrLn (fp ++ " rename to -> " ++ dest)
case (optRemove opts) of
OptDryRun -> return ()
OptScript -> putStrLn ("mv " ++ fp ++ " " ++ dest)
OptRemove -> safely fp $ rename fp dest
findFreeArchive n = do
let dest = fp ++ suffix ++ "." ++ show n
dfe <- doesFileExist dest
if dfe
then findFreeArchive (n + 1)
else return dest
-- | For each framework, update the Current symlink if the version it points
-- to will be removed, or remove the whole framework if nothing will be left.
updateFrameworks :: Options -> VersionTest -> IO ()
updateFrameworks opts rt = when (rt /= VersionAll) $
mapM_ updateFramework frameworks
frameworks =
[ ("/Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework", "Versions", "Current")
, ("/Library/Haskell", "", "current")
updateFramework (fp, vp, cp) = do
items <- contents $ fp </> vp
let remain = filter (willKeep cp) items
let remainVers = reverse . sort . mapMaybe andVersion $ remain
let curr = fp </> vp </> cp
currDest <- readSymbolicLink curr `catch` (\_ -> return "")
when (willRemove currDest) $ case (remain, remainVers) of
([], _) -> -- nothing will remain, remove whole framework
removeDirectoryRecursive opts fp
(_, []) -> do -- no versions will remain, but something will
removeFile opts curr
message opts $ "** " ++ fp ++
" is not empty, but has no more versions. Consider removing."
(_, ((_,newDest):_)) -> -- update to maximal remaining version
symlinkFile opts newDest curr
willRemove = maybe False (versionTest rt) . partVersion
willKeep cp fp = notDot fp && (fp /= cp) && (not $ willRemove fp)
andVersion fp = (\v -> (v, fp)) `fmap` partVersion fp
-- Main Operations
-- | Display versions found
showVersions :: Options -> Map.Map Version [FilePath] -> IO ()
showVersions opts m = do
whenVer blank
mapM_ disp (Map.toAscList m)
progMessage hints
whenVer = when (optVerbose opts)
blank = putStrLn ""
disp (v, fp) = do
putStrLn $ show v
whenVer $ do
mapM_ (putStrLn . (" " ++)) $ sort fp
hints =
"-- To remove a version and all earlier: $ thru VERSION\n\
\-- To remove only a single version: $ only VERSION\n\n"
alertOlderVersions :: String -> Map.Map Version [FilePath] -> IO ()
alertOlderVersions app m = when (not $ Map.null m) $ do
_ <- readProcess "osascript" [] alert
return ()
alert = "tell application \"" ++ app ++ "\"\n\
\\tdisplay alert \"Older Versions\" message \"" ++ msg ++ "\"\n\
\end tell\n"
msg = "There are older versions of GHC and/or \
\Haskell Platform on this system.\r\
\Run the command line tool uninstall-hs to \
\find out more and how to remove them."
-- | Remove file paths and associated other files.
-- Must be supplied the predicate used to select versions to remove so that the
-- associated files can be correctly identified.
remove :: Options -> VersionTest -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
remove opts rt fps = do
case sort fps of
[] -> message opts "** Nothing to remove"
sfps -> do
mapM_ (removeDirectoryRecursive opts) sfps
findOrphanSymlinks fps >>= mapM_ (removeFile opts)
findEmptyPackages rt >>= mapM_ removePackage
updateFrameworks opts rt
removePackage (empty, fp) = do
if empty
then removeDirectoryRecursive opts fp
else message opts
("** " ++ fp ++
" is not empty, but has no more GHC libs. Consider removing.")
removeHints = when (optRemove opts == OptDryRun) $
"-- To actually remove these files, \
\sudo run the command again with --remove\n\
\-- To generate a script to remove these files, \
\run the command again with --script\n"
-- | Remove all Haskell versions, and the top level directories.
removeAll :: Options -> IO ()
removeAll opts = do
runFind cabalConfigs >>= mapM_ (archiveFile opts ".orig" . snd)
findAll >>= remove opts VersionAll
cabalConfigs = path "/Users" >>> star >>> path ".cabal/config" >>> exists
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= parseOptions >>= uncurry main'
main' :: Options -> [String] -> IO ()
main' opts args = do
when (optHelp opts) $ usage >> exitSuccess
case args of
[] -> do
putStrLn "-- Versions found on this system"
findVersionsThat VersionAll >>= showVersions opts
["all"] -> do
removePlan "all Haskell directories"
removeAll opts
["test"] -> do
main' testOpts []
vers <- Map.keys `fmap` findVersions
mapM_ (\v -> main' testOpts ["only", show v]) vers
mapM_ (\v -> main' testOpts ["thru", show v]) vers
main' testOpts ["all"]
["thru", v] -> withVersion v $ \ver -> do
removePlan $ "version " ++ show ver ++ " and earlier"
removeVersionsThat (VersionThru ver)
["only", v] -> withVersion v $ \ver -> do
removePlan $ "just version " ++ show ver
removeVersionsThat (VersionOnly ver)
["install-check", v, a] -> withVersion v $ \ver -> do
findVersionsThat (VersionUpto ver) >>= alertOlderVersions a
_ -> usageFailure "unregcognized args"
removePlan s = message opts $ removePrefix ++ s
removePrefix = case optRemove opts of
OptDryRun -> "-- Would remove "
_ -> "-- Removing "
withVersion v a =
maybe (usageFailure "couldn't parse version") a $ version v
findVersionsThat rt =
Map.filterWithKey (const . versionTest rt) `fmap` findVersions
removeVersionsThat rt =
findVersionsThat rt >>= remove opts rt . concat . Map.elems
testOpts = opts { optVerbose = True, optRemove = OptDryRun }
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