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Forked from mscurtescu/set.hs
Last active December 10, 2015 18:08
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module SetPrime where
-- import qualified Data. as List
-- no need to import List, as the function all is in the Prelude
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
-- prefer explicit imports most of the time
data Shape = Oval | Squiggle | Diamond deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum, Ord)
data Color = Red | Purple | Green deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum, Ord)
data Number = One | Two | Three deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum, Ord)
data Shading = Solid | Striped | Outlined deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum, Ord)
data Jargon = Foo | Bar | Baz
deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum, Ord)
-- usually put the deriving on it's own line to make constructors stand out
data Card = Card Shape Color Number Shading deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
isSet :: Card -> Card -> Card -> Bool
isSet (Card s1 c1 n1 h1) (Card s2 c2 n2 h2) (Card s3 c3 n3 h3) =
isSetFeature s1 s2 s3 && isSetFeature c1 c2 c3
&& isSetFeature n1 n2 n3 && isSetFeature h1 h2 h3
-- you can break long lines without fear
isSetFeature :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool
isSetFeature a b c
| a == b && b == c = True
| a /= b && b /= c && a /= c = True
| otherwise = False
completeSet :: Card -> Card -> Card
completeSet (Card s1 c1 n1 h1) (Card s2 c2 n2 h2) =
Card (completeSetFeature s1 s2) (completeSetFeature c1 c2)
(completeSetFeature n1 n2) (completeSetFeature h1 h2)
-- sometimes I line things up for clarity
completeSetFeature :: (Enum a, Bounded a, Eq a) => a -> a -> a
completeSetFeature a b
| a == b = a
| otherwise = head [c | c <- [minBound..maxBound], c /= a && c /= b]
-- this is the only one that made me queasy - as I don't like using head
-- in this case, while it is easy to convince yourself that it will never
-- fail for the types you use it with, this function is pretty general.
-- it *will* fail in this case:
-- completeSetFeature False True
-- If this were production code I'd do one of two things:
-- just make it a local function of completeSet so that it can't leak
-- or perhaps create a typeclass TrinaryAttribute to ensure this is only
-- used with enums of three values
findSets :: [Card] -> [(Card, Card, Card)]
findSets cs = filter (\(c1, c2, c3) -> isSet c1 c2 c3) allTriples
allTriples = [(c1, c2, c3) | c1 <- cs, c2 <- cs, c2 > c1, c3 <- cs, c3 > c2]
-- clever way to generate these, so I'd pull it out into a local
-- reordering the c2 > c1 condition will make this faster as assignments
-- and conditions are applied in order left to right
cardFromString :: String -> Card
cardFromString s = Card (shapeFromString s) (colorFromString s) (numberFromString s) (shadingFromString s)
-- is the order of the characters in the string expected to be fixed?
-- this isn't a total function - what is cardFromString "haha"?
cardFromString' :: String -> Maybe Card
cardFromString' (s:c:n:h:[]) =
Card <$> shapeChar s <*> colorChar c <*> numberChar n <*> shadingChar h
-- <$> and <*> from Control.Applicative are worth knowning
-- in this case, they let you apply Card to a series of Maybe'd
-- args, and only get the application if they are all Just
shapeChar c = lookup c $ zip "OSD" [Oval, Squiggle, Diamond]
colorChar c = lookup c $ zip "rpg" [Red, Purple, Green]
numberChar c = lookup c $ zip "123" [One, Two, Three]
shadingChar c = lookup c $ zip "#=@" [Solid, Striped, Outlined]
cardFromString' _ = Nothing
shapeFromString :: String -> Shape
shapeFromString s
| elem 'O' s = Oval
| elem 'S' s = Squiggle
| elem 'D' s = Diamond
colorFromString :: String -> Color
colorFromString s
| elem 'r' s = Red
| elem 'p' s = Purple
| elem 'g' s = Green
numberFromString :: String -> Number
numberFromString s
| elem '1' s = One
| elem '2' s = Two
| elem '3' s = Three
shadingFromString :: String -> Shading
shadingFromString s
| elem '#' s = Solid
| elem '=' s = Striped
| elem '@' s = Outlined
exampleSets =
[ (Card Oval Red Two Outlined, Card Oval Red Two Striped, Card Oval Red Two Solid)
, (Card Squiggle Green One Striped, Card Oval Purple Two Striped, Card Diamond Red Three Striped)
, (Card Oval Purple One Striped, Card Diamond Green Two Solid, Card Squiggle Red Three Outlined)
-- yes, this is idiomatic multi-line list formatting in Haskell!
testExampleSets :: Bool
testExampleSets = all (\(c1, c2, c3) -> isSet c1 c2 c3) exampleSets
exampleNotSets :: [(Card, Card, Card)]
exampleNotSets =
[ (Card Diamond Green One Solid, Card Diamond Purple One Outlined, Card Diamond Red One Outlined)
, (Card Squiggle Red Two Solid, Card Squiggle Red Two Striped, Card Squiggle Green Two Outlined)
testExampleNotSets :: Bool
testExampleNotSets = not $ any (\(c1, c2, c3) -> isSet c1 c2 c3) exampleNotSets
-- not any, is what you want here
testAll :: Bool
testAll = testExampleSets && testExampleNotSets
puzzle20121229 :: [String]
puzzle20121229 = [ "Op1#", "Sp1#", "Or3@", "Or1#"
, "Dg1#", "Or2=", "Or1=", "Dr1#"
, "Dg2@", "Sp1@", "Sg2=", "Sr1#"
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