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Created February 15, 2013 15:28
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This is what the files look like split, but with the instance still with the typeclass
Copyright 2012-2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
{-# Language FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}
{-| This module represents the low level Posix interface. It is mostly a
re-export of the interface from the System.Posix module tree. However,
all operations in IO are instead exported as versions in (PosixIO m) => m.
This enables code to be written to this Posix interface, but then be run
in either IO, or in other monads that offer the implementation of Posix,
but perhaps, don't actually affect the underlying system. See TestExec.
module Plush.Run.Posix (
-- * PosixLike monad
-- * Misc
-- ** Environment bindings
-- * Re-exports
-- ** from System.Exit
-- ** from System.Posix.Types
module System.Posix.Types,
-- ** from System.Posix.Files
stdFileMode, accessModes,
-- ** from System.Posix.IO
stdInput, stdOutput, stdError,
OpenMode(..), OpenFileFlags(..), defaultFileFlags,
-- * Misc
stdJsonInput, stdJsonOutput,
) where
import Control.Monad.Exception (MonadException)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import System.Exit
import System.Posix.Files (stdFileMode, accessModes)
import System.Posix.IO (stdInput, stdOutput, stdError,
OpenMode(..), OpenFileFlags(..), defaultFileFlags)
import System.Posix.Types
import qualified Plush.Run.Posix.IO as IO
type Bindings = [(String, String)]
-- | The low-level operations that make up the Posix interface.
-- Where named the same as a function in 'System.Posix', see that module for
-- documentation. A few operations here are slightly higher, and replace the
-- lower level primitives. These are documented here.
-- These are just the operations needed to implement the shell command language
-- and the built-in commands. The shell can operate entirely within a monad
-- of this class. See 'TextExec' for one such monad. 'IO' is another.
class (Functor m, Monad m, MonadException m,
PosixLikeFileStatus (FileStatus m)) => PosixLike m where
-- from System.Posix.Directory
createDirectory :: FilePath -> FileMode -> m ()
removeDirectory :: FilePath -> m ()
-- | Return the entries in a directory, including "." and "..".
-- This replaces 'openDirStream' & family, since this is the only use anyone
-- ever makes of those functions.
getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> m [FilePath]
getWorkingDirectory :: m FilePath
changeWorkingDirectory :: FilePath -> m ()
-- from System.Posix.Env
getInitialEnvironment :: m Bindings
-- from System.Posix.Files
-- | Type of file status values used with an instance of PosixLike
type FileStatus m :: *
getFileStatus :: FilePath -> m (FileStatus m)
getSymbolicLinkStatus :: FilePath -> m (FileStatus m)
isExecutable :: FilePath -> m Bool
removeLink :: FilePath -> m ()
setFileTimes :: FilePath -> EpochTime -> EpochTime -> m ()
touchFile :: FilePath -> m ()
-- From System.Posix.IO
openFd :: FilePath -> OpenMode -> Maybe FileMode -> OpenFileFlags -> m Fd
createFile :: FilePath -> FileMode -> m Fd
closeFd :: Fd -> m ()
dupTo :: Fd -> Fd -> m ()
dupFdCloseOnExec :: Fd -> Fd -> m Fd
setCloseOnExec :: Fd -> m ()
-- ^ Convenience @setCloseOnExec fd -> 'setFdOption' fd 'CloseOnExec' 'True'@
-- | Read all the available input. If the input is a seekable stream, it
-- is rewound to the begining, first. Simply returns an empty result if
-- the stream is empty.
readAll :: Fd -> m L.ByteString
-- | Write to an output. If the output is a seekable stream, it is seeked
-- to the end.
write :: Fd -> L.ByteString -> m ()
-- From System.Posix.User
-- | A safe lookup of home directory info. See `getUserEntryForName`.
getUserHomeDirectoryForName :: String -> m (Maybe FilePath)
-- | A check for possibly elivated privledges. Checks that for both the
-- user IDs and group IDs, the real and effective versions match.
-- See §2.5.3
realAndEffectiveIDsMatch :: m Bool
-- From System.Process
getProcessID :: m Int
execProcess :: FilePath -- ^ Path to exec
-> Bindings -- ^ Environment variable bindings
-> String -- ^ Command name
-> [String] -- ^ Arguments
-> m ExitCode
-- | Run a computation, and returning what it wrote to stdout
captureStdout :: m ExitCode -> m (ExitCode, L.ByteString)
-- | A high level primitive that runs each computation in an environment
-- with the stdout of each piped to the stdin of next. The original stdin
-- is piped to the first, and the stdout of the last is the original stdout.
pipeline :: [m ExitCode] -> m ExitCode
-- | A high level primitive that returns an open Fd that when read will
-- supply the content given.
contentFd :: L.ByteString -> m Fd
-- | File status data as returned by 'getFileStatus' and 'getSymbolicLinkStatus'
class PosixLikeFileStatus s where
accessTime :: s -> EpochTime
modificationTime :: s -> EpochTime
isRegularFile :: s -> Bool
isDirectory :: s -> Bool
isSymbolicLink :: s -> Bool
stdJsonInput, stdJsonOutput :: Fd
stdJsonInput = Fd 3
stdJsonOutput = Fd 4
instance PosixLike IO where
createDirectory = IO.createDirectory
removeDirectory = IO.removeDirectory
getDirectoryContents = IO.getDirectoryContents
getWorkingDirectory = IO.getWorkingDirectory
changeWorkingDirectory = IO.changeWorkingDirectory
getInitialEnvironment = IO.getInitialEnvironment
type FileStatus IO = IO.FileStatus
getFileStatus = IO.getFileStatus
getSymbolicLinkStatus = IO.getSymbolicLinkStatus
isExecutable = IO.isExecutable
removeLink = IO.removeLink
setFileTimes = IO.setFileTimes
touchFile = IO.touchFile
openFd = IO.openFd
createFile = IO.createFile
closeFd = IO.closeFd
dupTo = IO.dupTo
dupFdCloseOnExec = IO.dupFdCloseOnExec
setCloseOnExec = IO.setCloseOnExec
readAll = IO.readAll
write = IO.write
getUserHomeDirectoryForName = IO.getUserHomeDirectoryForName
realAndEffectiveIDsMatch = IO.realAndEffectiveIDsMatch
getProcessID = IO.getProcessID
execProcess = IO.execProcess
captureStdout = IO.captureStdout
pipeline = IO.pipeline
contentFd = IO.contentFd
instance PosixLikeFileStatus IO.FileStatus where
accessTime = IO.accessTime
modificationTime = IO.modificationTime
isRegularFile = IO.isRegularFile
isDirectory = IO.isDirectory
isSymbolicLink = IO.isSymbolicLink
Copyright 2012-2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
{-| This module exports the functions needed to create the instance of PosixIO
for IO. The actual instance appears in "Plush.Run.Posix". This module is
mostly to just remove clutter from that module.
Note that many of these functions are just re-exports from "System.Posix".
module Plush.Run.Posix.IO (
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Monad (foldM, when)
import Control.Monad.Exception (catchIOError, catchIf)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr, plusPtr)
import qualified GHC.IO.Exception as GHC
import System.Exit
import System.Posix.Types
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified System.IO.Error as IO
import qualified System.Posix as P
import qualified System.Posix.Missing as PM
getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getDirectoryContents fp = do
ds <- P.openDirStream fp
contents <- readUntilNull ds
P.closeDirStream ds
return contents
readUntilNull ds = do
entry <- P.readDirStream ds
if null entry
then return []
else readUntilNull ds >>= return . (entry :)
getInitialEnvironment :: IO [(String, String)]
getInitialEnvironment = P.getEnvironment
isExecutable :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isExecutable path = P.fileAccess path False False True
dupTo :: Fd -> Fd -> IO ()
dupTo a b = P.dupTo a b >> return ()
setCloseOnExec :: Fd -> IO ()
setCloseOnExec fd = P.setFdOption fd P.CloseOnExec True
-- | 'readAll' for 'IO': Seek to the start (if possible), and read as much as
-- possible.
readAll :: Fd -> IO L.ByteString
readAll fd = do
ignoreUnsupportedOperation $ P.fdSeek fd IO.AbsoluteSeek 0
go [] >>= return . L.fromChunks . reverse
go bs = next >>= maybe (return bs) (go . (:bs))
next = readBuf `catchIOError` (\_ -> return Nothing)
readBuf = do
b <- B.createAndTrim bufSize $ (\buf ->
fromIntegral `fmap` P.fdReadBuf fd buf bufSize)
return $ if B.null b then Nothing else Just b
bufSize :: Num a => a
bufSize = 4096
-- | 'write' for 'IO': Seek to the end, and write.
write :: Fd -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
write fd = mapM_ (flip B.unsafeUseAsCStringLen writeBuf) . L.toChunks
writeBuf (p, n) | n > 0 = do
ignoreUnsupportedOperation $ P.fdSeek fd IO.SeekFromEnd 0
m <- fromIntegral `fmap` P.fdWriteBuf fd (castPtr p) (fromIntegral n)
when (0 <= m && m <= n) $ writeBuf (p `plusPtr` m, n - m)
writeBuf _ = return ()
getUserHomeDirectoryForName :: String -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
getUserHomeDirectoryForName s =
(Just . P.homeDirectory <$> P.getUserEntryForName s)
`catchIOError` (\_ -> return Nothing)
realAndEffectiveIDsMatch :: IO Bool
realAndEffectiveIDsMatch = do
usersMatch <- (==) <$> P.getRealUserID <*> P.getEffectiveUserID
groupsMatch <- (==) <$> P.getRealGroupID <*> P.getEffectiveGroupID
return $ usersMatch && groupsMatch
getProcessID :: IO Int
getProcessID = fromIntegral <$> P.getProcessID
-- | 'execProcess' for 'IO'
execProcess :: FilePath -> [(String, String)] -> String -> [String] -> IO ExitCode
execProcess fp env cmd args = do
pid <- P.forkProcess $
PM.executeFile0 fp cmd args env `catchIOError` handler
mStat <- P.getProcessStatus True False pid
case mStat of
Just (P.Exited ec) -> return ec
_ -> return $ ExitFailure 129
handler _ = P.exitImmediately $ ExitFailure 127
-- NOTE(mzero): §2.9.1 seems to imply 126 in this case, but all other
-- shells return 127
captureStdout :: IO ExitCode -> IO (ExitCode, L.ByteString)
captureStdout action = do
(readFd, writeFd) <- P.createPipe
pid <- P.forkProcess $ do
P.closeFd readFd
_ <- P.dupTo writeFd P.stdOutput
action >>= P.exitImmediately
P.closeFd writeFd
out <- readAll readFd
P.closeFd readFd
st <- P.getProcessStatus True False pid
case st of
Just (P.Exited e) -> return (e, out)
_ -> return (ExitFailure 129, out)
-- | 'pipeline' for 'IO': fork each action, connected by a daisy chained
-- series of pipes. The first action gets the original stdInput, the last
-- command gets the original stdOutput.
pipeline :: [IO ExitCode] -> IO ExitCode
pipeline actions = next Nothing actions >>= waitAll
next pPrev [] = forM_ pPrev closeBoth >> return []
next pPrev [cz] = (:[]) <$> seg pPrev cz Nothing
-- TODO: run cz in foreground once we can stash stdInput reliably
next pPrev (c:cs) = do
pNext <- Just <$> P.createPipe -- (readSide, writeSide)
(:) <$> seg pPrev c pNext <*> next pNext cs
seg pIn c pOut = do
pid <- P.forkProcess $ do
forM_ pIn $ \p@(r,_w) -> P.dupTo r P.stdInput >> closeBoth p
forM_ pOut $ \p@(_r,w) -> P.dupTo w P.stdOutput >> closeBoth p
c >>= P.exitImmediately
forM_ pIn closeBoth
return pid
closeBoth (r,w) = P.closeFd r >> P.closeFd w
waitAll = foldM (const wait) ExitSuccess
wait pid = do
st <- P.getProcessStatus True False pid
case st of
Just (P.Exited e) -> return e
_ -> return $ ExitFailure 129
contentFd :: L.ByteString -> IO Fd
contentFd content = do
(readFd, writeFd) <- P.createPipe
_ <- forkIO $ write writeFd content >> P.closeFd writeFd
return readFd
ignoreUnsupportedOperation :: IO a -> IO ()
ignoreUnsupportedOperation act =
catchIf ((== GHC.UnsupportedOperation) . IO.ioeGetErrorType)
(act >> return ())
(const $ return ())
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mzero commented Feb 15, 2013

If the instance is moved into Posix.IO.hs, then those 42 lines of export go away, and some of the functions like dupTo and getProcessID become one-liners in the instance declaration itself.

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