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Created May 11, 2013 05:38
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Implementation of 4Clojure problem #112 in Haskell See:
module SequsHorribilis
import Test.HUnit
type Sequs = [Horribilis]
data Horribilis = Atom Int | List Sequs
deriving (Eq, Show)
upThru :: Int -> Sequs -> Sequs
upThru n = snd . go (Just n)
go cond [] = (cond, [])
go (Just i) (Atom j : s) | j <= i = Atom j `on` go (Just $ i - j) s
go _ (Atom j : s) = (Nothing, [])
go cond (List t : s) = let (cond', t') = go cond t
in List t' `on` go cond' s
h `on` (c,s) = (c, h:s)
in1 = [Atom 1, Atom 2, List [Atom 3, List [Atom 4, Atom 5], Atom 6], Atom 7]
ex1 = [Atom 1, Atom 2, List [Atom 3, List [Atom 4]]]
test1 = upThru 10 in1 ~?= ex1
in2 = [Atom 1, Atom 2, List [Atom 3, List [Atom 4, List [Atom 5, List [Atom 6, List [Atom 7, Atom 8]], Atom 9]], Atom 10], Atom 11]
ex2 = [Atom 1, Atom 2, List [Atom 3, List [Atom 4, List [Atom 5, List [Atom 6, List [Atom 7]]]]]]
test2 = upThru 30 in2 ~?= ex2
in3 = map Atom [0..]
ex3 = [Atom 0, Atom 1, Atom 2, Atom 3]
test3 = upThru 9 in3 ~?= ex3
in4 = [List [List [List [List [Atom 1]]]]]
ex4 = in4
test4 = upThru 1 in4 ~?= ex4
in5 = in1
ex5 = []
test5 = upThru 0 in5 ~?= ex5
in6 = [Atom 0, Atom 0, List [Atom 0, List [Atom 0]]]
ex6 = in6
test6 = upThru 0 in6 ~?= ex6
in7 = [Atom (-10), List [Atom 1, List [Atom 2, Atom 3, List [Atom 4, Atom 5, List [Atom 6, Atom 7, List [Atom 8]]]]]]
ex7 = [Atom (-10), List [Atom 1, List [Atom 2, Atom 3, List [Atom 4]]]]
test7 = upThru 1 in7 ~?= ex7
allTests = TestList [test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7]
main :: IO ()
main = runTestTT allTests >> return ()
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