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Created August 20, 2014 16:44
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  • Save mzgoddard/21e718968b03cf2eeac5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mzgoddard/21e718968b03cf2eeac5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Turn a movie into an animated webp.
mkdir -p $tmpFolder
ffmpeg -i $movieInput $tmpFolder/%03d.png
for i in `ls $tmpFolder`; do
j=`echo $i | sed s/\.png/.webp/`
cwebp $tmpFolder/$i -o $tmpFolder/$j
webpmux `for i in \`ls $tmpFolder/*.webp\`; do echo -n "-frame $i +33+0+0+1+b "; done` `echo -n $4` -o $outName
# To cheat a none looping animation, add the last frame again with a really
# long timeout. A slightly higher value can be given then below but the below
# value is already more than 2 days.
# -frame last-frame.webp +9999999+0+0+1+b
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