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Last active March 14, 2022 17:59
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Using rsync --exclude-from / --include-from / --backup-dir to facilitate safely and fully templating "projects"
# For very basic cases, you shouldn't need to worry about such an extensive / granular
# inclusion file, unless you're actually *using* the "template"; if you are, you should
# probably stop doing that :>
- __pycache__
- *.py[cod]
- *$py.class
- *.pyc
- .git
# Exclude template script itself...
# The list of files to be copied, some
+ .pre-commit-config.yaml
+ .flake8
+ pyproject.toml
+ .gitignore
+ Makefile
+ setup.cfg
+ etc
+ etc/interactive
+ etc/pip*.ini
+ etc/pip.ini.*
+ etc/.gitignore
+ venv
+ venv/.gitignore
+ venv/*constraints*.txt
+ venv/*requirements*.txt*
+ venv/*constraints*.txt*
+ venv/*requirements*.txt*
+ packages/**
- **
# Use a git repository as a template to initialize a new repository
# This depends upon a file named template.manifest in the template repository
# to act as a manifest
# This file ( and the manifest (template.manifest) must be in the root
# of your template project. To apply the template to a new repository, clone the
# template locally, then use:
# $ ./ <new project git url> <local directory>
# (C) 2020, under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD License
# You can do this in a much simpler fashion if you only have a few files in your
# template repository, and/or they don't change much, or only have minor changes
# over time. This method/script is especially suited for templates that have a very
# complex structure that may change over time, and has files that may need to be
# excluded. It uses `rsync --include-from=...` for the copy of the files into the
# new repository, which makes the git add/commit operations very precise
# Usage:
# 1. Clone the template repository, which must contain at least two files:
# - (this script)
# - template.manifest (in rsync --include-from format)
# - See the example in the gist, or in my other project which makes use of --include-from
# -
# -
# 2. Create the new (empty) repository in gogs, let's say the repository
# is ssh://gogs.private/user/newproject
# 3. Invoke with the arguments:
# - ./ ssh://gogs.private/user/newproject ~/projects/newproject
# 4. Push the changes made by this script
# - pushd ~/projects/newproject && git push
set -eu
set -o pipefail
# set -x
# Set to 0 to disable add/commit
declare -r GIT_ADD=1
declare -r GIT_COMMIT=1
# NOTE: Push is always manual
declare -r PROJECTS_DIR=~/projects/test-template
# See man rsync or the example for the format of this file
# It is used with `rsync --include-from ...`
# Most cases probably don't need this and could simply use
# something like `cp $template/*` or `cp $template/.*` but making
# use of rsync has some perks, including allowing git add/commit
# with precisely the files that have been moved from the template
# This file should be in the root of your "template" project, which
# should be in the same directory as this script
declare -r TEMPLATE_MANIFEST="template.manifest"
# Because the template part of your repo may not change often and/or
# may not want changes to that part to be committed back when they
# do, you can have them in .gitignore. For this, keep FORCE=-f
declare -r FORCE=-f
# declare -r FORCE=
assert_perl_grep() {
echo OK | grep -Po '^OK' &>/dev/null || return 1
assert_cmd() {
if ! command -v "$1" >/dev/null; then
echo "FAIL: Required '$1' not present"
return 1
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
echo "Usage:"
echo " $0 <git url> <local dst directory>"
exit 1
if [ $GIT_COMMIT -eq 1 ] && [ $GIT_ADD -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Can not commit with add disabled, makes no sense :>"
exit 1
assert_cmd rsync
assert_cmd git
if ! assert_perl_grep; then
echo "Your system grep does not support Perl regex (grep -P), sorry"
exit 1
declare -r TEMPLATE_NAME="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)"
declare -r NEW_REPO_GIT_URL="$1"
declare -r NEW_REPO_NAME="$(basename "$NEW_REPO_GIT_URL")"
echo "Applying template to new repository $()"
echo " Template Repository: $TEMPLATE_NAME"
echo " Template Repository Manifest: $TEMPLATE_MANIFEST"
echo " New Repository: $NEW_REPO_GIT_URL"
read -p "Enter to continue with templating process, control-c to abort ..."
# Make temporary directories
declare -r REPOTMPDIR="$(mktemp -d --suffix=.git)"
declare -r RSLOG="$(mktemp --suffix=.log)"
# Ensure the projects directory exists
mkdir -p "$PROJECTS_DIR"
# Final location for the new repository with the files added
# If no destination is provided as the second argument to the script,
# a temporary directory in the $PROJECTS_DIR directory will be used
# as the final resting place
declare -r REPODIR="$2"
if [ -d "$REPODIR" ]; then
echo "Directory $REPODIR already exists!"
echo "Exiting, will not clobber it!"
exit 1
# Clone the new repository to the temporary directory
# Use rsync to copy the exact files from the template repository
# Use the log file for git add/git commit later
if [ -f "$TEMPLATE_MANIFEST" ]; then
rsync -a --log-file="$RSLOG" --log-file-format='|%n' --include-from="$TEMPLATE_MANIFEST" . "$REPOTMPDIR"
echo "No template manifest file ($TEMPLATE_MANIFEST) is present!"
exit 1
if [ ! -d "$(dirname "$REPODIR")" ]; then
read -p "WARNING: Projects directory doesn't exist; we will create it, enter to continue ..."
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$REPODIR")"
# If you want to allow this to work when the directory is already checked
# out you can use rsync instead of cp, ensure you have a trailing slash on
# both the src and dst, otherwise it will create a directory with the files
# instead of copying just the files
# rsync -a "$REPOTMPDIR/" "$REPODIR/"
# Otherwise just copy the tmp directory into place
# Inspect the new repo, add/commit files from template ...
pushd "$REPODIR"
echo "Status of new project after template files copied:"
git status
# A precise list of files that were added from the template was emitted
# by rsync so the `git add` and `git commit` will not include/exclude
# any files
declare -r TEMPLATE_FILES="$(grep -Po '(?<=\|)(?!\.\/).*' "$RSLOG")"
echo "New Repository: $NEW_REPO_NAME"
echo "New Repository Local Location: $REPODIR"
echo "--- Files Copied From Template ---"
echo $TEMPLATE_FILES | tr ' ' '\n' | sed -e $'s|^|\t|'
if [ $GIT_ADD -eq 1 ]; then
# git add
read -p 'Use `git add -f` on these files? Enter to continue ...'
if [ $GIT_COMMIT -eq 1 ]; then
# git commit
read -p 'Use `git commit` on these files? Enter to continue ...'
# git commit -m "Initialize from template"
git commit $TEMPLATE_FILES
echo "- Finished applying template"
echo " Template Used: $TEMPLATE_NAME"
echo " New Repository: $REPODIR"
[ $GIT_ADD -eq 1 ] && echo " - Files have been added"
[ $GIT_COMMIT -eq 1 ] && echo " - Files have been committed"
echo "Please use the following to push any changes:"
echo " pushd $REPODIR"
echo " git push"
echo " popd # If you want to return to this directory ..."
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