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Last active April 28, 2020 19:37
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CREATE KEYSPACE streamkeyspace WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3};

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS streamkeyspace.user ( 
  id uuid PRIMARY KEY, 
  created_time timestamp, 
  username text, 
  password text, 
  email text

INSERT INTO streamkeyspace.user (id,username,password,email,created_time) VALUES (uuid(),'admin','admin123','',dateof(now());

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS streamkeyspace.file ( 
  id uuid, 
  name text,
  content_length bigint,
  userid uuid,
  PRIMARY KEY(id,userid)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS streamkeyspace.file_chunk (
chunk_id bigint,
file_id uuid,
content blob,
PRIMARY KEY(chunk_id,file_id)
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