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Last active August 30, 2018 09:07
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#pragma once
#include "fdeep/layers/layer.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <functional>
namespace fdeep
namespace internal
class lstm_layer : public layer
explicit lstm_layer(const std::string& name,
std::size_t n_units,
std::string& activation,
std::string& recurrent_activation,
bool use_bias,
bool return_sequences,
const RowMajorMatrixXf& W,
const RowMajorMatrixXf& U,
const RowMajorMatrixXf& bias)
: layer(name),
assertion(bias_.size() == n_units_ * 4, "invalid bias size");
tensor3s apply_impl(const tensor3s& inputs) const override final
assertion(inputs.size() == 1, "invalid number of input tensors");
const auto& input = inputs.front();
return {lstm_impl(input, W_, U_, bias_, activation_, recurrent_activation_)};
static float_type relu_activation(float_type x)
return std::max<float_type>(x, 0);
static float_type sigmoid_activation(float_type x)
return 1 / (1 + std::exp(-x));
static float_type hard_sigmoid_activation(float_type x)
return static_cast<float_type>(std::min(1.0, std::max(0.0, (0.2 * x) + 0.5)));
static float_type tanh_activation(float_type x)
return std::tanh(x);
std::function<float_type(float_type)> get_activation_func(const std::string& activation_func_name) const
if (activation_func_name == "relu")
return relu_activation;
else if (activation_func_name == "sigmoid")
return sigmoid_activation;
else if (activation_func_name == "hard_sigmoid")
return hard_sigmoid_activation;
else if (activation_func_name == "tanh")
return tanh_activation;
raise_error("activation function '" + activation_func_name + "' not yet implemented");
return {};
tensor3 lstm_impl(const tensor3& input,
const RowMajorMatrixXf& W,
const RowMajorMatrixXf& U,
const RowMajorMatrixXf& bias,
const std::string& activation,
const std::string& recurrent_activation) const
// initialize cell output states h, and cell memory states c for t-1 with zeros
RowMajorMatrixXf h_tm1(1, n_units_);
RowMajorMatrixXf c_tm1(1, n_units_);
const std::size_t x_width = input.shape().width_;
const std::size_t y_height = input.shape().height_;
std::size_t n_output_timesteps;
// allocation of output matrix based on return_sequences
if (return_sequences_ == true)
n_output_timesteps = x_width;
n_output_timesteps = 1;
RowMajorMatrixXf result(n_output_timesteps, n_units_);
// write input to eigen matrix
RowMajorMatrixXf in(x_width, y_height);
for (std::size_t a_y = 0; a_y < y_height; ++a_y)
for (std::size_t a_x = 0; a_x < x_width; ++a_x)
in(Eigen::Index(a_y), Eigen::Index(a_x)) = input.get(0, a_y, a_x);
// initialize X
RowMajorMatrixXf X(x_width, n_units_ * 4);
X = in * W;
if (use_bias_)
// copy bias values to eigen matrix
typedef Eigen::Matrix<float_type, 1, Eigen::Dynamic> Vector_Xf;
Vector_Xf b(1, n_units_ * 4);
b = bias;
X.rowwise() += b;
// get activation functions
const auto act_func = get_activation_func(activation);
const auto act_func_recurrent = get_activation_func(recurrent_activation);
// computing LSTM output
const Eigen::Index n = Eigen::Index(n_units_);
for (Eigen::Index k = 0; k < Eigen::Index(x_width); ++k)
const RowMajorMatrixXf ifco = h_tm1 * U;
// Use of Matrix.block(): Block of size (p,q), starting at (i,j) matrix.block(i,j,p,q); matrix.block<p,q>(i,j);
const RowMajorMatrixXf i = (X.block(k, 0, 1, n) + ifco.block(0, 0, 1, n)).unaryExpr(act_func_recurrent);
const RowMajorMatrixXf f = (X.block(k, n, 1, n) + ifco.block(0, n, 1, n)).unaryExpr(act_func_recurrent);
const RowMajorMatrixXf c_pre = (X.block(k, n * 2, 1, n) + ifco.block(0, n * 2, 1, n)).unaryExpr(act_func);
const RowMajorMatrixXf o = (X.block(k, n * 3, 1, n) + ifco.block(0, n * 3, 1, n)).unaryExpr(act_func_recurrent);
c_tm1 = f.cwiseProduct(c_tm1) + i.cwiseProduct(c_pre);
h_tm1 = o.cwiseProduct(c_tm1.unaryExpr(act_func));
// save every h sequence or just last
if (return_sequences_ == true)
for (Eigen::Index idx = 0; idx < n; ++idx)
result(k, idx) = h_tm1(idx);
else if (k == Eigen::Index(x_width) - 1)
for (Eigen::Index idx = 0; idx < n; ++idx)
result(0, idx) = h_tm1(idx);
return tensor3(shape3(1, n_output_timesteps, n_units_), eigen_mat_to_values(result));
const std::size_t n_units_;
const std::string activation_;
const std::string recurrent_activation_;
const bool use_bias_;
const bool return_sequences_;
const RowMajorMatrixXf& W_;
const RowMajorMatrixXf& U_;
const RowMajorMatrixXf& bias_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fdeep
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