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Created July 12, 2020 07:52
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Rubikrypto writeup


This is only ElGamal cryptosystem on Rubik Cube.

The order of Rubik Cube Group is 43_252_003_274_489_856_000n and this is small enough to use Pohlig-Hellman.

So the algorithm is simple:

  1. get g, h, c1, c2.
  2. calculate y = log_g(c1) using Pohlig-Hellman.
  3. get message cube m = c2.multiply(invert(pow(h,y))).
  4. from all cubes, recover flag.

But these are on Rubik Cube and cubejs is available on JavaScript, so the implementation is harder than usual...

const Cube = require('cubejs');
const fs = require('fs');
const {cube2number, randint, buffer2cubes, cubes2buffer} = require('./utils.js');
const {exit} = require('process');
const pow = (a, n) => {
const r = new Cube();
const x = a.clone();
while (n !== 0n) {
if (n % 2n === 1n) {
n /= 2n;
return r;
const inv = (a) => {
return (new Cube()).move(a.solve());
const str = '['+(fs.readFileSync('./output.txt')+'').split('g').join('"g"').split('h').join('"h"').split('c1').join('"c1"').split('c2').join('"c2"').split('}').join('},')+']';
const json = JSON.parse(str.split('},\n]').join('}]'));
const ORDER = 43_252_003_274_489_856_000n;
const ords = [134217728, 4782969, 125, 49, 11];
const extgcd = (a,b)=>{
let [x0,y0,x1,y1] = [1n,0n,0n,1n];
while(b != 0){
[q,a,b] = [a/b, b, a%b];
[x0,x1] = [x1, x0-q*x1];
[y0,y1] = [y1, y0-q*y1];
return [a, x0, y0];
const modinv = (a, n) => {
let [g,x,y] = extgcd(a,n);
return (x + n) % n;
const dlogBG = (g, gx, ord)=>{
const m = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(ord));
const hash = {};
for(let j=0; j<m; j++){
const gj = pow(g, BigInt(j));
const gstr = cube2number(gj);
if(gstr in hash)continue;
hash[gstr] = j;
const ginv = inv(g);
const ginvm = pow(ginv, BigInt(m));
let gamma = gx;
for(let i=0; i<m; i++){
const gstr = cube2number(gamma);
if(gstr in hash){
// console.log(gstr);
// console.log(hash[gstr]);
const ans = i*m + hash[gstr];
// console.log(pow(g,BigInt(ans)).solve());
// console.log(gx.solve());
return ans;
gamma = gamma.multiply(ginvm);
const dlogPH = (g, gx)=>{
const anses = [0,0,0,0,0];
for(let i=0; i<5; i++){
const ord = ords[i];
const gg = pow(g, ORDER / BigInt(ord));
const gxx = pow(gx, ORDER / BigInt(ord));
anses[i] = BigInt(dlogBG(gg, gxx, ord));
// garner
res = 0n
for(let i=0; i<5; i++){
[d,x,y] = extgcd(BigInt(ords[i]), ORDER/BigInt(ords[i]));
res += y * (ORDER / BigInt(ords[i])) * anses[i];
res = (res % ORDER + ORDER) % ORDER;
return res;
const cubes = [];
for(const dat of json){
let {g,h,c1,c2} = dat;
g = (new Cube()).move(g);
h = (new Cube()).move(h);
c1 = (new Cube()).move(c1);
c2 = (new Cube()).move(c2);
// h = g^x
// c1 = g^y
// c2 = m * h^y
// h^y = (g^x)^y
// given g^x, g, find x
const y = dlogPH(g, c1);
const gy = pow(g, BigInt(y));
console.log(cube2number(c1) === cube2number(gy));
const hy = pow(h, BigInt(y));
const m = c2.multiply(inv(hy));
const buf = cubes2buffer(cubes);
console.log((new TextDecoder).decode(buf));
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