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Created May 8, 2016 17:46
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
public class BlackWhite
static void Compose()
Assert.IsTrue(Selection.objects.Length == 2, "Two textures should be selected.");
var black = Selection.objects[0] as Texture2D;
var white = Selection.objects[1] as Texture2D;
Assert.IsNotNull(black, "First selection should be a texture.");
Assert.IsNotNull(white, "Second selection should be a texture.");
while (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Black White", "Black: " + + ", White: " +, "OK", "Swap"))
var x = black;
black = white;
white = x;
var result = Compose(black, white);
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(black));
var path = dir + "/" + + "-" + + ".png";
File.WriteAllBytes(path, result.EncodeToPNG());
static Texture2D Compose(Texture2D black, Texture2D white,
float dynamicRange = 0.5f, float offsetForBlack = 0f, float offsetForWhite = 1f)
Assert.AreEqual(black.width, white.width, "Widths should be equivalent to each other.");
Assert.AreEqual(black.height, white.height, "Heights should be equivalent to each other.");
var result = new Texture2D(black.width, black.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
var b = ShrinkDynamicRange(black.GetPixels(), dynamicRange, offsetForBlack);
var w = ShrinkDynamicRange(white.GetPixels(), dynamicRange, offsetForWhite);
var c = result.GetPixels();
for (int y = 0; y < result.height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < result.width; ++x)
var i = y * result.width + x;
c[i] = Compose(b[i], w[i]);
// var bError = b[i] - (c[i] * c[i].a);
// var wError = w[i] - (Color.white * (1f - c[i].a) + c[i] * c[i].a);
return result;
static Color[] ShrinkDynamicRange(Color[] colors, float rate, float addRate)
var add = new Color(1 - rate, 1 - rate, 1 - rate, 0) * addRate;
for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
colors[i] = colors[i] * rate + add;
return colors;
struct ValueErrorPair
public float value;
public float error;
static Color Compose(Color black, Color white)
Color result = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
float error = CalcError(black.r, white.r, 0, 0).error
+ CalcError(black.g, white.g, 0, 0).error
+ CalcError(black.b, white.b, 0, 0).error;
for (int i = 1; i <= 255; i++)
var alpha = i / 255f;
var r = GetBestRGB(black.r, white.r, alpha);
var g = GetBestRGB(black.g, white.g, alpha);
var b = GetBestRGB(black.b, white.b, alpha);
var e = r.error + g.error + b.error;
if (e <= error)
error = e;
result.r = r.value;
result.g = g.value;
result.b = b.value;
result.a = alpha;
return result;
static ValueErrorPair GetBestRGB(float b, float w, float a)
ValueErrorPair result = CalcError(b, w, a, 0);
ValueErrorPair one = CalcError(b, w, a, 1);
if (one.error < result.error)
result = one;
var minPoint = (b + w + a - 1) / (2 * a);
if (0f <= minPoint && minPoint <= 1f)
ValueErrorPair min = CalcError(b, w, a, minPoint);
if (min.error < result.error)
result = min;
return result;
static ValueErrorPair CalcError(float b, float w, float a, float c)
float diffB = a * c - b;
float diffW = ((1 - a) + a * c) - w;
return new ValueErrorPair()
value = c,
error = diffB * diffB + diffW * diffW,
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