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Created December 11, 2020 00:33
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DI Builder
//! Example based on the AutoFac 'getting started' example
//! (
use shaku::{module, Component, Interface};
use std::sync::Arc;
module! {
pub AutoFacModule {
components = [ConsoleOutput, TodayWriter],
providers = []
pub trait IOutput: Interface {
fn write(&self, content: String);
#[shaku(interface = IOutput)]
pub struct ConsoleOutput;
impl IOutput for ConsoleOutput {
fn write(&self, content: String) {
println!("{}", content);
pub trait IDateWriter: Interface {
fn write_date(&self);
fn get_date(&self) -> String;
#[shaku(interface = IDateWriter)]
pub struct TodayWriter {
output: Arc<dyn IOutput>,
today: String,
year: usize,
impl IDateWriter for TodayWriter {
fn write_date(&self) {
fn get_date(&self) -> String {
format!("Today is {}, {}",, self.year)
#![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)]
extern crate rocket;
mod autofac;
use crate::autofac::{AutoFacModule, IDateWriter, TodayWriter, TodayWriterParameters};
use shaku_rocket::Inject;
mod tests;
fn index(writer: Inject<AutoFacModule, dyn IDateWriter>) -> String {
fn configure_services() -> autofac::AutoFacModule {
.with_component_parameters::<TodayWriter>(TodayWriterParameters {
today: "June 19".to_string(),
year: 2020,
fn rocket(services: autofac::AutoFacModule) -> rocket::Rocket {
rocket::ignite().manage(services).mount("/", routes![index])
fn main() {
use crate::{configure_services, rocket};
use rocket::http::Status;
use rocket::local::Client;
fn hello_world() {
let client = Client::new(rocket(configure_services())).unwrap();
let mut response = client.get("/").dispatch();
assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok);
Some("Today is June 19, 2020".into())
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