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Created January 19, 2018 20:33
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TSQL script to recursively iterate over a sql column and remove a range of characters. For this example remove the non printable ranges of ASCII
Setup a recursive CTE to iterate over ascii ranges and remove
any characters within given ranges. Remember max recursion depth
is sql server is 100 by default
--Initial increment handler
DECLARE @controlcharacter int = 32,
--Second increment handler
@extendedcharacter int = 256;
;with controlcharacters as (
--Initialize counter for control characters(00),
--Place constraint at proper recursion depth (32 for asii purpose).
SELECT 0 AS cnt, REPLACE(Col,char(00), '') as col
FROM source
WHERE condition
--Increment the counter and use replace to remove unwanted ascii
--characters. Check cntr against declared variable.
SELECT cntr + 1 as cntr, REPLACE (col,char(cntr), '') as col
FROM controlcharacters c
where cntr < @controlcharacter),
extendedcharacters as (
--Same initialization as above, but using the last row from the
--first recursive set (controlcharacters) to start.
SELECT 127 as cntr, REPLACE(col,char(127), '') as col
FROM controlcharacters
WHERE cntr = (SELECT MAX(cntr) from controlcharacters)
SELECT cntr + 1, REPLACE(col,char(cntr), '') as col
FROM extendedcharacters c
WHERE cntr< @extendedcharacter)
SELECT * FROM extendedcharacters where cntr = (SELECT MAX(cntr) from extendedcharacters)
--Override MAXRECURSION 100 so that the second pass can go from 127 to 255
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