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Created July 23, 2020 07:58
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import sys, os, shutil, pdb, random
from tqdm import tqdm
def q(text = ''):
from environment import TicTacToe
from agent import QLearningAgent, Hoooman
import config as cfg
from config import display_board
# initializing the TicTacToe environment and a QLearningAgent (the master Tic-Toc-Toc player, your opponent!)
env = TicTacToe()
player1 = QLearningAgent(name = cfg.playerX_QLearningAgent_name)
player1.loadQtable() # load the learnt Q-Table
player1.epsilon = 0.0 # greedy actions only, 0 exploration
# initializing the agent class that let's you, the human user take the actions in the game
player2 = Hoooman()
# replay decides whether to rematch or not, at the end of a game
replay = True
while replay:
done = False # the episode goes on as long as done is False
# deciding which player makes a move first
playerID = random.choice([True, False]) # True means player1
while not done:
# select player action by using epsilon-greedy algorithm, depending on the environment's board configuration and the possible actions available to the player
if playerID:
action = player1.epsilon_greedy(env.board, env.possible_actions())
# human user takes an action my entering one of the possible inputs in the terminal
print(f'\nPossible Actions: {env.possible_actions()}')
action = int(input('Select an action ! '))
# take selected action
reward, done = env.step(playerID, action)
# display board
display_board(env.board, action, playerID, player1, player2, reward, done, env.possible_actions(), training=False)
playerID = not playerID # switch turns
# asks the human user if she/he wants to play another match
replay = input('\nPlay Again ? [y/n] ')
if replay.lower() == 'y':
# resetting the environemnt and the Q-Learning agent if the human user choses to play another match
print('\n-----------------------------NEW GAME-----------------------------')
elif replay.lower() == 'n':
# setting replay to False if the human user choses not to play another match
replay = False
print('Thank you for wasting your time :)')
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