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Last active July 23, 2020 05:40
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class TicTacToe:
def __init__(self):
the environment starts with 9 empty spaces representing a board of Tic-Tac-Toe
self.board = ['_']*9 # the initial blank board
self.done = False # done = True means the game has ended
def reset(self):
resets the board for a new game
self.board = ['_']*9
def possible_actions(self):
returns a list of possible actions that can be taken on the current board
return [moves + 1 for moves, v in enumerate(self.board) if v == '_']
def step(self, playerID, action):
takes the action for the player with the given playerID resulting in a change in the board configuration.
it finally returns the reward and done status by evaluating the board congiguration.
if playerID:
ch = 'X'
ch = '0'
if self.board[action - 1] != '_': # negative reward for picking the action which corresponds to marking the square which is already marked
return -5, True
self.board[action - 1] = ch
# reward, done = self.evaluate(playerID)
return self.evaluate(playerID)
def evaluate(self, playerID):
returns reward and done status for the player with the given playerID by evaluating the board congiguration.
if playerID:
ch = 'X'
ch = '0'
# rows checking
for i in range(3):
if (ch == self.board[(i*3)+0] == self.board[(i*3)+1] == self.board[(i*3)+2]):
# print(f'---row num: {i}')
return 1, True
# cols checking
for i in range(3):
if (ch == self.board[i+0] == self.board[i+3] == self.board[i+6]):
# print(f'---col num: {i}')
return 1, True
# diagonal checking
if (ch == self.board[0] == self.board[4] == self.board[8]):
# print('---diagonal 1')
return 1.0, True
if (ch == self.board[2] == self.board[4] == self.board[6]):
# print('---diagonal 2')
return 1.0, True
# if all positions are filled
if not any(c == '_' for c in self.board):
# print('---all positions filled')
return 0.5, True
return 0, False
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