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Norbert Aluba Dela Pena n0rbs

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1. Fix website servers
2. Update website content and release website version 2.0

Qualification Test Backend Developer


For an e-Banking Portal you have been given the task to design and implement a reusable REST API for returning the paginated list of money account transactions created in an arbitrary calendar month for a given customer who is logged-on in the portal. For each transaction 'page' return the total credit and debit values at the current exchange rate (from the third-porry provider). The list of tronsoctions should be consumed from a Kafka topic. Build a Docker image out of the application and prepare the configuration for deploying it to Kubernetes / OpenShift.


  • Every e-bonking client has one or more accounts in dfferent currencies (e.g. GBP, EUR, CHF)
  • There are approximately one hundred thousand e-banking customers, each with a couple thousands of transactions per month.
  • The transactions cover the last ten years and are stored in Kafka with the key being the transaction ID and the value the JSON representation of the transaction
n0rbs /
Last active May 3, 2021 09:09
Front end developer

Qualification Test Frontend Developer


Design a mobile application that enables users to search for financial instruments (stocks, etfs, commodities, crypto) on the NYSE/Nasdaq stock exchanges, learn more information about the stocks, and add them to their portfolio.


