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Last active March 29, 2023 21:27
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Script to find out who doesn't follow you back on Instagram
import requests
import json
import hashlib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import time
Login to instagram and add the requested cookies to the script below
Instagram are known for their continuous efforts to deal with bots on their platform !
This script might get detected: If detected your account would be locked and you will have to verify your identity through MFA
session_id = $SESSION_ID # Replace $SESSION_ID with SESSION_ID cookie
csrf_token = $CSRF_TOKEN # Replace $CSRF_TOKEN with csrf cookie
ds_user_id = $DS_USER_ID # Replace $DS_USER_ID with ds_user_id cookie
# cookies
jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar()
jar.set('sessionid', session_id, domain='', path='/')
jar.set('csrftoken', csrf_token, domain='', path='/')
# headers
x_ig_www_claim = 'hmac.AR2HT9lidkf1n8obwEuEwuAGAcb7BA04y8XseRIisyFUUNZG'
x_ig_app_id = '936619743392459'
user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/110.0.5481.78 Safari/537.36'
sec_ch_ua = '"Not A(Brand";v="24", "Chromium";v="110"'
sec_ch_ua_mobile = '?0'
headers: dict = {
'X-Ig-Www-Claim': x_ig_www_claim,
'X-Ig-App-Id': x_ig_app_id,
'User-Agent': user_agent,
'Sec-Ch-Ua': sec_ch_ua,
'Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile': sec_ch_ua_mobile
# Get username
url = ""
a = requests.get(url, cookies=jar, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(a.text, 'html.parser')
json_script = json.loads(soup.find_all('script', type='application/json')[15].text)
json_script2 = json.loads(json_script['require'][0][3][0]['__bbox']['define'][62][2]['raw'])
insta_username = json_script2['config']['viewer']['username']
print("Username: "+insta_username)
# Get followers and followings count
url = ""+insta_username
a = requests.get(url, cookies=jar, headers=headers)
soup = BeautifulSoup(a.text, 'html.parser')
content = soup.find("meta", property="og:description")["content"]
total_followers = int(re.match("[0-9]+",content)[0])
print('Total followers: ', total_followers)
total_followings = int(" [0-9]+",content)[0])
print('Total followings: ', total_followings)
# Fetch Followers
print("Fetching your followers...")
followers_hash: dict = {}
followers_counter = 0
base_count = 20
iteration_count = 0
max_id = None
while followers_counter < total_followers:
if total_followers - followers_counter < base_count:
base_count = total_followers - followers_counter + 1
if iteration_count == 0:
followers_url = ""+ds_user_id+"/followers/?count="+str(base_count)+"&search_surface=follow_list_page"
followers_url = ""+ds_user_id+"/followers/?count="+str(base_count)+"&max_id="+max_id+"&search_surface=follow_list_page"
a = requests.get(followers_url, cookies=jar, headers=headers)
json_obj = json.loads(a.text)
max_id = json_obj['next_max_id']
iteration_count += 1
for user in json_obj['users']:
username= user['username']
followers_hash[hashlib.sha256(username.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()] = username
followers_counter += base_count
# Fetch Followings
print("Fetching your followings...")
followings_hash: dict = {}
followings_counter = 0
base_count = 20
max_id = 0
while followings_counter < total_followings:
if total_followings - followings_counter < base_count:
base_count = total_followings - followings_counter + 1
followings_url = ""+ds_user_id+"/following/?count="+str(base_count)+"&max_id="+str(followings_counter)
a = requests.get(followings_url, cookies=jar, headers=headers)
json_obj = json.loads(a.text)
for user in json_obj['users']:
username= user['username']
followings_hash[hashlib.sha256(username.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()] = username
followings_counter += base_count
print("People that follow you but you don't follow them :-)")
none_bool = False
for follower in followers_hash:
if follower not in followings_hash:
none_bool = True
if none_bool:
print("Sad for them :D")
print("Well there's no body..")
print("People that you follow but they don't follow you :-)")
none_bool = False
for following in followings_hash:
if following not in followers_hash:
none_bool = True
if none_bool:
print("Sad for you :D")
print("Well there's no body..")
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