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Working from home

Naoya Nakazawa n0ts

Working from home
  • Freelancer
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • X @n0ts
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n0ts / Makefile
Last active August 17, 2023 03:36 — forked from ryu1kn/Makefile
Encrypt/decrypt with AWS KMS using AWS cli
# How to encrypt/decrypt your text/blob secret with AWS KMS with AWS cli
# AWS_PROFILE=<profile> AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<region> MY_KEY_ID=<kms key id> make (encrypt-text|decrypt-text|encrypt-blob|decrypt-blob)
SECRET_TEXT="my secret text"
DECRYPTED_SECRET_AS_BLOB=decrypted_secret_blob # Result of decrypt-blob target
n0ts /
Last active June 23, 2024 21:32
readonly aws_account_id=xxx
readonly aws_asusme_role=xxx
readonly credentials=$(aws sts assume-role \
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::$aws_account_id:role/$aws_assume_role \
--role-session-name session-$(basename $0 .sh) \
--query Credentials)
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(echo $credentials | jq -r '.AccessKeyId')
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(echo $credentials | jq -r '.SecretAccessKey')
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$(echo $credentials | jq -r '.SessionToken')
protocol = https
name = <name>
email =
ad = add
n0ts / install-verbose.out
Created October 17, 2017 23:15
nginx-full with mruby-module --verbose
$ brew install nginx-full --with-mruby-module --no-sandbox --verbose
==> Installing nginx-full from homebrew/nginx
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: homebrew/nginx-full-1.12.1.tar.gz
==> Verifying nginx-full-1.12.1.tar.gz checksum
tar xzf homebrew/nginx-full-1.12.1.tar.gz
==> git init
Reinitialized existing Git repository in /homebrew/Cellar/mruby-nginx-module/1.20.1/share/mruby-nginx-module/.git/
==> git submodule init
==> git submodule update
n0ts / install.out
Last active October 17, 2017 23:09
nginx-full with mruby-module
$ brew install nginx-full --with-mruby-module --no-sandbox
==> Installing nginx-full from homebrew/nginx
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> git init
==> git submodule init
==> git submodule update
==> git add build_config.rb
==> git commit -m 'build_config.rb'
Last 15 lines from ~/Library/Logs/Homebrew/nginx-full/05.git:
n0ts / .gitconfig
Last active August 2, 2022 07:25
Git config alias
rc = rebase --continue
ft = fetch
ftp = fetch --tags --prune
pr = pull --rebase
co = checkout
wd = diff --word-diff
br = branch
so = remote show origin
kc = commit
n0ts / gist:c847f3d13142ab092043400a92e3df50
Created June 19, 2017 14:04
kumogata-tempate exanple
# iam-and-s3
require 'aws-sdk'
$: << File.dirname(__FILE__)
### common local library
require 'meta'
require 'aws'
for i in $(find . -type f -name '*.png'); do
dir=$(dirname "$i")
file=$(basename "$i" .png)
sips -s format jpeg $i --out "$dir/$file.jpg"
n0ts /
Last active April 15, 2020 15:30
brew cask upgrade
for c in $(brew cask list); do
info=$(brew cask info $c)
installed_ver=$(echo "$info" | cut -d$'\n' -f1 | tr -d ' ' | cut -d':' -f 2)
current_ver=$(echo "$info" | cut -d$'\n' -f3 | cut -d' ' -f 1 | rev | cut -d'/' -f 1 | rev)
if [ "$installed_ver" != "$current_ver" ]; then
echo "$c is installed '$installed_ver', current is '$current_ver'"
brew cask reinstall $c