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Created April 12, 2018 20:08
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* @title Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
* @author Clément Lesaege - <>
* @author Nicolas Wagner - <>
/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See for more details. */
pragma solidity ^0.4.19;
contract RPS {
address public j1; // The first player creating the contract.
address public j2; // The second player.
enum Move {Null, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Spock, Lizard} // Possible moves. Note that if the parity of the moves is the same the lower one wins, otherwise the higher one.
bytes32 public c1Hash; // Commitment of j1.
Move public c2; // Move of j2. Move.Null before he played.
uint256 public stake; // Amout bet by each party.
uint256 public TIMEOUT = 5 minutes; // If some party takes more than TIMEOUT to respond, the other can call TIMEOUT to win.
uint256 public lastAction; // The time of the last action. Usefull to determine if someone has timed out.
/** @dev Constructor. Must send the amount at stake when creating the contract. Note that the move and salt must be saved.
* @param _c1Hash Must be equal to keccak256(c1,salt) where c1 is the move of the j1.
function RPS(bytes32 _c1Hash, address _j2) public payable {
stake = msg.value; // La mise correspond à la quantité d'ethers envoyés.
/** @dev To be called by j2 and provided stake.
* @param _c2 The move submitted by j2.
function play(Move _c2) public payable {
require(c2==Move.Null); // J2 has not played yet.
require(msg.value==stake); // J2 has paid the stake.
require(msg.sender==j2); // Only j2 can call this function.
/** @dev To be called by j1. Reveal the move and send the ETH to the winning party or split them.
* @param _c1 The move played by j1.
* @param _salt The salt used when submitting the commitment when the constructor was called.
function solve(Move _c1, uint256 _salt) public {
require(c2!=Move.Null); // J2 must have played.
require(msg.sender==j1); // J1 can call this.
require(keccak256(_c1,_salt)==c1Hash); // Verify the value is the commited one.
// Despite what the warnings say, we should not use transfer as a throwing fallback would be able to block the contract, in case of tie.
if (win(_c1,c2))
else if (win(c2,_c1))
else {
/** @dev Let j2 get the funds back if j1 did not play.
function j1Timeout() public {
require(c2!=Move.Null); // J2 already played.
require(now > lastAction + TIMEOUT); // Timeout time has passed.
/** @dev Let j1 take back the funds if j2 never play.
function j2Timeout() public {
require(c2==Move.Null); // J2 has not played.
require(now > lastAction + TIMEOUT); // Timeout time has passed.
/** @dev Is this move winning over the other.
* @param _c1 The first move.
* @param _c2 The move the first move is considered again.
* @return w True if c1 beats c2. False if c1 is beaten by c2 or in case of tie.
function win(Move _c1, Move _c2) private pure returns (bool w) {
if (_c1 == _c2)
return false; // They played the same so no winner.
else if (_c1==Move.Null)
return false; // They did not play.
else if (uint(_c1)%2==uint(_c2)%2)
return (_c1<_c2);
return (_c1>_c2);
contract Hasher{
/** @dev Give the commitement. Must only be called locally.
* @param _c The move.
* @param _salt The salt to increase entropy.
function hash(uint8 _c, uint256 _salt) public pure returns(bytes32) {
return keccak256(_c,_salt);
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