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Last active February 23, 2024 16:37
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Show IP of your docker-container

Show IP of your Docker container

tested on Arch Linux x64 4.5.4-1-ARCH

Ever needed the IP of your running docker container? I found a script somewhere on Stackoverflow, packed it into a function and created an alias for it. This function is just a shorthand to get the IP by container ID or by the container's name:

Append this to your .bash_aliases or similar:

# ~/.bash_aliases
docker-ip() {
    docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' "$@"

and load it into your current session:

$ source ~/.bash_aliases

Now you have access to the new command docker-ip and you can feed it with the container name or ID.


$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
4f4622efdeb8        dockercomposephpmysql_web   "php -S "   10 minutes ago      Up 10 minutes>8000/tcp   dockercomposephpmysql_web_1
bc1e298a9890        mysql                       "/ mysql"   10 minutes ago      Up 10 minutes>3306/tcp   dockercomposephpmysql_db_1

$ docker-ip 4f4622efdeb8
$ docker-ip dockercomposephpmysql_web_1

Now open your browser at

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