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Last active February 20, 2020 09:01
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FizzBuzz without conditions in Clojure

Just thought about a FizzBuzz solution written in frege which I saw on a meetup. This solution does not need any conditionals and is completely lazy, which is why I like this solution so much.

The rules are as follows:

  • print all numbers from 1 to n, but...
    • replace all numbers, which are smoothly divisible by 3, with "fizz"
    • replace all numbers, which are smoothly divisible by 4, with "buzz"
    • if the number is smoothly divisible by both numbers, replace it with "fizzbuzz"

The implementation is very simple:

  1. Define all numbers starting from 1
  2. Define lazy sequences of the fizz- and the buzz-pattern
  3. If there is "fizz" (x)or "buzz" in one of those list, print them instead of the number

Now in Clojure:

(def nat (iterate inc 1))
(def fizz (cycle ["" "" "fizz"]))
(def buzz (cycle ["" "" "" "buzz"]))
(def fizzbuzz (map #(if (= "" %2 %3) %1 (str %2 %3)) nat fizz buzz))

And here we are. fizzbuzz contains now an infinite list of our desired pattern. Let's verify the result:

(take 12 fizzbuzz)
=> (1 2 "fizz" "buzz" 5 "fizz" 7 "buzz" "fizz" 10 11 "fizzbuzz")

Update from 20.02.2020

Yesterday we implemented FizzBuzz in a "Clojure Beginners" Session at @clojuredus and @rbialon had an improvement for this without having to use ifs. I then just simplified the anonymous function to this:

(def fizz (cycle [nil nil "FIZZ"]))
(def buzz (cycle [nil nil nil "BUZZ"]))
(def numbers (map inc (range)))

(def fizzbuzz
  (map #(or (not-empty (str %1 %2))
       fizz buzz numbers))
(take 13 fizzbuzz)

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