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Created September 27, 2012 09:07
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How to shorten some really wordy code
// Original: even without reading the code, it looked wrong. Lots of very
// obvious repetition. And switches are so often a code smell.
switch (modeName) {
case "Manual":
alert(self.options.messages.pleaseSet + self.options.messages.Manual);
case "Automatic":
alert(self.options.messages.pleaseSet + self.options.messages.Automatic);
case "Hybrid":
alert(self.options.messages.pleaseSet + self.options.messages.Hybrid);
// First pass: get the alert onto the outside of the command, and then just pick
// the right message with ternary operators. There's still repetition going on
// here though, and I don't like that we've turned "Hybrid" into some sort of
// default case here.
alert(self.options.messages.pleaseSet +
(modeName === "Manual")? self.options.messages.Manual :
(modeName === "Automatic")? self.options.messages.Automatic :
// Third time lucky: remember that strings can act as labels! If all you're ever
// doing is switching on a string and then finding a member with the same name,
// you don't need to write your condition explicitly. Just use [square bracket]
// notation instead of .dot notation.
alert(self.options.messages.pleaseSet + self.options.messages[modeName]);
// This one take an extra line, but makes the construction of the message easier
// to read IMO
var msg = self.options.messages;
alert(msg.pleaseSet + msg[modeName]);
// Lastly, maybe you were worried that we've changed the behaviour so that it
// will always alert, even if modeName isn't one of the three known values.
// Well, I can assure you that in the case where I took this example from, it is
// guaranteed to be. Still, this version makes sure there is a message to be
// alerted. Not *quite* identical to the original
var msg = self.options.messages;
if (msg[modeName]) alert(msg.pleaseSet + msg[modeName]);
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