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Last active November 10, 2021 10:21
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Gruvbox theme for VS Code

You'll need to open the command palette (ctrl-shift-p) and edit your settings file. Add this to the themes:

    "background": "#282828",
    "black": "#1D2021",
    "blue": "#458588",
    "brightBlack": "#928374",
    "brightBlue": "#83A598",
    "brightCyan": "#8EC97C",
    "brightGreen": "#B8BB26",
    "brightPurple": "#D3869B",
    "brightRed": "#FB4934",
    "brightWhite": "#FBF1C7",
    "brightYellow": "#FABD2F",
    "cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "cyan": "#689D6A",
    "foreground": "#EBDBB2",
    "green": "#98971A",
    "name": "Gruvbox?",
    "purple": "#B16286",
    "red": "#CC241D",
    "selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF",
    "white": "#EBDBB2",
    "yellow": "#D79921"
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