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Created June 19, 2022 16:24
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Cover generator for the QvaPay P2P offers
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Intervention\Image\ImageManagerStatic as Image;
class CoverController extends Controller
* Test Cover P2P generation
public static function make_cover($avatar1 = 'android-chrome-512x512.png', $avatar2 = 'android-chrome-512x512.png', $text = "QvaPay")
// Create the image 1 cover
$avatar1 = self::avatar($avatar1);
// Create the image 2 cover
$avatar2 = self::avatar($avatar2);
// bind into image
$background = Image::make('qvapay-cover-social.png');
// Left circle
$background->circle(400, 250, 250, function ($draw) {
// Right circle
$background->circle(400, 950, 250, function ($draw) {
// Insert Image (resize first to 300x300 and apply a mask with a circle shape)
// Avatar 1
// Insert Image (resize first to 300x300 and apply a mask with a circle shape)
// Avatar 2
// Add text
$background->text($text, 600, 500, function ($font) {
// Response
// return $background->response('jpg');
return $background;
* Avatar creation
private static function avatar($img_path = 'android-chrome-512x512.png')
$avatar = Image::make($img_path);
$canvas = Image::canvas(400, 400);
$canvas->circle(390, 195, 195, function ($draw) {
$avatar->mask($canvas, true);
// Response with the image or you can as well do whatever you like with it.
return $avatar;
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