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Created September 26, 2021 18:05
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JavaScript functions to transform a JSON containing bibliographic information, in an HTML string thought to be included in a personal website.
Author: Carlo Bottai -
Copyright (c) 2020 - Carlo Bottai
Licence: MIT
Date: 2020-01-21
This group of functions transform a JSON (generated by the bibtexParse function
used by ORCID from a BibTeX file) that contains bibliographic information,
in an HTML string thought to be included in a personal website.
The function pubAny is the main function, and is then called by pubArticle and
pubInCollection. The function pubAny generates all the common patterns, while
the other two generate specific patterns for papers or book chapters,
respectively. Lastly, the function pubAuthor is used both to transform the list
of authors and the list of editors (if any) in a proper string.
var pubAuthor = function(author, ego = null) {
/* ego is the name of the website owner. Her name will be excluded from the publications.
If it's a solo publication, it will have no author.
Otherwise, a "with Other Author" will be added. */
var authors = author.split(" and ");
/* Split the BibTeX string and create an array with the
full name of each author */
if (ego) {
authors = authors.filter(item => !ego.includes(item))
/* Exclude First Last from the list of authors (useful for authors list,
while not applied to editors list) */
var author = "";
if (authors.length > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < authors.length; j++) {
var author_ = authors[j].split(", ");
/* If the full name is written like Last, F., revert the name
in F. Last */
var name = author_[1];
var surname = author_[0];
if (typeof name != "undefined") {
var name_ = name.split(" ");
if (!name.endsWith('.')) {
/* If the first name is not just the initial, like "Last, First",
shorten the first name(s) */
for (var k = 0; k < name_.length; k++) {
name_[k] = `${name_[k].substring(0,1)}.`;
name = name_.join('&nbsp;');
author_ = `${name}&nbsp;${surname}`;
if (j == 0) {
author += author_
} else if (j == authors.length - 1) {
author += ` and ${author_}`;
/* The last name is preceded by an "and" */
} else if (authors.length > 6 && j == 2) {
author += " <em>et al.</em>"
/* If there are more than 6 names, add the first two, than "et al."
and exit the loop */
} else {
/* Each other name is separated by a comma */
author += `, ${author_}`;
return author;
var pubAny = function(pub, ego = null) {
var author = pubAuthor(, ego)
if (author != "") {
var author = `(with ${author}) `;
var title = pub.title;
title = title.replace(/^{/i, '').replace(/}$/i, '');
/* Remove the extra {} that sometimes is around the title
in the BibTeX format */
title = title.replace(/{?\\&}?/i,"&amp;").replace("--","&ndash;");
/* replace {\&} or \& with the HTML code for the ampersand
and -- with the HTML sign for the n-dash */
title = `'${title}' `;
if ("journal" in pub) {
var journal = `<em>${pub.journal}</em>, `;
} else {
var journal = "";
if ("volume" in pub) {
var volume = `Vol.&nbsp;${pub.volume}, `;
} else {
var volume = "";
if ("editor" in pub) {
var editor = pubAuthor(pub.editor);
if (pub.editor.split(" and ").length > 1) {
editor = `in ${editor} (eds.) `;
} else {
editor = `in ${editor} (ed.) `;
} else {
var editor = ""
if ("booktitle" in pub) {
var book = pub.booktitle;
book = book.replace(/^{/i, '').replace(/}$/i, '');
book = book.replace(/{?\\&}?/i,"&amp;").replace("--","&ndash;");
book = `<em>${book}</em>, `;
} else {
var book = "";
if ("publisher" in pub) {
var publisher = `${pub.publisher}, `;
} else {
var publisher = "";
try {
var pages = pub.pages.replace("--","&ndash;").replace("-","&ndash;");
var pages = `pp.&nbsp;${pages}, `;
} catch {
var pages = "";
var year = `${pub.year}. `;
if ("file" in pub && "url" in pub) {
var access = `Access <a href="publications/${pub.file}"
target="_blank" class="publications-link" rel="noopener">here</a> or
<a href="${pub.url}" class="publications-link" target="_blank"
/* If there is a file and an URL in the BibTeX file, add these two
sources */
} else if ("file" in pub && "doi" in pub) {
var access = `Access <a href="publications/${pub.file}"
class="publications-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a> or <a
href="${pub.doi}" class="publications-link"
target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.`;
/* If, instead, there is a file and a DOI, but not an URL, in the BibTeX
file, add these two sources, transforming the DOI in a web URL */
} else if ("file" in pub) {
var access = `Access <a href="publications/${pub.file}"
class="publications-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.`;
/* If there is only a file in the BibTeX file, add this sources */
} else if ("url" in pub) {
var access = `Access <a href="${pub.url}" class="publications-link"
target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.`;
/* If there is only an URL in the BibTeX file, add this sources */
} else if ("doi" in pub) {
var access = `Access <a href="${pub.doi}"
class="publications-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>`;
/* If there is only a DOI in the BibTeX file, transform it in a web URL and
add this sources */
} else {
var access = "";
/* If none of these conditions apply, add nothing as a source */
if ("press_coverage" in pub) {
var press = `<br><em>Press coverage</em>:
<a href="${pub.press_coverage_url}" class="publications-link"
target="_blank" rel="noopener">${pub.press_coverage}</a>`;
} else {
var press = "";
if ("note" in pub) {
var note = `<br>${pub.note}.`;
} else {
var note = "";
return [{author:author,
var pubArticle = function(pub, ego = null) {
pubData = pubAny(pub, ego)[0]
return pubData["author"] + pubData["title"] + pubData["journal"] +
pubData["volume"] + pubData["pages"] + pubData["year"] +
pubData["access"] + pubData["note"] + pubData["press_coverage"];
var pubInCollection = function(pub, ego = null) {
pubData = pubAny(pub, ego)[0]
return pubData["author"] + pubData["title"] + pubData["editor"] +
pubData["booktitle"] + pubData["publisher"] + pubData["volume"] +
pubData["pages"] + pubData["year"] + pubData["access"] + pubData["note"] +
var writeBib = function(pubs, ego = null) {
var pubs_div = document.getElementById("pubs_div");
var ul = document.createElement("ul");
ul.className = "list-unstyled bib"
for(var i = 0; i < pubs.length; i++) {
var pub_type = pubs[i].entryType
var pub = pubs[i].entryTags
var li = document.createElement("li");
li.className = "bib-item"
if (pub_type.toLowerCase() == "article") {
var pub_ = pubArticle(pub, ego);
} else if (["incollection","inbook"].includes(pub_type.toLowerCase())) {
var pub_ = pubInCollection(pub, ego);
li.innerHTML = pub_
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