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Created May 28, 2018 02:55
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Lens tutorial
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
newtype UserName = UserName Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype PetName = PetName Text deriving (Eq, Show)
type Inventory = HM.HashMap Text Item
data User = User
{ _userName :: UserName
, _userScore :: Int
, _userPet :: Maybe Pet
, _userInventory :: Inventory
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Pet = Pet { _petName :: PetName } deriving (Eq, Show)
data Item = Item
{ _itemValue :: Int
, _itemWeight :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Show)
userName :: Lens' User UserName
userName = lens getter setter
getter user = _userName user
setter user newName = user { _userName = newName }
score :: Lens' User Int
score = lens _userScore (\user newScore -> user { _userScore = newScore })
pet :: Lens' User (Maybe Pet)
pet = lens _userPet (\user maybePet -> user { _userPet = maybePet })
inventory :: Lens' User Inventory
inventory = lens _userInventory (\u i -> u { _userInventory = i })
petName :: Lens' Pet PetName
petName = lens _petName (\p n -> p { _petName = n })
value :: Lens' Item Int
value = lens _itemValue (\i v -> i { _itemValue = v })
weight :: Lens' Item Int
weight = lens _itemWeight (\i w -> i { _itemWeight = w })
viewExamples :: IO ()
viewExamples = do
let bob = User (UserName "Bob") 42 Nothing HM.empty
print "Bob's name is: "
print $ view userName bob
print $ bob ^. userName
print "Bob's score is: "
print $ view score bob
print $ bob ^. score
return ()
composedViewExamples :: IO ()
composedViewExamples = do
let bob = User (UserName "bob") 42 Nothing HM.empty
fitzgerald = Pet (PetName "Fitzgerald")
jeff = User (UserName "jeff") 42 (Just fitzgerald) HM.empty
print "Bob's pet's name is: "
print $ preview (pet . _Just . petName) bob
print $ bob ^? pet . _Just . petName
print "Jeff's pet's name is: "
print $ preview (pet . _Just . petName) jeff
print $ jeff ^? pet . _Just . petName
previewExamples :: IO ()
previewExamples = do
let maybeIntA = Just 1
maybeIntB = Nothing :: Maybe Int
print "maybeIntA"
print $ maybeIntA ^? _Just
print "maybeIntB"
print $ maybeIntB ^? _Just
let justiceCity = Just 1
crashCity = Nothing :: Maybe Int
print "Unwrap this Maybe Int or die"
print $ justiceCity ^?! _Just
print "Crash city"
-- print $ crashCity ^?! _Just
setExamples :: IO ()
setExamples = do
let bob = User (UserName "bob") 0 Nothing HM.empty
print "Bob, with an updated score"
print $ set score 42 bob
print $ (score .~ 42) bob
print $ bob & score .~ 42
fancySetExamples :: IO ()
fancySetExamples = do
let bob = User (UserName "bob") 0 Nothing HM.empty
print "Bob"
print $ bob
& userName .~ (UserName "Bill")
& score .~ 50
& pet ?~ (Pet (PetName "Fitzgerald"))
print $ bob & pet .~ Just (Pet (PetName "Fitzgerald"))
print $ bob & pet ?~ (Pet (PetName "Fitzgerald"))
overExamples :: IO ()
overExamples = do
let fitz = Pet (PetName "Fitz")
bob = User (UserName "bob") 0 (Just fitz) HM.empty
print "Bob scores a point. Way to go, Bob."
print $ bob & score %~ (\sc -> sc + 1)
print $ bob & score %~ (+1)
print $ over score (+1) bob
print $ bob & score +~ 1
let bobWithFitzy = bob & pet . _Just . petName %~
(\(PetName n) -> PetName (T.concat [n, "y"]))
print $ bobWithFitzy ^? pet . _Just . petName
atIxExamples :: IO ()
atIxExamples = do
let bob'sInventory :: Inventory
bob'sInventory = HM.fromList
[ ("gold", Item 99 10)
, ("silver", Item 10 9)
bob = User (UserName "bob") 42 Nothing bob'sInventory
print "Printing Bob's gold value"
print $ bob ^? inventory . at "gold" . _Just . value
print $ bob ^? inventory . ix "gold" . value
print $ bob ^? inventory . at "doesnotexist" . _Just . value
print $ bob ^? inventory . ix "doesnotexist" . value
print "Bob finds a diamond"
let bobFindsDiamond = bob & inventory . at "diamond" ?~ (Item 1000 1)
bobFindsDiamond' = bob & inventory . at "diamond" .~ (Just (Item 1000 1))
print $ bobFindsDiamond ^? inventory . ix "diamond"
print $ bobFindsDiamond' ^? inventory . ix "diamond"
print "Bob loses his gold, some points, and is sad"
let bobLosesGold = bob
& inventory . at "gold" .~ Nothing
& score %~ (\s -> s - 41)
& userName .~ UserName "Sad Bob"
print $ bobLosesGold ^? inventory . at "gold"
print $ bobLosesGold ^. inventory . at "gold"
print $ bobLosesGold ^? inventory . ix "gold"
print $ bobLosesGold ^. score
print $ bobLosesGold ^. userName
atIxNonExamples :: IO ()
atIxNonExamples = do
let bob = User (UserName "bob") 42 Nothing HM.empty
defaultGoldItem = Item 0 0
print "Return the value of Bob's gold, whether he has it or not."
print $ bob ^. inventory . at "gold" . non defaultGoldItem . value
print $ bob ^? inventory . at "gold" . _Just . value
toListOfExamples :: IO ()
toListOfExamples = do
let tory :: Inventory
tory = HM.fromList [ ("gold", Item 99 10)
, ("silver", Item 10 9)
bob = User (UserName "bob") 42 Nothing tory
print "A list of Bob's items"
print $ bob ^.. inventory . folded
print $ toListOf (inventory . folded) bob
print "Bob uses ifolded . asIndex to list itemNames."
print $ bob ^.. inventory . ifolded . asIndex
print "Bob's filtering to only his valuable items."
print $ bob ^.. inventory . folded . filtered (\item -> (item ^. value) > 50)
return ()
hasGotcha :: IO ()
hasGotcha = do
let bob = User (UserName "bob") 42 Nothing HM.empty
print "Has bob gold in his inventory?"
print $ has (inventory . ix "gold") bob
let richBob = User (UserName "bob") 42 Nothing
$ HM.fromList [("gold", Item 10 10)]
print "Has bob gold in his inventory?"
print $ has (inventory . ix "gold") richBob
hasn'tExample :: IO ()
hasn'tExample = do
let bob = User (UserName "bob") 42 Nothing HM.empty
print "Hasn't bob gold in his inventory?"
print $ hasn't (inventory . ix "gold") bob
main :: IO ()
main = do
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