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Created January 23, 2021 06:35
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%rendering of gravity model, Gapcynski et al., 1969
%coefficients taken from
close all;
resolution =75;
GM = 4902.58;
a = 1738.09;
r = a+0.00001;
lambda = deg2rad(linspace(-180,180,resolution));
phi = deg2rad(linspace(-90,90,resolution));
[LAMBDA, PHI] = meshgrid(lambda, phi);
degree = 7;
C = zeros(degree,degree+1);
S = zeros(degree,degree+1);
C(2,1) = -2.192E-4; %C20
C(2,2) = -0.9019E-5; %C21
C(2,3) = 0.3293E-4; %C22
C(3,1) = -0.1953E-4; %C30
C(3,2) = 0.2718E-4; %C31
C(3,3) = 0.6932E-5; %C32
C(3,4) = 0.2583E-5; %C33
C(4,1) = -0.8989E-5; %C40
C(4,2) = 0.8125E-5; %C41
C(4,3) = -0.2822E-5; %C42
C(4,4) = -0.1828E-6; %C43
C(4,5) = 0.6060E-7; %C44
C(5,1) = 0.3220E-5; %C50
C(5,2) = -0.3245E-5; %C51
C(5,3) = 0.8523E-6; %C52
C(5,4) = -0.4586E-6; %C53
C(5,5) = -0.2826E-7; %C54
C(5,6) = -0.1936E-9; %C55
C(6,1) = 0.1506E-4; %C60
C(6,2) = 0.1551E-4; %C61
C(6,3) = -0.1652E-5; %C62
C(6,4) = -0.2460E-6; %C63
C(6,5) = -0.5457E-7; %C64
C(6,6) = 0.2515E-8; %C65
C(6,7) = -0.3282E-10; %C66
C(7,1) = 0.5640E-4; %C70
C(7,2) = 0.5677E-5; %C71
C(7,3) = -0.5746E-6; %C72
C(7,4) = -0.6442E-7; %C73
C(7,5) = -0.1880E-7; %C74
C(7,6) = -0.5815E-9; %C75
C(7,7) = -0.5716E-9; %C76
C(7,8) = -0.1045E-9; %C77
S(2,2) = -0.5564E-5; %S21
S(2,3) = -0.3910E-5; %S22
S(3,2) = 0.4071E-5; %S31
S(3,3) = 0.4413E-5; %S32
S(3,4) = 0.6349E-6; %S33
S(4,2) = 0.1862E-5; %S41
S(4,3) = -0.1717E-5; %S42
S(4,4) = -0.1571E-5; %S43
S(4,5) = -0.2726E-6; %S44
S(5,2) = -0.1005E-4; %S51
S(5,3) = -0.6792E-6; %S52
S(5,4) = 0.8224E-6; %S53
S(5,5) = 0.1271E-7; %S54
S(5,6) = 0.3457E-9; %S55
S(6,2) = -0.5958E-5; %S61
S(6,3) = -0.6825E-6; %S62
S(6,4) = -0.1144E-6; %S63
S(6,5) = -0.1924E-7; %S64
S(6,6) = -0.2040E-7; %S65
S(6,7) = -0.9527E-9; %S66
S(7,2) = -0.7902E-5; %S71
S(7,3) = -0.1048E-5; %S72
S(7,4) = 0.3588E-7; %S73
S(7,5) = 0.6937E-8; %S74
S(7,6) = 0.4537E-8; %S75
S(7,7) = 0.8406E-9; %S76
S(7,8) = 0.1266E-9; %S77
Pnm = 0;
U = zeros(length(phi),length(lambda));
for ii = 1:length(phi)
for jj = 1:length(lambda)
for n = 2:degree
Pnm = legendre(n,sin(phi(ii)));
for m = 0:(n-1)
U(ii,jj) += ((a/r)^n)*Pnm(m+1)*...
U(ii,jj) = (GM/r)*(1+U(ii,jj));
[X,Y,Z] = sph2cart(LAMBDA,PHI,U);
colormap jet;
shading interp;
set(gca,'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1])
[Cplot,h_plot] = contourf(rad2deg(LAMBDA),rad2deg(PHI),U,15);
colormap jet;
grid on;
grid minor;
pbaspect([2 1 1]);
xlabel("Lunar Longitude");
ylabel("Lunar Latitude");
xticks([-180, -150, -120, -90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180]);
yticks([-90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90]);
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