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Created September 12, 2021 22:40
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#NASSP SPSDK Tank simulator;
#inital conditions are set up to demo a CSM O2 Tank
clear all;
close all;
n_itterations = 1000;
itteration = 0;
global delta_time = 0.01;
global mass;
mass = [145149.5584,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];#g;
global Q;
Q = 19590000.0;
global Volume = 133.9387;
global Press = 0;
global Temp = 90;
global total_mass = 0;
global vapor_mass;
vapor_mass = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];#g;
global MAX_SUB = 9;
global MMASS;
MMASS = [31.998, 2.01588, 18.01528, 28.0134, 44.01, 33.434432, 92.146, 92.01, 4.00260 ]; #g/mol
SPECIFICC = [1.669, 9.668, 4.184, 1.040, 0.858, 3.691041, 2.9056392, 1.270, 5.193 ]; #J/g-K .. assume constant
global VAPENTH;
VAPENTH = [213.13, 445.46, 2260.0, 198.83, 347.0, 1769.195, 991.01556, 414.3, 0.0829 ]; #J/g
global VAPPRESS;
VAPPRESS = [1314841.0, 4925221.0, 39441.0, 1528361.0, 493284.0, 25639.45, 21722.212986, 206782.99342, 14778377.09 ]; #Pa @ 273.00K
global VAPGRAD;
VAPGRAD = [6556.0, 19045.0, 680.0, 7228.0, 4800.0, 52.87, 111.1, 1754.255683, 874.9447005 ]; #Pa/K.. assume linear dependence of PV / K
global L_DENSITY;
L_DENSITY = [1141.0, 70.0, 1000.0, 807.0, 1014.0, 1038.5, 899.0, 1450.0, 0.164 ]; #g/L @ 103kPa ..assume constant wrt. temp
global BULK_MOD;
BULK_MOD = [32e6, 24e6, 2.18e6, 32e6, 32e6, 2.55e6, 1.47397e6, 1.362e6, 10e6 ]; #Pa .. assume constant and converted from m^3 to L
global CRITICAL_P;
CRITICAL_P = [350115.0, 89631.0, 1523741.0, 234421.0, 508833.0, 3097574.75, 11692906.154, 10132500.0, 226968.0224 ]; #Pa.. critical pressure
global CRITICAL_T;
CRITICAL_T = [154.7, 33.2, 647.3, 126.2, 304.4, 256.9525, 607.15, 431.15, 5.19 ]; #K.. critical temperature
##VdW_A = [1.382E-5, 0.2453E-5, 5.537E-5, 1.37E-5, 3.658E-5, 17.2785E-5, 11.575E-5, 0, 0.0346E-5 ]; //Van der Waals Coefficient Pa*L^2/Mol^2
##VdW_B = [0.03186, 0.02651, 0.03049, 0.0387, 0.04286, 0.091195, 0.07315, 0, 0.0238 ]; //Van der Waals Coefficient B, L/mol
##HvapA = [0.03186, 0.02651, 0.03049, 0.0387, 0.04286, 0, 0, 0, 0.0238 ];
global R_CONST = 8314.4621 ##(L*Pa)/(mol*K)
function q = Boil(dt,ii)
global vapor_mass;
global mass;
global VAPENTH;
global Q;
if vapor_mass(ii) + dt > mass(ii) - 1.0
dt = mass(ii) - 1.0 - vapor_mass(ii);
if dt < 0
q = 0;
if Q < VAPENTH(ii) * dt
dt = Q / VAPENTH(ii);
vapor_mass(ii) += dt;
Q -= VAPENTH(ii) * dt;
q = -VAPENTH(ii) * dt;
function q = Condense(dt,ii)
global vapor_mass;
global mass;
global VAPENTH;
global Q;
if vapor_mass(ii) < dt
dt = vapor_mass(ii);
vapor_mass(ii) -= dt;
Q += VAPENTH(ii) * dt;
q = VAPENTH(ii) * dt;
function m = GetMass()
global MAX_SUB;
global mass = [9];
global total_mass;
mass_temporary = 0;
for ii=1:MAX_SUB
mass_temporary += mass(ii);
total_mass = mass_temporary;
m = mass_temporary;
function ThermalComps(dt)
global mass;
global MAX_SUB;
global MMASS;
global L_DENSITY;
global BULK_MOD;
global VAPPRESS;
global VAPGRAD;
global R_CONST;
global total_mass;
global vapor_mass;
global Q;
global Temp;
global Volume;
global Press;
##1. compute average temp
AvgC = 0;
vap_press = 0;
for ii = 1:MAX_SUB
AvgC += mass(ii) * SPECIFICC(ii);
if GetMass() > 0;
AvgC = AvgC / total_mass;
Temp = Q / AvgC / total_mass;
Temp = 0;
##2. Compute average Press
m_i = 0; ##mols
NV = 0; ##litres
PNV = 0;
tNV = 0;
for ii = 1:MAX_SUB
m_i += vapor_mass(ii) / MMASS(ii);
density = L_DENSITY(ii);
if(ii == 1)
density += 0.56 * Temp * Temp - 134.0 * Temp + 6900.0;
elseif(ii == 2)
density += 0.03333 * Temp * Temp - 4.3333 * Temp + 73.3333;
tNV = (mass(ii) - vapor_mass(ii)) / density; ##Units of L
NV += tNV; ##Units of L
PNV += tNV / BULK_MOD(ii); ##Units of L/Pa
m_i = -m_i * R_CONST * Temp; ##Units of L*Pa
NV = Volume - NV; ##Units of L
delta = delta = (NV * NV) - (4.0 * m_i * PNV); ##delta of quadric eq. P^2*PNV+ P*NV + m_i = 0
if PNV > 0
Press = (-NV + sqrt(delta)) / (2.0 * PNV);
Press = 0;
for ii = 1:MAX_SUB
vap_press = VAPPRESS(ii) - (273.0 - Temp) * VAPGRAD(ii); ##this is vapor pressure of current substance
if vap_press > Press
Q += Boil(dt,ii);
Q += Condense(dt,ii);
Press_array = zeros(1,n_itterations);
Temp_array = zeros(1,n_itterations);
time_array = zeros(1,n_itterations);
vapor_fraction_array = zeros(1,n_itterations);
Q_array = zeros(1,n_itterations);
time = 0;
while(itteration < n_itterations)
itteration = itteration+1;
Press_array(itteration) = Press*0.000145038;
Temp_array(itteration) = Temp;
vapor_fraction_array(itteration) = (sum(mass)-sum(vapor_mass))/sum(mass);
Q_array(itteration) = Q/sum(mass);
time_array(itteration) = time;
time += delta_time;
AX = plotyy(time_array,Press_array,time_array,Temp_array);
grid on;
grid minor;
xlabel("Time [sec]");
ylabel(AX(1),"Pressure [PSI]");
ylabel(AX(2),"Temperature [K]");
AX2 = plotyy(time_array,vapor_fraction_array,time_array,Q_array);
grid on;
grid minor;
xlabel("Time [sec]");
ylabel(AX2(1),"Vapor Fraction");
ylabel(AX2(2),"Specific Energy [J/g]");
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