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Last active May 17, 2016 01:36
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theory of worlds and beyond
//道生一 Tao Create One 1D
let tao = () => ({
_tao: this,
state: [],
//1D properties, laws, limits
// idea
//anymethod can only reach to it's current property to create
//next level/dimension/creation
//一生二 One Create Two 2D
two() {
//ulimate 1d connection
_one: this,
state: [],
//2D properties, laws, limits
//that's two extreme opposition comes from 1d
//for example.
//ying, yang,
//negativ, positive
//true, false
//'left', 'right'
//gaining, losing
//hot, cold
//mastering certain '2d' law will be able to create
//a '3d' form, property
//二生三 Two Create Three 3D
three() {
//like above
_two: this,
state: [],
//'3d' properties were all result from using '2d' properties
//There is an also an balance state which when 2d properties are equal to each other
//like quantom state {true, true} or {false, false}
// x = {left, right}, y={left, right}, z={left, right}
// temperature = {hot, cold}
// charges = {postive, negative}
// all the basic 2d element are there but not the 'mock' ones
//3d Element
//三生万物 Three Create All/4D, Objects and everything we known
_three = this,
state = [],
//world objects/properties are result of multiple 3d properties
//ie. currently known smallest element
//Quark = {x,y,z,charges,temperature,mass, on}
//objects combinations can use each other since the root is from 2d properties
//proton = {quark ...}
//cell = { dna ... }
//human = { cell ... }
//a 5d world or 4 dimension can exists but
//it has to build on top of 3d properties
//like the structure and pass on to 5,6,7d
//this world is the result of the '3Ds' its using
return this.state[this.state.length -1]
//this 3d become one of the 2d states, as there will be different 3d elements generate from above
return this.state[this.state.length - 1]
//this 2d become one of the 1d state, as there will be different 2d element generate from 1d
return this.state[this.state.length - 1]
let universe = tao().two().three().world();
//is escape out of this cycle
//in the mean of everything
//states are immutable at it's level
//rock has it's own state, but not able to access most parent property
//but once one 'gain access' to it's parent properties, it's abling to change certain object base on that properties
//human moving object
//human has access of certain properties, make use it to make tools to access other properties
//and eventualy like hosipital operation, human will able to replace all it's properties or adding more
//once one 'gain enough access/master the law', it become the 'god' of that `dimension`
//once one 'gain access' to it's parent 'variable', one now become an property of it's upper dimension
//and can possibly able to manipulate the state of the dimension he came from
//now it become the beyond god of it's older dimension but it does not matter
//so time does not exists because it's all base on human/object perception
//thus normal concept of time is only porpotional to an average human lifespan
//in reality, it's just change of state
//an object moving from a->b is just a state change.
// atmoic clock
// the element has it's own state
// 1s is compare to the elment's state change
// for it to work properly, there must be a 3D basic(universal) law/rule of change posistion state
// which x amoutn of stable excution = x amount of excution of change position
// but overall, its still used to compare with human perception
//time travel
//an hibernation is time travel to future since your state is not changing but others object does
//speed of light
//since distance
//imortal is justing maintaing balance of overall state of human properties
//clone does not exists
//and it 'exists because' observable state or property is the same
//but the parent state will never be the same
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