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Last active March 18, 2016 09:19
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#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::Round;
sub sysinfo {
my ($args, $server, $win_item);
my $basic = basic();
my $uptime = uptime();
my $memory = memory();
my $cpu = cpu();
my $output = join(' | ', ($basic, $memory, $cpu, $uptime));
print "$output\n";
sub basic {
my ($hostname, $uname, $procs);
chomp ($hostname = `hostname`);
chomp ($uname = `uname -srm`);
($hostname) = $hostname =~ /([^\.]*)/;
return sprintf('%s/%s', $hostname, $uname);
sub uptime {
my @uptime = split(/ /, `uptime`);
my ($days, $hours, $minutes);
if (grep { $_ eq 'mins,' } @uptime) {
($hours, $minutes) = (0, $uptime[6]);
$days = $uptime[3];
} elsif (grep { $_ eq 'hrs,' } @uptime) {
($hours, $minutes) = ($uptime[6], 0);
$days = $uptime[3];
} else {
($hours, $minutes) = split(/:/, $uptime[5]);
$days = $uptime[3];
$minutes =~ s/,//;
return sprintf('up: %dd %dh %dm', $days, $hours, $minutes);
sub memory {
my ($size, $free);
my @memory = split(/\n/, `sysctl -a | grep "hw.*mem"`);
my %info;
foreach my $line (@memory) {
my ($handle, $value) = split(/:\ /, $line);
$info{$handle} = $value;
my $hw_total_gb = nearest(.01, ($info{'hw.physmem'} /= 1024) / 1024);
my $used_total_gb = nearest(.01, ($info{'hw.usermem'} /= 1024) / 1024);
my $percentage = calc_percentage($hw_total_gb, $used_total_gb);
return sprintf('mem: %d/%dMB (%d%%)', $used_total_gb, $hw_total_gb, $percentage);
sub cpu {
my @cpu = split(/\n/, `sysctl -a | grep -E "hw.(model|ncpu)"`);
my ($core_handle, $cores) = split(/: /, $cpu[1]);
my ($proc_handle, $proc) = split(/: /, $cpu[0]);
return sprintf('cpu: %s (%d core)', $proc, $cores);
sub calc_percentage {
my ($haystack, $needle) = @_;
return nearest(.001, ($needle * 100) / $haystack) || 0;
=head1 NAME
Get a BSD system's information and stats - CPU, RAM, uptime, disk etc.
Based on sysinfo-dg, may still contain some boilerplate from that script.
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