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Created November 1, 2023 23:32
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require 'securerandom'
module OmniEmbedSdk
def self.dashboard_url(content_id:, external_id:, domain: '', name:, nonce:nil, org_name:, port: nil, secret:, user_attributes:nil)
login_url = "https://#{org_name}.#{domain}#{port ? ":#{port}" : ''}/embed/login"
content_path = "/embed/dashboards/#{content_id}"
nonce ||= SecureRandom.alphanumeric(32)
signature = sign(login_url: login_url, content_path: content_path, external_id: external_id, name: name, nonce: nonce, secret: secret, user_attributes: user_attributes)
query_params = {
:contentPath => content_path,
:externalId => external_id,
:name => name,
:nonce => nonce,
:signature => signature
query_params[:userAttributes] = JSON.generate(user_attributes) if user_attributes
:host => "#{org_name}.#{domain}",
:port => port,
:path => "/embed/login",
:query => query_params.to_query
def self.sign(login_url:, content_path:, external_id:, name:, nonce:, secret:, user_attributes:nil)
user_attributes = user_attributes ? JSON.generate(user_attributes) : ''
signing_str = <<~HEREDOC
signing_str = signing_str.strip
p signing_str
digest ='sha256')
hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, secret, signing_str)
Base64.urlsafe_encode64(hmac, padding: false)
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