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Last active December 12, 2015 08:39
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dispatch 0.9 meetup api example



import dispatch._


def api = host("").secure
val key = Map("key" -> "yourapikey")


def profiles(group: String) = (
    api / "2" / "profiles.xml" <<? 
      key ++ Map("group_urlname" -> group,
                 "order" -> "interesting") >

val profs = Http(profiles("Scala-Berlin-Brandenburg"))


val ps = profs()

val names = for {
  name <- ps \\ "item" \ "name"
} yield name.text


val bios = for {
  item <- ps \\ "item"
} yield {
  (item \ "bio") {


for {
  (name, bio) <-
} {


Moar concurrency

val idsPromise =
  for (p <- profs)
    yield for (id <- (p \\ "member_id").take(10))
      yield id.text


def groups(memberId: String) = (
  api / "2" / "groups.xml" <<? 
    key ++ Map("member_id" -> memberId) >


val memberGroups = for {
  id <- idsPromise.values
  gs <- Http(groups(id))
} yield gs \\ "urlname"


val flattened =
  for (members <- memberGroups)
    yield for {
      member <- members
      group <- member
    } yield group.text


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