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Created August 7, 2020 17:49
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* Performs a greedy algorithm on the chunk vmaf data to produce a list of cq values that maximizes the average vmaf of
* the entire encode without going over the [SIZE_LIMIT].
* This is a variation of the 0-1 knapsack problem. Due to the extra constraint of needing one of each chunk, the
* pseudo-polynomial algorithm cannot be applied. Instead, we make the following assumptions to reach a good local
* maximum.
* For any chunk c and cq value q,
* - vmaf(c, q - 1) > vmaf(c, q) and
* - size(c, q - 1) > size(c, q) and
* - vmaf(c, q - 1) / size(c, q - 1) ≈ vmaf(c, q) / size(c, q)
* where
* - vmaf(c, q) is the vmaf of a chunk c at cq-value=q and
* - size(c, q) is the size of a chunk c at cq-value=q
* @param cvmafs A 2d array of chunk data such that `cvmafs[i][q]` gets the data for the ith chunk encoded at cq-level=q
* @return An IntArray such that for the ith chunk, `return[i]` is the optimal cq value for that chunk
* */
fun greedyAlgorithm(cvmafs: Array<Array<Chunk>>): IntArray {
// set the cq for all chunks to the highest cq (lowest quality)
val currentChunkCqs = IntArray(cvmafs.size) { cvmafs.first().size - 1 }
var currentSize = getTotalSizeFromChoices(cvmafs, currentChunkCqs)
// incrementally increase the quality of a chunk
while (true) {
// get the chunk that will most benefit the total vmaf if its cq were to be increased
val availableSize = SIZE_LIMIT - currentSize
val (bestChunkIndex, sizeIncrease) = getBestChunkToIncrease(cvmafs, currentChunkCqs, availableSize)
// if there isn't a scene we can increase without going over the size limit
// we have reached the end of our search
if (bestChunkIndex < 0) break
// increase the quality and update the size
currentSize += sizeIncrease
// if we hit our target vmaf already we can exit
if (getAverageVmafFromChoices(cvmafs, currentChunkCqs) > VIDEO_VMAF_EARLY_EXIT) break
return currentChunkCqs
* Greedily gets the best chunk to increase the cq of that will most increase the worth of the entire encode.
* @param cvmafs A 2d array of chunk data such that `cvmafs[i][q]` gets the data for the ith chunk encoded at cq-level=q
* @param currentChunkCqs An IntArray such that for the ith chunk, `currentChunkCqs[i]` is the current cq value for that
* chunk
* @param availableSize The available size left in the encode. Wont return a chunk that would exceed this size
* @return A pair of the index of the best chunk to increase and the change in size increasing that chunk would require
* */
fun getBestChunkToIncrease(cvmafs: Array<Array<Chunk>>, currentChunkCqs: IntArray, availableSize: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
var bestChunk: Int = -1
var bestWorth: Double = 0.0
var bestSizeIncrease: Int = 0
// consider each chunk
for (chunkIndex in cvmafs.indices) {
val currentCq = currentChunkCqs[chunkIndex]
var proposedCq = currentCq - 1
// we have already maxed out the cq for this chunk
if (currentCq == 0) continue
// if this chunk's vmaf is already really high, don't include it
if (cvmafs[chunkIndex][currentCq].averageVmaf > CHUNK_VMAF_EARLY_EXIT) continue
// calculate the worth of increasing this chunk
var thisChunksWorth = getChunkWorth(cvmafs, chunkIndex, currentCq, proposedCq)
// it is possible for the chunk worth to be negative if a higher cq leads to a lower quality.
// usually this is a small difference due to error in vmaf. if this is the case, try proposing a lower cq
// to see if it's just an abnormality. can provide substantial boost to greedyAlgorithm result (~+0.07)
if (thisChunksWorth < 0 && proposedCq >= 1) {
thisChunksWorth = getChunkWorth(cvmafs, chunkIndex, currentCq, proposedCq)
// if we increased this chunk, how much would be added to the file size
val sizeIncrease = cvmafs[chunkIndex][proposedCq].size - cvmafs[chunkIndex][currentCq].size
// make sure increasing this chunk wouldn't be too costly
if (sizeIncrease > availableSize) continue
// if this chunk's better than the best one we've found, set the best to this
if (thisChunksWorth > bestWorth) {
bestChunk = chunkIndex
bestWorth = thisChunksWorth
bestSizeIncrease = sizeIncrease
return Pair(bestChunk, bestSizeIncrease)
* Calculates the worth of decreasing the cq value (increasing quality) for a chunk from [currentCq] to [proposedCq].
* The worth is calculated by the following equation:
* worth = delta vmaf sum / delta size
* @param cvmafs A 2d array of chunk data such that `cvmafs[i][q]` gets the data for the ith chunk encoded at cq-level=q
* @param chunkIndex The index of the chunk to consider decreasing the cq of
* @param currentCq The current cq of the chunk
* @param proposedCq The proposed cq of the chunk
* @return The worth of changing [chunkIndex] from cq=[currentCq] to cq=[proposedCq]
* */
fun getChunkWorth(cvmafs: Array<Array<Chunk>>, chunkIndex: Int, currentCq: Int, proposedCq: Int): Double {
// get how much size changes if we change to the proposed cq value
val currentSize = cvmafs[chunkIndex][currentCq].size
val proposedSize = cvmafs[chunkIndex][proposedCq].size
val sizeIncrease = proposedSize - currentSize
// get how much vmaf score changes if we change to the proposed cq value
val currentVmafs = cvmafs[chunkIndex][currentCq].vmafSum
val proposedVmafs = cvmafs[chunkIndex][proposedCq].vmafSum
val vmafIncrease = proposedVmafs - currentVmafs
// return the vmaf increase per bytes
return vmafIncrease / sizeIncrease.toDouble()
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