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Forked from mps/Localizable.strings
Created June 27, 2013 11:29
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Save nWidart/5875755 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/* Localized versions of Info.plist keys French */
"Credits" = "Crédits";
"Here are some great libraries I used to create this application:" = "Here are some great libraries I used to create this application:";
"About" = "À propos";
"Thank You" = "Remerciements";
"Thank you to the amazing team at GitHub for creating a great product, without their hard work, none of this would have been possible." = "Merci à l'équipe extraordinaire à GitHub pour créer un excellent produit, sans leur travail acharné, rien de tout cela n'aurait été possible.";
"About the Developer" = "À propos du Développeur";
"Icon Design" = "Icon Design";
"Error" = "Erreur";
"Oops, something went wrong..." = "Oups, il ya un problème...";
"Copy link" = "Copier le lien";
"Copy link with line number" = "Copier le lien avec le numéro de ligne.";
"E-mail link to this file" = "E-mail lien vers ce fichier";
"Cancel" = "Annuler";
"Oops, cannot load this file..." = "Oups, ne peut pas charger le fichier...";
"OK" = "OK";
"Enter line number" = "Entrez le numéro de la ligne.";
"GitHub Blog" = "GitHub Blog";
"Loading Blog Entries" = "Chargement blog";
"Edit Issue" = "Modifier numéro";
"New Issue" = "Nouvelle numéro";
"Leave a comment" = "Laissez un commentaire";
"Saving Issue..." = "Sauve le numéro...";
"Issue saved!" = "Le numéro est sauvé!";
"Please enter a title." = "S'il vous plaît entrer un titre.";
"No one is assigned" = "Personne n'est assigné";
"Milestone" = "Milestone";
"Clear assignee" = "Effacer cessionnaire";
"Clear milestone" = "Effacer l'étape importante";
"No milestone" = "Aucune étape importante";
"Reopen" = "Rouvrez";
"reopened" = "rouvert";
"Close" = "Fermez";
"Closed" = "Fermé";
"closed" = "fermé";
"Open" = "Ouvert";
"Opened" = "Ouvert";
"Updated" = "Mis à jour";
"Labels" = "Labels";
"opened this" = "ouvert cette";
"is assigned" = "est attribué";
"issue" = "numéro";
"Issue" = "Numéro";
"pull request" = "pull request";
"Pull Request" = "Pull Request";
"Pull Requests" = "Pull Requests";
"added a commit" = "added a commit";
"This pull request can be automatically merged." = "This pull request can be automatically merged.";
"We cannot automatically merge this pull request." = "We cannot automatically merge this pull request.";
"Loading Issue..." = "Loading Issue...";
"Loading Comments..." = "Loading Comments...";
"Search GitHub" = "Search GitHub";
"Search GitHub Jobs" = "Search GitHub Jobs";
"Searching GitHub Jobs..." = "Searching GitHub Jobs...";
"Searching Users..." = "Searching Users...";
"Searching Repos..." = "Searching Repos...";
"Loading Activity..." = "Loading Activity...";
"What would you like to do?" = "What would you like to do?";
"Where you would like to share this?" = "Where you would like to share this?";
"Home" = "Home";
"Notifications" = "Notifications";
"Search" = "Search";
"Issues" = "Issues";
"Repositories" = "Repositories";
"Repos" = "Repos";
"Users" = "Users";
"Stars" = "Stars";
"stars" = "stars";
"Feedback" = "Feedback";
"Setup" = "Setup";
"GitHub Jobs" = "GitHub Jobs";
"MISC" = "MISC";
"Code" = "Code";
"Commits" = "Commits";
"Contributors" = "Contributors";
"Loading Notifications..." = "Loading Notifications...";
"Notifications can be loaded every" = "Notifications can be loaded every";
"seconds" = "seconds";
"Comments cannot be empty silly :)" = "Comments cannot be empty silly :)";
"Loading..." = "Loading...";
"Comment saved." = "Comment saved.";
"Loading Pull Request..." = "Loading Pull Request...";
"Loading Commits..." = "Loading Commits...";
"Merge Pull Request" = "Merge Pull Request";
"Are you sure you would like to merge this pull request?" = "Are you sure you would like to merge this pull request?";
"Merge" = "Merge";
"Pull Request Merged" = "Pull Request Merged";
"Comment" = "Comment";
"Loading User..." = "Loading User...";
"Loading Repos..." = "Loading Repos...";
"Loading Members..." = "Loading Members";
"Loading Stars..." = "Loading Stars...";
"Loading Followers..." = "Loading Followers...";
"Loading Following..." = "Loading Following...";
"Loading Code..." = "Loading Code...";
"Loading File..." = "Loading File...";
"Loading Issues..." = "Loading Issues...";
"Loading Pull Requests" = "Loading Pull Requests";
"Loading Code..." = "Loading Code...";
"Loading Branches..." = "Loading Branches...";
"Follow" = "Follow";
"Unfollow" = "Unfollow";
"You are now following" = "You are now following";
"You have unfollowed" = "You have unfollowed";
"following" = "following";
"followers" = "followers";
"Sign in to GitHub" = "Sign in to GitHub";
"Starred" = "Starred";
"Unstarred" = "Unstarred";
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