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Last active November 7, 2023 12:52
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Sharing objects between custom server and Remix code (aka. Use in Remix)
import debug from "~/server/debug";
const d = debug(false)!;
* Dynamically require some module. This can be useful to import a module which is initialized in the server entrypoint
* and you want to import and access it from remix routes. Otherwise, with static imports, Remix would bundle all modules
* and local variables of module won't be shared
* One caveat is that we cannot use this in routes directly, otherwise the route will not be defined correctly
const requireCommon = (moduleName: string) => {
let module;
if (__dirname.endsWith("/dist")) {
// This is /dist/index.js that imports something under app directory.
// Remix (which uses rollup?) keeps require() as it is in index.js and places the module to under dist/app/..., so we point to the built module here.
module = moduleName.replace("~/", "./app/");
`import ${module} from server bundle at ${__dirname} (originally requiring ${moduleName})`
} else if (__dirname.endsWith("/sockets")) {
// Imported from other files under sockets
module = moduleName.replace("~/sockets/", "./");
`import ${module} from sockets at ${__dirname} (originally requiring ${moduleName})`
} else {
// Imported from Remix bundle
module = moduleName.replace("~/", "../dist/app/");
`import ${module} from remix bundle at ${__dirname} (originally requiring ${moduleName})`
return require(module);
export default requireCommon;
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