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Forked from bendangelo/EventManager.cs
Last active October 31, 2016 08:43
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Unity3D C# Event Manager
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class EventManager : MonoBehaviour {
public bool LimitQueueProcesing = false;
public float QueueProcessTime = 0.0f;
private static EventManager s_Instance = null;
private Queue m_eventQueue = new Queue();
public delegate void EventDelegate<T> (T e) where T : GameEvent;
private delegate void EventDelegate (GameEvent e);
private Dictionary<System.Type, EventDelegate> delegates = new Dictionary<System.Type, EventDelegate>();
private Dictionary<System.Delegate, EventDelegate> delegateLookup = new Dictionary<System.Delegate, EventDelegate>();
private Dictionary<System.Delegate, System.Delegate> onceLookups = new Dictionary<System.Delegate, System.Delegate>();
// override so we don't have the typecast the object
public static EventManager Instance {
get {
if (s_Instance == null) {
s_Instance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType (typeof(EventManager)) as EventManager;
if (s_Instance == null) {
Debug.LogError ("There needs to be one active EventManager script on a GameObject in your scene.");
return s_Instance;
private EventDelegate AddDelegate<T>(EventDelegate<T> del) where T : GameEvent {
// Early-out if we've already registered this delegate
if (delegateLookup.ContainsKey(del))
return null;
// Create a new non-generic delegate which calls our generic one.
// This is the delegate we actually invoke.
EventDelegate internalDelegate = (e) => del((T)e);
delegateLookup[del] = internalDelegate;
EventDelegate tempDel;
if (delegates.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out tempDel)) {
delegates[typeof(T)] = tempDel += internalDelegate;
} else {
delegates[typeof(T)] = internalDelegate;
return internalDelegate;
public void AddListener<T> (EventDelegate<T> del) where T : GameEvent {
public void AddListenerOnce<T> (EventDelegate<T> del) where T : GameEvent {
EventDelegate result = AddDelegate<T>(del);
if(result != null){
// remember this is only called once
onceLookups[result] = del;
public void RemoveListener<T> (EventDelegate<T> del) where T : GameEvent {
EventDelegate internalDelegate;
if (delegateLookup.TryGetValue(del, out internalDelegate)) {
EventDelegate tempDel;
if (delegates.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out tempDel)){
tempDel -= internalDelegate;
if (tempDel == null){
} else {
delegates[typeof(T)] = tempDel;
public void RemoveAll(){
public bool HasListener<T> (EventDelegate<T> del) where T : GameEvent {
return delegateLookup.ContainsKey(del);
public void TriggerEvent (GameEvent e) {
EventDelegate del;
if (delegates.TryGetValue(e.GetType(), out del)) {
// remove listeners which should only be called once
foreach(EventDelegate k in delegates[e.GetType()].GetInvocationList()){
delegates[e.GetType()] -= k;
if(delegates[e.GetType()] == null)
} else {
Debug.LogWarning("Event: " + e.GetType() + " has no listeners");
//Inserts the event into the current queue.
public bool QueueEvent(GameEvent evt) {
if (!delegates.ContainsKey(evt.GetType())) {
Debug.LogWarning("EventManager: QueueEvent failed due to no listeners for event: " + evt.GetType());
return false;
return true;
//Every update cycle the queue is processed, if the queue processing is limited,
//a maximum processing time per update can be set after which the events will have
//to be processed next update loop.
void Update() {
float timer = 0.0f;
while (m_eventQueue.Count > 0) {
if (LimitQueueProcesing) {
if (timer > QueueProcessTime)
GameEvent evt = m_eventQueue.Dequeue() as GameEvent;
if (LimitQueueProcesing)
timer += Time.deltaTime;
public void OnApplicationQuit(){
s_Instance = null;
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