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Last active October 17, 2017 11:41
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  • Save naamancampbell/6eac21ef25adc9180e7410af684be6b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Automatically provisions new Lets Encrypt SSL certificate (using AWS Route 53 DNS verification) and adds to Windows Local Machine certificate store. Route 53 IAM Role required.
# References:
# -
# -
# -
# -
$BaseDomain = ""
$FedServiceName = "sts.$BaseDomain"
$CertSANs = "$FedServiceName","enterpriseregistration.$BaseDomain"
$R53HostedZone = "XXXX"
$ChallengeParams = @{"HostedZoneId" = "$R53HostedZone"; "AwsIamRole" = "*"}
$InstallerParams = @{"StoreLocation" = "LocalMachine"}
$FedServiceAlias = ''
$ACMEAliasArray = $null
Set-PSRepository -InstallationPolicy Trusted -Name "PSGallery"
Install-Module ACMESharp -AllowClobber
Import-Module ACMESharp
Install-Module ACMESharp.Providers.AWS
Install-Module ACMESharp.Providers.Windows
Enable-ACMEExtensionModule ACMESharp.Providers.AWS
Enable-ACMEExtensionModule ACMESharp.Providers.Windows
Get-ACMEChallengeHandlerProfile -ReloadProviders
Get-ACMEInstallerProfile -ReloadProviders
Initialize-ACMEVault -BaseService LetsEncrypt
New-ACMERegistration -Contacts "" -AcceptTos
foreach ($CertSAN in $CertSANs) {
$AliasDate = Get-Date -Format FileDateTime
$ACMEAlias = "$CertSAN-$AliasDate"
if ($CertSAN -match $FedServiceName) {
$FedServiceAlias = $ACMEAlias
Write-Output "New ACMEIdentifier: $CertSAN - $ACMEAlias"
New-ACMEIdentifier -Dns $CertSAN -Alias $ACMEAlias
Write-Output "Complete ACMEChallenge: $ACMEAlias"
Complete-ACMEChallenge -ChallengeType dns-01 -Handler aws-route53 -IdentifierRef $ACMEAlias -HandlerParameters $ChallengeParams -Force
[Array]$ACMEAliasArray += $ACMEAlias
foreach ($ACMEAlias in $ACMEAliasArray) {
Write-Output "Submit ACMEChallenge: $ACMEAlias"
Submit-ACMEChallenge $ACMEAlias -ChallengeType dns-01
(Update-ACMEIdentifier $ACMEAlias -ChallengeType dns-01).Challenges | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "dns-01"}
Update-ACMEIdentifier $ACMEAlias
# use exponential backoff until challenge is valid
$BackOffSeconds = $null
foreach ($n in (1 .. 10)) {
$BackOffSeconds = [Math]::Pow(2, $n)
if (!(Get-ACMEIdentifier | Where-Object Status -like "pending" | Where-Object Alias -match "$ACMEAlias")) {
} else {
(Update-ACMEIdentifier $ACMEAlias -ChallengeType dns-01).Challenges | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq "dns-01"}
if ($BackOffSeconds -gt 600) {
Throw "Timed out waiting for Domain Validation"
} else {
Write-Output "Domain Verification for $ACMEAlias is still pending..."
Write-Output "Waiting for $BackOffSeconds Seconds"
Start-Sleep -Seconds $BackOffSeconds
$AliasDate = Get-Date -Format FileDateTime
$CertAlias = "Cert-$FedServiceName-$AliasDate"
Write-Output "New ACMECertificate: $CertAlias"
New-ACMECertificate $FedServiceAlias -Generate -AlternativeIdentifierRefs $ACMEAliasArray -Alias $CertAlias
Write-Output "Submit ACMECertificate: $CertAlias"
Submit-ACMECertificate $CertAlias
$ACMECert = Update-ACMECertificate $CertAlias
$ACMEThumbprint = $ACMECert.Thumbprint
Write-Output "ACMECertificate Thumbprint: $ACMEThumbprint"
Write-Output "Install ACMECertificate: $CertAlias"
Install-ACMECertificate -CertificateRef $CertAlias -Installer win-cert -InstallerParameters $InstallerParams
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